Quitting smoking day 1: Sleep, Caffeine, Sleep, Caffeine, Sleep. Money saved: $6.90 USD

in #quitsmoking7 years ago

I know I said I was quitting a week ago, but I managed to keep making excuses. Well, now my sister is pregnant, so I'm going to go through with it as emotional support.

Today was... nothing. I spent most the day asleep. The rest of time was spent chugging coffee and energy drinks, despite getting no energy from them, I think its just my body falling back on another addiction.

I feel this was overall a good first day. Sleeping through the initial withdrawel would be great, But I know it won't last, the irritibility and frustration will come. Ah well.

I was going to try and pretty this all up with images and formatting, but I honestly do not have the energy.I'm ready to go back to sleep.

Money saved:
$4.60 a pack × 1.5 packs a day × 1 day = $6.90


Quitting smoking was one of the best decisions I ever made. It's astonishing how real the benefits were to me. Regaining a sense for how great everything smelled was one benefit, but the thing that really surprised me was how much less interruption there was in my day-to-day life. Smoking cigarettes, I was attuned to a smoker's schedule that I wasn't even aware of. All my decisions and activities were sort of scheduled around smoke breaks. With that framework for time out of the way, I was able to focus a lot more on whatever I was doing.

Best of luck, Jeremy!!

last, the irritibility and frustration