
We shall call it; Bitcoin Intelligence...

The enormous ascertaining energy of quantum PCs will have the capacity to break Bitcoin security inside 10 years, say security specialists.

Bitcoin is overwhelming the world. The decentralized computerized cash is a protected installment stage that anyone can utilize. It is free from government impedance and worked by an open, shared system.

Hey... I said we have soon Quantum BTC... Mr. @mirzaaliimran
quantum PCs is not just PC what just break the codes... if it can break this codes... it can but a new code up too, which is even more bigger then this last one. Cracking BTC down, it's just a little snowflake on the top of the hill... it shows that it can be made even stronger, as they say, in order to do something even bigger and better, you have to break this thing and put together again, in order to eliminate old mistakes.

I hope you open your mind .
and if you look at it carefully, how it is shown to the people at the moment...what they say is the Scare Tactics.
I say let it come... we need it.

I could not have said it better thank you great comment!!!