Quantum theory

in #quantum7 years ago

Quantum theory states that once a start of something then the end decision is also made, where exactly will it end is unknown but a general idea of where it could it end up is very much predictable.

This theory applies to how everything, thrives and is.
Space and "time"tell matter/energy where to go, matter/energy tell space and "time" how to look.

1,2,4,8,7,5- govern the physical reality
Meaning Everything that exists in the physical reality has numerical outcomes.
3,6,9- govern the physical reality at a quantum level
Everything that is non- physical affecting the physical reality has these numerical outcomes

Light = 3 & 6 - it's a duality with both acting as a wave length and particle but not both at the same time
Anything that is duality= 9
3,6,9 go beyond a physical reality and seem to be infinite in our universe and dimension as described in the article below by: Lifecoachcode.


Very good post I learned a lot thanks to this article

Thank you and Yes, its a subject that definitely leaves you curious because even though physicists have gone a long way into uncovering consistencies in the non physical reality, it is just fraction compared to what there is left to uncover

Amazing article
Keep it up!!

Thank you! The subject overall is very interesting simply because it's study that goes to the core of our reality and that's in a quantum way

Quantum is not a theory. It is various realities. Our brain is the perfect computer that operates in many dimensions ^^

I do so agree, and maybe that wasn't the best title haha, but the subject overall is very interesting especially since it connects to every aspect of our reality

I like quantum computers.

I agree, quantum computers are awesome and extremely fascinating

Great article!