#Introduceyourself to the vibrant world of Steemit! I am @quecia ann aguilar-embracing the world of Steemit!

in #quecia7 years ago (edited)


I know nothing about this site nor i have no knowledge about how it works .But one thing for sure this site will help me more to express myself as individual and to share to the world the experiences i will get in life.

I would like to acknowledge @allysaechavaria for giving me an idea about steemit. com.

My name is quecia ann aguilar taking up a Bachelors degree major in Psychology . I am 19 years of age.

so if you want to know more about me 😊 read everything in it.

i am nothing in this world without the presence of my beloved parents


I am very lucky ,well blessed rather to have them as my parents . I couldnt ask for more . I am very thankful that i didnt experience some children experienced because their parents emotionally abandoned them.

And if i could count a blessing in my life . They are the first Two things i must be thankful about. I have a dad who always do everything just to give what we need and what we want. Hes hardwork and dedication as father is priceless,thou he is far away with us and not living with us just to earn for our living , i know someday he will go back here and we will be complete again.

and of course to the woman who knew everything and everypiece of me .
She is the person who never get tired of loving me,
even if im such a mess she still loves me more.

I love her so much that i couldnt imagine to wake up everymorning without her.
she is the first thing i want to see everyday .The first thing i want to see when i came home .

She is my ideal girl ,and i want to become like her.
She taught me how to love without anycondition and to forgive everyone even they dont ask for forgiveness . She is the woman that show me how to be a Good person inside and out.

So i want to become successful someday and bring back all the favor they had given to us .

i really love them so much .

but our home was not complete without the presence of my sisters .


We are six girls in the family. Im the forth one My eldest sister ,ate cristine was a graduate of Bachelor of Science In nursing
next to her was my ate lovely who graduated Bachelor of scince In accounting , My ate hanna is candidates for graduating of Bachelor of Science in architechture This coming may.
next to me was kyla who is in grade 9 in highschool and our youngest precious was in elementary.

you know whats the best thing about having a sister is that you dont need to face problem alone coz they will always look after you .
They are my bestfriends,enemy,shoulder to cry on and a cOmfort zone .
They are my supporters and my bashers 😂 a good buddy and a good counselor.
They let me feel down but they always there to lift me up .My siblings are the loveliest gift my parents gave


Our God is so Good to blessed me so many peoole who loves me so much .
she is also my sister but not by blood but by heart and soul . She is my besfriend , my mom said that our friendship start when we are just 4 and up to now we are still same as what we are 14 years ago .
She is my best buddy for all times .The one who listen to my no ending dramas in life. Thats why I am very thankful for I have a people who always look after me .


Most of the people ask me why this is the career i chose . I dont know either but Probably because it is the destined course for me .
the most funny thing about being a psych major is that they always ask you if you could read their mind.
honestly we cant read mind coz we are just analizing behavior .

being 3 years in this program makes me became more aware of the people to what they feel ,how they feel and even what they think .

being 3 years in this program gives me a further understanding to the behavior of the people and expand my patience to them . to understand them and to love them .
i learned to love the unlovalable person
i learned to have long patience to others
this program teaches mo to become aware not only to the disorder of a human brain can attain but to the power of the brain to manipulate ourselves in difderent way . Being psych major needs a big heart and wide understanding. I stay at this course because I love what i am doing .

They are the friends that knows im crazy but loves me anyway . They are gift from God. Each of them is a treasure worth to keep . I love them so much for they are good influence to my life. They are not the people who will lead you to bad things rather they are someone who lead you to become much better. And because of them my college life was incredible and amazing.


photagraphy is my passion . I love to take pictures . I love to stop moments using only the camera. I love to see everything in myown perspective .

Because i believe that doing what you love makes you feel alright. I really love it and I really enjoy doing it. It is one of the reason why i joined steemit because i know it will help me to show the talent i have in photography .

And this site will be my freedom wall, I love pictures coz they dont change . People change but not the picture it will remain until the end It will fade but the story behind those pictures will remain the same ,no matter how long it takes Pictures will be the same.


I am also a part time assistant of photographer. My brother in law is a photographer and if i am not busy in my study and have time for it ,i always grab it. Not just because the money i can earn but the experience i will get .



love to hike . I love to see the creation of our God when I were at the top of the hill.
Its easy to appreciate things when it surrounds you . But you will more appreciate it when you see all of the beautiful creation under your feet.

hiking means giving so much effort and strenght to endure the pain in order to reach the top .


Yeah it is painful and risky But once you finish the trail and you reach the peak all hard work will pay you a wonderful feeling of satisfaction .


And every mountain I conquered is the proof that no matter how hard life can bring and difficult I experience ,but still i will never stop.

That is all i want to say ! Thankyou for giving me your time to read my blog.


Great work yoo! you are awesome @queciaannaguilar (25)in quecia

thankyou so.much for reading this ♥️♥️ i really appreciated it

i dont know how to change my profile picture or rather put picture to it can you help.me please

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That's all paid stuff just work hard you will normally achieve good results no need to pay and earn upvotes

Welcome to steemit,
Hopefully you will be successful with this platform and don’t forget follow & Upvote @sazaliza

thankyou ,yes i will follow you

thank you for the warm welcome 😊

thank you for the warm welcome 😊

Welcome to Steemit platform, from all of our steem community. Steemit is a beautiful place to be and we are sure you will be happy here. Get to know more by blogging consistently. Never be discouraged, seek for assistant when necessary..... You have great day's ahead on steemit .... Just work hard ..and keep steeming

thankyou very much 😊

Hey girl, I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold, and you are beautiful and smart and I love your photos and you got great parents and you are lucky and you are talented as well and I love hiking too.