
You're being an asshat on peoples posts.. then cry victim when you get called on it? Listen up princess, treat people with respect and you'll get the same.

I have never treated anyone who has respected me with disrespect. You are the one repeatedly calling me an asshole. Is that respect to you?

I treated vera with respect.

For the record, I have been downvoting you to limit your reputation due to your use of the downvote in a manner that shows a clear sexist, anti-woman bias. Since you are negatively impacting the reputation of other users in this way, I want to limit your ability to do so.

Who the hell are you to say if I am sexist. You don't even know me

I am a woman, you stupid fuck.

Who the fuck are you? The judge? The judge will rot in hell

For the record, I will do the same to your posts then

You want to hide behind the sexist tag anything that questions a narrative-

Weren't you taught that you must not judge women, and that we are free to speak up?

Then why are you silencing me?