Quantum_LessorsNode (QLN) is active and Running
Pool name:
Quantum_LessorsNode (QLN)
Pool Description:
QLN is the QNG public fullnode on the wavesplatform, which accept leasing from the waves community or anyone who is interested.
Address for leasing:
Node Alias
QNG Domain
Payment policy:
Until, 1million Waves is leased, QNG will release QLN block rewards in 100% WAVES and 50% of MRT to lessors every 14 Days (subject to change as lessor decide). Thereafter, **rewards in 90% Waves and 70% MRT is paid out.
Note: 0 - 10% WAVES and 30-50% MRT of our block rewards are only accumulated for Node server maintenance. We may also decide to trade MRT and distribute in WAVES
Also, we pay Loyalty reward with Isotope Network (ISN) token (approximately Waves share will be paid in ISN)
Pool Representatives:
Rep 1: Mr. Quantum on telegram or Official mail
Rep 2: Mr. LeTT on telegram
Rep 3:Mr. Trooper on telegram
T-Forum: QNG Official Telegram or ISN Official Telegram
W-Forum: QNG OfficiaWaves Forum
Server in New Jersey, USA
QNG (Quantum Node Group) distributed team members are located in Switzerland, Nigeria, & Indonesia
Feature voting policy:
QNG team decides after discussing features with the community,
or Will present a a voting mechanism for every member with a lease/generating balance to decide
About QNG
The QNG (Quantum Node Group) project started on the wavesplatform (Q4, 2018) and currently expanding its pursuits to solve passive earnings within cryptocurrency investments from just securing established blockchain platforms (like WAVES, TN, DASH, MARC, PIVX, etc) of choice to becoming a blockchain itself.
QNG is determined to present a digital payment currency alternatively for real life use-case in P2P secure payments, which will also guarantees passive earnings within the space through a consensus blockchain network of Staking and Master-noding.