First, people may not know what quantum is. So, let's begin by clarifying what quantum is:

Referring to Quantum Physics, quantum is when the path of an electron that jumps between 2 orbits is never clearly defined. There is no smear, no defined path of the electron. One hypothesis is that the electron travels faster than the speed of light. Another hypothesis is that the electron passes through another dimension. In any case, there is NO CLEAR PATH.

So then, what is a Quantum Message?

A Quantum Message based upon the definition of Quantum above is a message between 2 points that has NO CLEAR CONNECTION. A Quantum Message between 2 senders HAS NO TRACE TO EITHER SIDE. Quantum Messages are the perfect way for people to communicate things that they do not want third parties to know anything about. Simply the medium, such as the platform (like YouTube) and the genre (such as something specific like music videos, so that too much searching is not necessary) is known between both the sender and receiver. In conclusion a message is ONLY Quantum when the creator of the message is 100% naive or innocent of what the message is used for. Thus, a Quantum Message is used between agents to communicate messages that keep BOTH SIDES CLEAR OF CONNECTION, keeping their hands clean of connections to events or orders of events to happen.

Omar Mateen (the shooter of the Orlando, Florida, nightclub) viewed "lookinthemirror's Loco Roco" as a Quantum Message for his actions. Omar Mateen would be Agent B, the receiver of the Quantum Message. Agent A, the sender (that directs what medium to look at) is not clearly defined in this particular scenario. Although some may have already reached their conclusions on such based upon evidence presented in the media as of late.

To prove a Quantum Message there must be at least 3 factors:

1: A message that apparently has connections to events that happen AFTER it is created, or events that could possibly happen but ONLY THROUGH VAGUE INTERPRETATION OF THE MESSAGE. No "conspiracy theory" videos or news reports are ever used in Quantum Messages to our knowledge. Lookinthemirror's Loco Roco has this property of being innocent and vague.

2: Some sort of connection between Agent A and Agent B must be known, regardless of no proof of their connection to the Quantum Message. You will see that the possibilities of this are now known publicly in relation to Omar Mateen.

3: The creator of the Quantum Message must have NO DIRECT RELATIONS to either Agent A nor Agent B and the creator of the Quantum Message must be 100% naive and innocent of what Agent B and/or Agent A uses the message for, such as (in this case) the massacre at the Orlando gay nightclub. The Quantum Message is vague and has no clear instructions and can be interpreted in multiple ways from multiple perspectives. Vague messages are chosen to keep Agent A and Agent B's hands clean from connection to each other in relation to any unsightly future event in the public eye.

Channel where you should go download the video now!

Certain strange "coincidences" of "lookinthemirror's Loco Roco" also relate to the Orlando shooting, besides the video itself. This is in regards to numbers, such as the number of comments was originally 49 before the Orlando terrorist event happened. In Orlando, 49 innocent people died. However, as with most YouTube videos, the comments usually increase over time, as do the views and such which change the numbers seen on the channel, in this way a Quantum Message "evolves". These factors are also why YouTube videos are perfect for use of Quantum Messages, because eventually the message itself fades (when other factors are included) due to changes over time and decrease in popularity due to age of the video. In some unfortunate instances the Quantum Message may evolve and may be used multiple times for multiple events based upon the perception of any possible receiver agents. So is it important for you to be able to identify Quantum Messages? Absolutely it is important, you may prevent a terrorist attack if you identify a Quantum Message AND can identify Agent B (at a bare minimum) who may carry out the attack or passes the received message to someone who does carry out the attack.

In order to understand the Quantum Message of Orlando (lookinthemirror's Loco Roco), you must view the video from an Islamic perspective (you must know the Muslim faith, although you may not necessarily practice it) and ALSO the personal perspective of Omar Mateen (or someone close to him that pointed him to this video being discussed). Basically, you must use your imagination to see the world through the eyes of Omar Mateen. Note, that Omar Mateen's father also does have a YouTube channel.

The following time-stamps within lookinthemirror's Loco Roco will help you understand the perspective of Omar Mateen and the use of lookinthemirror's Loco Roco as a Quantum Message. Also, note that some time-stamps may be left out to not make this article so lengthy and that other time-stamps may exist that you may find that others have not noted. Some time-stamps may not be entirely accurate, but accuracy is not necessary in any Quantum Message, the overall message in context is what is used when any Quantum Message is chosen. Vague messages within media are also preferred when choosing Quantum Messages. The video of "lookinthemirror's Loco Roco" is very vague at many points, and may be interpreted in many ways, but when applied from a certain perspective it makes perfect sense.

You must put yourself in the shoes of Omar Mateen to understand the perspective references:

@5:31 "ya been drinking too much again ?" referring to those who go to clubs or bars often and who drink too much. This does not necessarily mean Omar Mateen, but it does include those around him who drink too much which is often true at clubs. Alcohol consumption is not condoned in the Islamic faith.

@6:39 French music begins. The significance of this is that many in the Islamic world feel hatred towards not only America, but also the French. Unfortunately for the American and French people, the hatred is not directed only towards those who have issued orders (in Government) that have caused problems in the Middle East, but the hatred is directed towards the people of America and France, and the Western Culture itself. This is a premise of radical terrorism, such as Radical Islam, the hatred focuses on all people outside of themselves, including innocent civilians and even others who practice their same basic faith (such as Islam) who refuse to condone acts of terror.

@7:01 The bridge between the Islamic world and the West.

@7:17 The gay dance floor (Rainbow colours are almost always interpreted as a gay symbol in todays world). (Two women dancing together, or two female avatars who are seen as men in real life) Homosexuality is not condoned in the Islamic faith. In radical Islamic circles the only appropriate method of dealing with homosexuality is the execution of homosexuals. (NOTE: This is the perspective of Omar Mateen, THIS IS NOT OUR PERSPECTIVE and we do not condone harm towards people who are homosexual and neither should you. As long as they do not harm anyone else and do not push their lifestyle or any dominance upon you, then you should leave them alone!)

@7:40 The infiltration of the West by the Islamic world (Social Jihad). A sneaky path above the direct path of the bridge. The white tree represents the West. While the brown hut represents the Islamic world.

@8:36 The bedroom of either Omar Mateen's wife, or his mistress, or somebody significant in his life, or perhaps his goal in the afterlife. In the Middle East, Islamic women who appear white are prized far above darker women. In fact, physically attractive women who appear white are seen as goddess's in many Islamic circles. The Middle East also has a long history of enslaving and killing darker people, especially black people as they are seen as sub-human in many Islamic circles.

@8:40 The "swinger", a man (or woman) who plays around with multiple people in sexual relationships. Keep in mind that the overall perspective and view here relates to Omar Mateen's life and/or people around him such as at the gay nightclub in Orlando.

@8:52 The "gay" bug who is eyeing the woman that Omar has a relationship with (his wife or mistress) or the woman that Omar wants, or the woman who Omar feels that he will be with in the afterlife. This interpretation from Omar's perspective would be due to the bug being pink, which is also often symbolic of gay lifestyles in todays world. The "gay" pink bug is a serious threat to Omar in this symbology.

@9:02 Still being drunk and still angry about the "gay" bug who threatens Omar's peace of mind.

@9:22 The game between the Islamic world and China in their competition of influence over the Western world. In simple terms, from Omar's perspective, the darker pieces would represent the people of any non-western culture (including the Middle East) and the Yellow pieces would represent the Chinese. People may not say or use such simplified views upon people of other cultures in most media, however, when Quantum Messages are used, the interpretations are simplified to the most basic and carnal interpretations of the receiver (Agent B), such as Omar Mateen. Terrorists have very simple and carnal mindsets, although they may not ever show such in any public forum due to their use of deceit.

@10:22 Another reference to drinking and having a good time. (Note that the glass having alcohol in it is ONLY due to perspective, it could be filled with water or a non-alcoholic beverage)

@11:47 She is asleep and does not realize what is going on. Omar may have interpreted this avatar as his wife or another close female friend.

@11:59 The Arabian world, symbolized by the Egyptian avatar. Note this is only Omar's perspective and not the perspective intention of the video.

@13:13 The "V" and the Arabian world within the "V" is a significant marker from Omar's perspective in vengeance against the Western culture. Once again, note that this was NOT the intent of the video, but is simply the perspective interpretation of Omar's view upon the video.

@14:09 The two female dancers above the "gay" dance floor represent heaven and a reward for Omar Mateen. Omar views the female dancers in white clothes as virgins while viewing the women in darker clothing as worldly women who are not virgins. They also represent Omar's personal struggles, as his association with gay men cause him to "look in the mirror" and question his own sexuality, which damn's himself within his own Islamic faith. The irony here is that Omar also may have viewed himself as the second mirror (who has an axe representing violence from Omar's perspective), dancing with the virgin woman in white. Remember, that from the perspective of radical Islam, if you commit a Jihad (murder of infidels), then you are released from your sins and you will go to heaven to be with many virgins. Also note that this is the highest point of any female avatars.

@16:40 Confirmation from Omar's perspective that the woman in white is a virgin and a reward for his Jihad. (Without the music, this is not as apparent of a perspective)

@16:50 "The Sun, even more beautiful." (Audio within the music) is represented by the orange or red cube based upon Omar's perspective. Cube shapes are very significant within the Islamic faith.

@17:45 "Beautiful." (Audio within the music) Note that the "gay" dance floor is gone within the background. This time is immediately after @17:44 which may represent 144 in another perspective of Omar as he tries to figure out a message that he believes is meant for him. 144 is representative in Christian belief for ascension and may have been Omar's interpretation of the ascension of the gay Christians who died in Orlando after his Jihad. Certain Islamic circles have spoke of how gays will go to heaven when killed in a Jihad and that it is the only "compassionate" solution to dealing with gays. Once again, note that this was Omar's interpretation of "lookinthemirror's Loco Roco" and that this WAS NOT the intention of the video when it was made.

@19:05 This avatar may represent Omar's view upon the possibility of his own future son (Sun interpreted as Son) being on a gay dance floor at some point in the future. Being a female avatar, it also represents that his son may have a sex change done due to his associations with gay men. From Omar's perspective, he must stop this possible future from happening. It also may represent another future wife (Sun interpreted as wife or Allah in the afterlife) to Omar, and that she may become "gay" from influence of the opposite avatar dancing in black who Omar views as homosexual (regardless of whether the person behind the avatar is male or female), they are in black and are seen as worldly by Omar.

@19:36 The Latin music applies to Omar's perspective in the type of club (in Florida) and the majority of those who frequent the club as being Hispanic or Latino. The "Loca" in the music also signifies to Omar that the dance floor is crazy and not something acceptable by the wishes of Allah.

@22:50 The diseased "gay" bug in pink from Omar's perspective who wants to get inside the tree of life with his wife or future wife. This may have been the moment that Omar felt that he must act and do something.
@23:01 The diseased "gay" bug in pink appears right over the female avatar dancer in black upon the "gay" dance floor. This is a confirmation in Omar's view of the female avatar in black being gay.

@23:31 The taunting of the "gay" Hispanic community upon Omar as having control over what it should not have control over in his view.

@23:41 The Arabic phoenix. (Notice the tattoo upon the Egyptian avatar's lower back) From Omar's perspective this is representative of the Arab spring in America.

@24:23 The Arab representative has control over the worldly woman in black. This is Omar's perspective only, once again, this was NOT the original intention of "lookinthemirror's Loco Roco".

@25:03 More taunting towards Omar from the gay Hispanic community.

@26:45 Omar may have interpreted the music as saying "honest" to him as the sneaky social Jihad continues above the "gay" dance floor. This is confirmation to Omar as his moral "high ground" for Jihad.

@27:39 Omar's sexual reward in heaven upon completion of his Jihad. Note that this was a perspective of Omar and NOT the intention of the original video. The original "lookinthemirror's Loco Roco" is simply pointing out a unique glitch and the sexy avatar of lookinthemirror.

@28:18 Representative of heaven to Omar in his view of the video. Note that the "male avatars", the "mui mui" are still above the women in heaven. They are upon the white tree above the hot tub and up above in the resting area with the "Sun" before the diving board bed. This coincides with men as always being superior to women in the Islamic faith.

@30:22 Depending on the amount of time that Omar gave in study of this video, he may have also interpreted the umbrella as the Rothschild family (Orange and white) in having control over food (the picnic basket below) sanctions and thus having control over not only the Arabic world but also the worldly woman in the black bikini.

@30:32 There is a distinct symbolic separation of the virgin woman in heaven from the worldly woman laying down by poles of fire.

@31:02 Omar approaching his reward in heaven. From Omar's perspective, the female avatar in white is representative of the virgins in heaven while the opposite avatar may represent Omar himself since Omar may have felt sexually confused (he may have believed that he will become female in heaven) or Omar simply views the opposite female avatar as himself, since behind the avatar could be a male.

@32:40 A signal that Omar interpreted as how he should look at himself and his life if he wants his virgin rewards in heaven.

@33:00 The worldly women are still asleep.

@33:27 Aircraft sounds over a doghouse, the doghouse being interpreted as representative of Muslims by Omar.

@34:04 The Democratic party (Blue cube) taunting the Republican party (Red cube) and the Western world (White hammock) as interpreted by Omar. This interpretation may be indicative of Omar sacrificing himself for events to unfold. Once again, this WAS NOT the original intention of this video.

@35:49 The blonde avatar may represent Hillary Clinton from Omar's perspective? Remember that Omar was a member of the Democrat party and Omar had stated that he would be voting for Hillary Clinton. Once again, this WAS NOT the original intention of this video.

@38:43 The separation of the female avatar in black from her hand holding the staff of light may have been interpreted as "theft" of the light (the Sun) by worldly Western gays by Omar and that he had to do something about it.

@39:48 "Why?" in the music. From Omar's perspective this represents "why" of the "gay" dance floor. That it is a special message to him, questioning why he engages with gay people.

@39:58 "pay the price" in the music, with the bridge between the Muslim world and the West. Many Muslims would rather not deal with Westerners if they did not have to, thus from Omar's perspective, this is the "price".

@40:08 "we aren't going anywhere tonight" From Omar's perspective, this is indicative of the gay night club in Orlando and that nobody will be going home.

@40:22 "say I hate you, but I always stay" From Omar's perspective, this may very well have to do with his relations with his wife at the time of his viewing of "lookinthemirror's Loco Roco".

@40:59 After: "everybody's talking about the next thing, feeling like what they got ain't good enough" And the avatar representing the "virgins" in heaven appears from Omar's perspective.

@41:56 After: "I want you here and now" The bed is shown telling Omar that he must do "it" (his Jihad) soon to get his sexual heavenly reward, from Omar's viewing perspective. Once again, this WAS NOT the original intention of this video.

@42:32 Another interpretation by Omar of his reward in heaven. "Nobody loves like you do" may also be interpreted by Omar as Allah himself talking to Omar and that God loves him. Although, deep in Omar's mind he may see himself as the female avatar in the pink "gay" bikini in hell (below the "gay" dance floor), if he questions deep within himself the validity of his Jihad. The irony of this possible interpretation by Omar is that no matter where he ends up in the afterlife (or prison if he got caught?), he will be getting some fine sex? Once again, this WAS NOT the original intention of this video.

@43:59 After: "You do the things you do" with the treasure chest of gold in the background, interpreted by Omar as the greed of the Western world that belongs in hell (below the tree of life).

@44:10 After: "entrust to tell the truth" with the treasure chest of gold in the background, interpreted by Omar as the real motivation behind the actions of the West or perhaps even his own lies in his relations with other men that was reportedly hidden from his wife.

@44:40 After: "to make room for the door" from Omar's perspective this confirms his Jihad as an exit from life and his vengeance upon those ideals that he does not agree with.

@44:44 "clear off the floor" in the music. This is indicative to Omar to clear off the gay nightclub dance floor.

@45:44 After: "leave the battle lines, when you feel no night, leave it all behind, it'll be alright", to Omar this is his signal of the time (at night) to carry out his Jihad.

@45:51 After: "keep it in your sights", this is indicative to him to keep the nightclub in his sights. Once again, this WAS NOT the original intention of this video.

@47:49 After: "you do the things you do" in the music and "bye bye" sounded by the "mui mui king" (which may represent Obama to Omar) and then "entrust to tell the truth" with the "mui mui king" still in the background may be interpretations by Omar of him having known that Obama knows more than he says about things in the world. Note that Omar Mateen had several connections to parts of governments on many levels that has publicly been shown by this time.

@48:09 From Omar's perspective, this is Obama handling of the United States of America, represented by the red, white, and blue, beach ball while the Chinese government waits nearby, represented by the yellow avatar creature nearby. Omar did have mental health issues, but public records show that he was an intelligent man.

@52:49 An important marker of an exclamation point appears briefly above the "gay" dance floor in the background. This is confirmation to Omar that this Quantum Message was meant for him. Once again, this WAS NOT the original intention of this video. The exclamation point appears briefly because the controller to the PS3 was separated from the cord to the PS3 for a moment during the original recording and the video was edited during these points which made the time of the exclamation point even more brief than before. The exclamation point means NOTHING and was never intentional in the video.

@56:05 Allah is asleep and at peace after Omar's Jihad, from Omar's perspective.

@57:47 After: "You're not breaking me" in the music shows a lookinthemirror avatar in the background. To Omar, lookinthemirror may represent Islam, the people of the Arabic world, or even Omar himself as he may see himself as a female in heaven.

@58:05 After: "I wanna make a difference" was interpreted by Omar as his Jihad plans. Once again, this WAS NOT the original intention of this video.

@59:03 After: "You'll find me at Church" which to Omar confirms that the female avatar in black on the "gay" dance floor is not Muslim. Islam has Mosques, not Churches. Omar must have had multiple interpretations of "lookinthemirror's Loco Roco!" in simultaneous thought which shows mental instability, but would further confirm to him that the Quantum Message was meant for him.

@1:01:57 (60 minutes in an hour) The kiss upon the avatar's butt that represents the virgins in heaven to Omar, is confirming obedience to Allah and the Islamic faith in Omar's mind to receive his reward for his Jihad.

@1:02:25 After: "I remember when I lost my mind" is interpreted by Omar as when he was sexually confused or when he wanted to be a woman and could not deal with such insanity. Quite often, those that are insane believe that they are perfectly normal. Immediately after this point, it also confirms that Omar knew more about the systems of the world than he would acknowledge to most people.

@1:03:37 After: "who do you think you are? Ha ha ha, bless your soul, you really think you are in control?" is reference to the worldly Western women in Omar's mind.

@1:03:44 At "Well" the video focuses on the dancer avatar that represents the Arabic world to Omar. The Arabic world to Omar is in control, especially over all the women.

@1:04:17 After: "all I remember is thinking, I wanna be like them", while showing the female avatars in the background. To Omar this represents the times when he felt that he wanted to be a woman.

@1:04:34 After: "and I can die when I am done" while showing the lookinthemirror avatar sticking her butt out at the white hammock, represents Omar after his Jihad (while in heaven as a woman) and him sticking his butt out at the Western world. Once again, this WAS NOT the original intention of this video.

@1:05:37 Omar's transformation in heaven (waving goodbye to this life) after his Jihad, as viewed by Omar.

@1:06:00 The ills of the world are spoken of. This is one of the few direct messages in "lookinthemirror's Loco Roco" video that do actually represent real situations within our world. This was intentional.

@1:06:33 Trying to wake people up to the ills of the world while shaking your butt should be effective, but unfortunately it does not always work and sometimes such as "lookinthemirror's Loco Roco!" the message is twisted by mentally ill Jihad extremists who use it for their own personal agendas of destruction.

@1:06:59 After: "Protecting our freedom" "WAKE UP" is shown to note that many wars are not necessary to protect the freedom or independence of America. The "price" of these unnecessary wars is emphasized by the lookinthemirror avatar disappearing. This was intentional.

@1:08:30 Allah is angry about the situation of the world, from Omar's perspective that is what this means. Although it is odd to see Allah as represented by a female avatar, you must keep in mind that in earlier videos on the "look in the mirror (mirror)" YouTube channel, that a question is presented in a previous video (Chamber Apartment) that "maybe god is female?" This is where Omar got this interpretation of Allah and it may also relate to his view of being a woman in heaven. Also note that Omar may also interpret avatars as neither male nor female, but only representative of the context of the video that they are presented in. Omar seeing himself as female inside, may be right on target, considering who he hung around with and how it drove him to madness.

@1:08:33 "I'm at your feet" confirms Omar's devotion to Allah in his view.

@1:08:50 After: "We can always play by ear" and showing the representative of social Jihad (the characters on the wooden device crossing over via the rope) in the background, as viewed from Omar's perspective.

@1:09:26 "Atrophy" may again confirm to Omar that the Quantum Message here was "meant for him" if he suffered from erectile dysfunction, which may have been the case considering that he should have been happy with his wife and not hanging out at gay night clubs, if he was indeed only a straight man.

@1:10:24 After: "I'll be there and you'll be near" showing the apparent club drink on screen may confirm again to Omar that Allah is talking to him and that his frequent nightclub visits are known and that Allah will be there nearby with him during his Jihad.

@1:12:32 The virgins (represented by the white clothed avatar) and the other women in heaven are telling Omar to "do it, do it, do it" in reference to his Jihad. This is another confirmation of what Omar felt he must do for his heavenly rewards, in his mind. Once again, this WAS ABSOLUTELY NOT the original intention of this video.

@1:13:32 "Are you ready?" is interpreted by Omar as asking him if he is ready to do his Jihad for his heavenly rewards. Once again, this WAS ABSOLUTELY NOT the original intention of this video.

@1:14:04 Represents Omar looking into the eyes of God. Keep in mind that Omar is mentally unstable and that he may view himself not only as receiving orders from Allah, but that he is Allah and that Omar may be a woman inside, as Allah may be a woman too (in Omar's interpretation).

@1:14:10 "Depends on you" is interpreted by Omar that everything depends on him in his delusion of granduer in his approaching Jihad. Omar's Jihad did very little to make anything better, it simply made Islam look even worse in the eyes of the world. This is why sane Muslims do not support Jihad or any potential Jihad in any way, shape, or form. However, for Omar, this Quantum Message was meant for him, sent directly from Allah him or herself (or perhaps sent from somebody else as Agent A in reality?).

@1:15:29 After: "drank too much last night, got bills to pay, my head..." and what may represent Allah to Omar appears, confirming to Omar yet again that everything relates to the gay nightclub and that Allah will reward and punish ("hell to pay") those involved appropriately after Omar's Jihad is over.

@1:15:44 After: "then you call me and it's not so bad" This may imply that Omar disclosed this Quantum Message to others (or it was disclosed to Omar to watch) who know about it and were also watching it. This would coincide with those who firmly believe that the Orlando massacre was a false flag event. Which it very well could have been to a certain degree based upon evidence released, or more importantly, the evidence NOT released in regards to the Orlando massacre.

@1:15:55 After: "I want to thank you, for giving me the best day of my life" showing the "gay" dance floor in the background, from Omar's interpretation is Allah or perhaps somebody else thanking Omar for his Jihad. Keep in mind that this Quantum Message is interpreted by extremists like Omar as timeless and applying to the past, present, and future. Once again, this WAS ABSOLUTELY NOT the original intention of this video.

@1:17:32 After: "...and oh, just to be with you" while showing the social Jihad representation onscreen (from Omar's interpretation) may indicate that others knew about Omar's Jihad plans.

@1:17:42 "wanna go out?" audio is heard in the background representing the gay men at the nightclub asking Omar if he wants to go out. And then right after that "killer, don't touch me" is heard which may represent to Omar the death risk of disease from being so promiscuous with gay or transgender men. Was Omar ill with an STD before his Jihad? We may never know.

@1:17:56 "get the f**k out" may represent Omar after a one night stand or what he may say to someone after a one night stand. This may also be interpreted as a view towards refugees or any group not wanted somewhere else. Once again, this WAS ABSOLUTELY NOT the original intention of this video. This musical sequence of Lady Gaga with Beyonce was only included as innocent humor and was NEVER meant for any crazy people to take in a serious manner.

@1:18:28 After: "Lady Gaga, you got a call" and showing the representation of America in the background being bounced around by perhaps Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga (and Beyonce) represents Western mainstream media music in many art forms and the depravity of Western culture as viewed by the Muslim world. These are Omar's interpretations and NOT the original intent of this video.

@1:18:52 After "Go girl!" and "get it! get it!" may represent in Omar's interpretation of himself getting some oral satisfaction from a transgender man or perhaps from the rare occurrence of himself with a lesbian woman when he is dressed as a woman? We do not know if Omar ever dressed up as a woman. Obviously, once again, this WAS NOT the original intention of this video. This part was humor meant for another friend and it was absolutely NOT MEANT for Omar Mateen or any crazy people like him.

@1:19:28 After "Hello baby, you called, I can't hear a thing, I got no service in the club you see see" is interpreted by Omar as his wife trying to call him while he is in the gay nightclub. This further confirms to Omar that Allah is watching him and knows what Omar does in his private life.

@1:19:55 After "knew that I was free" is Omar's interpretation that he is free to go ahead with his Jihad. Once again, this WAS ABSOLUTELY NOT the original intention of this video.

@1:20:04 After "Stop calling, stop calling, I don't want to think anymore" and the treasure chest shown onscreen may be Omar's interpretation of his anger towards his wife (due to his sexual confusion) while at the same time being rewarded for his Jihad in the future. Keep in mind that the reward for a Jihad in the Islamic faith is virgins in heaven, and that Omar is obviously not satisfied with his wife. Once again, this WAS ABSOLUTELY NOT the original intention of this part of the video or any part of the video.

@1:20:38 "Tweet" representing in Omar's view that he should maybe use Twitter as another ID to announce his Jihad? Or perhaps that his wife should only text him and never call him while he is at the gay nightclub.

@1:20:49 "It's your lucky day! Some idiot bailed you out." after which the avatar of Xotica_Goddess is shown in the background, which to Omar may represent Allah (female version) and would mean to Omar that in any end result of Omar's Jihad that Omar would be ok, such as that even if Omar failed, that Omar would be bailed out of prison. Once again, this WAS ABSOLUTELY NOT the original intention of this video.

@1:21:20 "You've been a very bad girl, Gaga." which to Omar represents the negative influence of Western media upon the Muslim faith. Lady Gaga is simply an artist to us and regardless of her connections, she, along with Beyonce is included in this video ONLY for humor and is NOT to be taken seriously by crazy people to do anything insane, such as a Jihad.

@1:21:43 After "Once you kill a cow, you got to make a burger" and showing the worldly Western woman in black in the background (which may also represent Omar's wife in his view, Muslim women in the west may be interpreted as Western women). Many Western women over-eat and are over-weight and thus the "cow" interpretation by Omar. Ironically, soon after this point in the video the representation of the Arab world (the Egyptian dancer is onscreen) which is closer to representation of a cow with having the black and white colours simultaneous upon the avatar. None of these interpretations were ever meant to be implied in the original creation of this video, the above interpretations are from Omar's perspective.

@1:21:49 After "Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it, if it is broke." and soon after "but you can still see the crack in that reflection" is Omar's interpretation of his infidelity with his wife or Omar doing wrong with gay men in Allah's eyes? Remember that Omar may have very well seen this Quantum Message as a message from God (or someone who knows everything about his life).

@1:22:08 After: "You blowing up my phone, won't make me leave no faster, put my coat on faster, leave my girls no faster!" refers to Omar being called by his wife while in the club with his "girls" who are actually gay or transgender men. Remember that Omar has a grandiose delusion and saw himself as anyone very important before his Jihad, including Lady Gaga and all the way up to Allah as well.

@1:22:32 The Rothschild umbrella of control (and reward) as viewed from various perspectives.

@1:22:33 Smacking the butt of the worldly Western women that Omar still finds attractive?

@1:22:37 "Hello?" heard faintly in the background while the worldy Western woman is onscreen shows Omar's desire to be noticed by Western women.

@1:23:00 After: "...cause I'll be dancing" while showing the virgin dancer representation onscreen, from Omar's perspective.

@1:23:28 Begins the story of worldly Western women while the representation of worldly Western women is shown onscreen, from Omar's perspective.

@1:24:06 After "When you and I were forever one" while traveling through the tunnel chute slide represents to Omar him cheating on his wife with another Western woman. Who could have that woman been? We may never know.

@1:24:47 After "Will you still love me when I am no longer beautiful?" represents from Omar's perspective the fear of Western women as they age and then the heavenly representation of "virgins" appears onscreen soon after this point, which gives Omar hope (through his Jihad) regardless of his relationships on Earth.

@1:24:55 After "I've seen the world, lit it up, as my stage now." representing to Omar not only Western women (Celebrities), but also Allah through Jihad, lighting up the World with terrorism. Once again, this WAS ABSOLUTELY NOT the original intention of this video at any point.

@1:25:59 After "Dear lord, when I get to heaven." and showing the representation of "virgins" in heaven as perceived by Omar is a confirmation to Omar that this Quantum Message was meant for him.

@1:26:03 After "...please let me bring my man!" represents perhaps Omar's gay lover (Egyptian dancer) from Omar's perspective. Remember that Omar may see himself as female in heaven and that his gay lover will become a straight man in heaven that loves Omar as a female. This is only an interpretation from Omar's perspective and was NOT intentional in the creation of this video.

@1:26:24 "He makes me shine like diamonds" perhaps Omar also saw himself as a Western woman in a deeper psychological delusion beyond simply being female? Grandiose delusions spawn many insane perspectives at the same time.

@1:26:35 The worldly Western woman is still asleep and this may represent any number of things to Omar.

@1:27:23 The cut-scene of adult erotica dancing begins which represents Omar (as the woman with the axe) dancing with one of his virgin "rewards" in heaven. Why did Omar see himself as the erotica dancer? Because Omar felt comfortable as a woman when surrounded by gay men in the nightclub and the axe that the female avatar dancer has represents Omar's Jihad to Omar. The adult erotica in this video is intentional, but was meant for more along the lines of humor of what many guys in PlayStation Home looked for all over the place. The adult erotica in this video was never meant for some crazy Jihadist like Omar Mateen!

@1:30:10 "You want sugar?" While focusing on the execution axe (Omar's perspective) may have represented to Omar his repressed anger towards women in his sexual frustration. Remember that Omar took this Quantum Message as personal to his life. That was never the intent in the original video creation, the intent was simply to show the sexual prowess of a strong woman dancing while showing cleavage of her butt.

@1:35:03 After "Dance or die!" is said in the music, the video soon shows the "gay" dance floor once again. To Omar this was simply another confirmation of the video being meant for him. This is only an interpretation from Omar's perspective and was NOT intentional in the creation of this video.

@1:35:30 "Loca, loca, loca!" on the "gay" dance floor represented to Omar the insanity of what he was doing in his life. In the original video creation it simply meant the crazy fun of dancing with friends and did not imply anything specific.

@1:36:47 another Latino/Hispanic reference to what type of dance floor that Omar was to target in his Jihad, from Omar's perspective. This is only an interpretation from Omar's perspective and was NOT intentional in the creation of this video.

@1:36:59 an Arabian woman holding a black rose, representing death from Omar's perspective.

@1:37:16 Omar seeing himself as the Arabian woman while his buddies, the "mui mui" wave goodbye to him.

@1:37:44 After "Meet cha downstairs" may have represented to Omar the personal hell that he was going through in his life before his Jihad. This was obviously NOT the intent in the original creation of this video.

@1:37:55 After "What did you do with him today?" was representative of Omar or Omar's wife asking one or the other what they did with someone else. Infidelity was obviously a factor in Omar's life and his interpretations of it in this video made it even more personal for him.

@1:39:00 After "This is when my buzzer goes." showing the "gay" dance floor again in the background, another conformation to Omar in his view of the video.

@1:39:04 The pink "gay" bug appears again which from Omar's perspective only confirms the meaning of the video once again. In the original video creation, the pink bug is simply something silly and annoying and it does not represent anything "gay".

@1:39:54 The sound of a snake hissing is heard in the background. This may have represented the gay men lurking within Islamic circles throughout Omar's life to Omar? This WAS NOT intentional in the original creation of this video and is simply here due to where it ended up as it is part of the music.

@1:40:19 After "Then you notice little carpet burn." May have been interpreted by Omar as his wife being caught cheating on him with another woman? We may never know.

@1:40:29 "To truly stuck the knife in first." May represent to Omar that his wife cheated on him long ago before Omar cheated on her? We may never know.

@1:41:01 "I told ya, I was trouble and that I'm no good." While showing the female avatar lookinthemirror which represents Omar in the female form. Keep in mind that Omar had multiple interpretations of this video simultaneously. Jihad is something that those who practice extreme radical Islam take very seriously, and Omar took this Quantum Message as personal to his life and destiny. The above interpretation WAS NEVER intentional in the original creation of this video.

@1:41:13 After " good." Shows the "gay" dance floor once again in the background. This confirms once again to Omar his Jihad objective. This is from Omar's perspective, NOT from the original video creation perspective.

@1:41:35 Xotica_Goddess is seen with lookinthemirror looking towards where the "gay" dance floor (Omar's view, NOT ours) was and "saying goodbye" is seen onscreen. The "gay" dance floor is now gone in this part of the video. To Omar this is a clear indicator that he must commit Jihad in the Orlando gay nightclub in order to end it. This was absolutely NOT the intention in the original video creation, "saying goodbye" simply meant saying goodbye to the virtual world of PlayStation Home and saying goodbye to some of our friends who played that virtual world and who did not leave a forwarding address.

@1:42:20 This represents contraction of an STD to Omar. (The entire song during this time of the video represents infidelity and knowing about it) Which is actually what it represents in the original creation of this video too. However, from our perspective, this is ONLY A JOKE and is not meant to be taken seriously. Neither of us have an STD.

@1:43:55 This represents the "virgins" (as represented by the white clothed avatar to Omar) in heaven getting angry at the female version of Omar for his infidelity. Once again, in the original creation of this video, Omar's view was not the intention nor was it meant to be implied, this scene was simply placed as my significant other was pissed at me for not being faithful to her in the past.

@1:44:27 This may represent "forgiveness" to Omar for his deeds (including his future deed of Jihad) by both the "virgins" in heaven (in white) and the worldly women (in black) due to both of them being asleep at the same time with "Zzz" above their heads. In the original creation of this video that was not the intention nor implication, however, I am not going to go into that in detail since it does not relate to this.

@1:45:16 "Make me go to rehab" song begins (Rehab song by Amy Winehouse) and Omar may have very likely had some drug use problems (which is not uncommon among those who frequent nightclubs) or perhaps it was representative to him of a sexual addiction to men? We may never know, however, THAT was not meant to be implied in the original creation of this video.

@1:47:01 "I'm gonna lose my baby" which to Omar may have represented his wife possibly leaving him due to infidelity. Divorce is unacceptable in the strict Islamic faith and is seen as a sincere shame.

@1:47:59 This may represent the female version of Omar with his buddies on the "sexual slide" as interpreted by Omar. However, once again, this WAS NOT the intention nor implication in the original creation of this video.

@1:48:25 After "No, no, no" a photo is shown which may represent in Omar's mind that he does not find worldly women attractive anymore? We may never know.

@1:48:39 After "...and if my daddy thinks I'm fine." This may refer to Omar (from Omar's perspective) in his relations with his gay friends. This part of the video is simply part of the song and was not meant to mean anything specific in regards to anyone, other than in some adult relationships, some women may call their lover "Daddy" as a term of affection.

@1:51:12 This represents Hillary Clinton again to Omar Mateen? We may never know. However, in the original creation of this video, these sequences simply relate to a friend who is long gone before PlayStation Home closed and whose avatar was used by another friend in this video.

@1:54:34 "goodbye Loco Island" is seen onscreen while the worldly Western woman in black is no longer present. This may have represented the conquering of Western women by Omar from his perspective while viewing this video.

@1:54:48 A Quantum jump of sandy islands is shown in the background. Although that was not necessarily intentional in the original creation of "lookinthemirror's Loco Roco" and was simply meant as a neat effect.

@1:55:43 This is possibly a very strange interpretation by Omar of Hillary Clinton becoming him in the female form below. This was only meant as a neat effect in the original video creation and was never meant to imply such nonsense!

@1:57:10 The sequence of Xotica_Goddess begins, which from Omar's view represents the vengeful female form of Allah. In the original creation of this video, the dedication to Xotica_Goddess meant nothing more than a salute to her devotion as a friend who helped film the actual video recording within PlayStation Home, although she did not create nor did she edit the "lookinthemirror's Loco Roco" film itself.

@1:57:44 "...and at one point decides, or tells you, in a very special way, that this isn't really right." Which from Omar's perspective that meant reference to the "gay" dance floor not being "right". To us it simply meant that cheating on each other within virtual worlds is just as wrong as cheating on each other in real life. It also is simply part of the song which is dedicated to Xotica_Goddess and her devotion as a friend regardless of her temper. (She has a bad temper, but she also has a very loving heart)

@1:58:35 Is an audio pop that I was not able to edit out of the original song source used. This audio pop was simply coincidence as it appeared over the "gay" dance floor (in Omar's perspective). From Omar's viewpoint this audio pop was his signal to use a gun at the Orlando gay nightclub. The audio pop never meant anything special and it was simply left in the music since removing it would have made the song skip, however, from the view of a crazy Jihadist such as Omar Mateen it meant everything and confirmed not only his Jihad, but what weapon he should use. Audio pops are something that may trigger future crazys within music videos who view the video as meant for them, so I would look for audio pops in videos and try to determine if they are intentional or not and see if they could possibly relate to any known crazys out there. Note that videos interpreted by crazy people as Quantum Messages are not going to be pure gaming videos such as GTAV full of guns and shooting and such, they will always be videos where the effect is subtle as interpreted as hidden and special for whatever particular crazy person that views the video. Once again, the audio pop at this point and its timing was pure coincidence and was entirely unintentional in relation to any violent act. The audio pop does exist in the original song source used from YouTube.

@1:58:48 "destiny" is heard in the song while showing Xotica_Goddess in the background. Xotica_Goddess represents the female form of Allah to Omar, and he saw his destiny as being with Allah in heaven, thus him carrying out his Jihad. However, once again, this WAS NOT the intention nor implication in the original creation of this video.

@2:02:10 Once again, deep within Omar's mind he may see himself as the female avatar in the pink "gay" bikini in hell (below the "gay" dance floor), if he questions deep within himself the validity of his Jihad. The irony of this possible interpretation by Omar is that no matter where he ends up in the afterlife (or prison if he got caught?), he will be getting some fine sex? Once again, this WAS NOT the original intention of this video and the exact OPPOSITE was meant in the creation of this video that love is the point of life, and NOT HATE.

@2:06:29 The "I feel love" mix by Donna Summers begins. And this was probably interpreted by Omar Mateen as Allah feeling love for him because of his Jihad upon the Orlando gay nightclub dance floor. Keep in mind that Omar's perspective is timeless in viewing of this video, covering the past, present, and future of his life. Once again, this WAS NOT the original intention of this video and the exact OPPOSITE was meant in the creation of this video of how love is the best part of life, and NOT HATE.

@2:06:46 "me gots all da b!tches!" which to Omar represents his future Jihad upon the gay nightclub. However, that was not the intent in the original creation of this video. In the original creation the "me gots all da b!tches!" part simply refers to SONY who has the original PlayStation Home virtual world and ALL OUR AVATARS. Notice the Sony trademark ding in the background sound, any other interpretation by religious extremists is simply absurd and was absolutely never the intention in the creation of "lookinthemirror's Loco Roco!".

@2:09:56 The sequence of travels by the "worldly Western woman" begins as interpreted by Omar. Omar's interpretation WAS NOT the intention in the creation of this video, this was simply another part of the video dedicated to a good friend who left her avatar in the virtual space while she was asleep.

@2:11:53 After "...had to turn my heart away." May represent Omar turning his heart away from the Arabic world (in his view, represented by the Egyptian dancer)? Once again, this is simply coincidence and was never meant as the intent nor implication in the creation of the original video.

@2:12:20 Omar interprets this part as himself as lookinthemirror with one of his gay friends? Which is absolutely absurd, since we DO NOT and have NEVER KNOWN Omar Mateen ever at any point in our lives. This is why that we know now (among other public information) that not only was Omar Mateen an extreme religious fanatic, but that he was bat-shit crazy.

@2:12:22 Represents the broken heart of my significant other who was used by a friend within PlayStation Home and who was thrown away like trash after the fact. To Omar this may represent either himself (as a female) or his wife due to his troubled relationships.

@2:12:48 After "No right, no wrong, selling a song." and showing the Egyptian dancer in the background may represent to Omar the deceit used in the Muslim world against any perceived "infidels". To us it represents a former friend who is a total asshole.

@2:13:10 The video focuses on my Christian friend while "Barracuda" is spoken in song. Immediately after this point "I feel love" starts up in the Donna Summer mix. To Omar this may represent his love/hate relationship with Christians. However in the original creation of the video, this is half coincidence, although my friend represented here is not necessarily an easy person to deal with.

@2:13:58 What sounds like "set me up" is heard within the music. What this would have meant to Omar is not quite clear. Although in the original creation of "lookinthemirror's Loco Roco" this is simply coincidence and was not meant to mean anything other than maybe I subconsciously knew that some other assholes from PlayStation Home were trying to make me look like some other crazy stalker jerk who was actually harassing friends of mine. The stalker guy was actually harassing family of my friends that he found through Facebook, which is why I rarely ever use Facebook. This is part of the video that really bothers me because it makes me wonder if "Agent A" actually exists and that Omar may have not simply been some random Jihadi sleeper cell who was crazy enough to view this video as meant for him.

@2:14:33 The sequence with our lookinthemirror avatars begins. This part may have been interpreted by Omar as seeing his Jihad accomplished in the future, since the "gay" dance floor is not seen in these photos. However, that is not what is meant by this sequence, this sequence simply shows our Loco Island before the final glitchs were done, the island before anything was glitched, long, long ago, and the original Loco Island glitchs.

@2:15:35 "What are you still doing in that computer? Do you know what time it is?" is said and Omar may have interpreted this as him needing to get his Jihad plans underway. However, in the creation of this video this simply refers to me spending too much time on the creation of this video and that I needed to get it done.

@2:15:51 Is one of our avatars giving the peace sign. To Omar, this may not mean anything. However to us it simply meant that we were tired of the stupid drama related to PlayStation Home and that we were actually happy that it was over because of all that crap drama.

@2:17:17 One of our avatars is shown on the beach holding the black "death" rose which to Omar of course would have represented his successful Jihad, but to us only meant the death of PlayStation Home and the loss of our beautiful avatars.

@2:18:00 "I will always love you." is heard. That may mean Omar's love for Hillary Clinton from his perspective??? To us it simply means our love for each other and the friends that we made through PlayStation Home who are actually friends and not assholes who only care about themselves.

@2:18:49 One of our avatars is seen that fades away. It represents to us the loss of everything connected to PlayStation Home that was good. To Omar Mateen, it probably represents the crazy delusion of his female self passing on into the afterlife.

@2:18:57 The island probably again represents the Arabic world to Omar.
I will make it very clear to as why I wrote this article on this video being used as a Quantum Message (or it being mistaken as a Quantum Message).

#1 To teach people what to look for when Agents use Quantum Messages to communicate with each other. This may help prevent future catastrophes by getting the word out and exposing such things. We felt that due to our video being used as a Quantum Message (by mistake?) that we may be the next target of crazy people. Crazy people have already been following us around in real life. Laugh if you want, but this is a fact.

#2 To make it VERY CLEAR that neither I, nor my significant other, know Omar Mateen, nor ANY of his family, in any form. We never knew the guy, not in the past, not now, and we never want to know anymore about him other than what is publicly available through others who investigate him. At this time we request that you all PLEASE respect our anonymity since revelation of exactly who we are may not only jeopardize our lives, it may also jeopardize the lives of many innocent friends and family (because paranoid people may attack them). We know that some agencies may be very well aware of who we are, and we request that they please not make this worse than it already is. We were in a tough spot before I created this article. Damned if we do, and damned if we don't. So I created this article so that the world may clearly know that we are innocent of this crap that we have been thrown into. If this escalates for whatever reasons (we felt it was only a matter of time before something happens to us anyway), we do request the assistance of the Whistle-blowers Defense League and anyone else out there who may actually care about innocent people like us being used like this and wants to help in some way. Our channels and all our videos were only made for fun and entertainment (with a tiny bit of education), they were never meant to be used by crazy people to cause events in the future. We will never collect money from our channels on YouTube as we do not trust that our anonymity will be protected there. If you are the type of crazy person who goes out and does that crazy destructive crap, that's on YOU, not us. I will post a link to this article on the look in the mirror (mirror) channel under commentary in the lookinthemirror's Loco Roco to prove that I am indeed the owner of that channel and that this is no joke. If in this case that I am unable to do that (or in the case that it is removed) it will be due to censorship by YouTube or Google+. I will post a link on my Twitter account or my significant others Twitter account as well. Hopefully something will work and remain there as evidence. If I can't save myself and those I love, maybe at the very least I can help to prevent this from happening to other innocent people.

#3 I am very pissed that we have been used like this. I accept that I may end up dead because of this, but my significant other does not deserve this and neither do I. Our families also do not deserve to be connected to this crap in any way shape or form as they do not know anything about it.

I request that every single person reading this article PLEASE download the video and re-upload it with sound with your own commentary. I don't give a damn what you do with it in your commentary as long as you keep the entire video and a copy of the original video. Look for whatever you see in the video or comment on your own perspective of what you may think Omar Mateen saw in the video that he felt was meant for him. YouTube may remove the video due to these revelations, however, if enough of you download copies of it and make commentary on how it relates to Omar Mateen's Jihad and then you re-upload it somewhere, then you will be protecting us and the many innocent people connected to us by keeping the story public. You may monetize the video with your commentary on it anywhere online, I don't care, but on YouTube they will remove it if you try to monetize it with the copyright music included. I, nor my significant other, will ever pursue any copyright in relation to lookinthemirror's Loco Roco, if it is not taken down by you then that means the website that you use has taken it down and NOT US. This is not a hunch, Omar Mateen was Agent B in the Quantum Message of our "lookinthemirror's Loco Roco", whether or not he was entirely a nutcase who took an innocent message as meant for him or if "Agent A" actually exists, I am not sure. But, I just want to be left alone, I want to know that my family, that my significant other, and even my friends from PlayStation Home are safe without having to jeopardize myself or my significant other any further than what is already known.

If I wrote this anywhere else, I am sure that the site would remove it, or lock it down or something. I wasn't sure how to handle this, since I learned about the severity of its implications on my own. That is why I waited so long to publish this since I eventually realized that staying silent would not help our chances of survival. I feel that time may be running out for myself and my significant other and how in some weird way, our "lookinthemirror's Loco Roco" possibly connects to other things beyond Omar Mateen. Things that even I am not sure of.

Thank you for your time in reading this. My sincere thanks goes out to everyone and anyone out there who makes any effort to put this Quantum Message story out in the public view while respecting our anonymity. Not being known does not mean a person is bad, if often means that innocent people are simply protecting themselves from destructive people who wish them harm. That is all we are doing in trying to keep ourselves anonymous. If we end up dead, you will know and you will also have a very good idea of who had it done.

P.S. We never wished to make this political, but WE DO NOT TRUST HILLARY CLINTON AT ALL. We may end up dead if she is elected or even before then. We are simply asking for help from any good people left out there.

Please #neverhillary

Vote Donald J. Trump for 2016! So that maybe we won't get killed, literally!

We never asked for this. All we wanted was to be happy and free. This crap has totally destroyed the good memories associated with our video that we made and has us in an extremely messed up situation.


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