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RE: How Much of a "Conspiracy Theorist" Are You? Take the Test to Find Out What Society Thinks About YOU

in #quiz7 years ago

140 and proud to be batshit crazy :) However, I've never actually seen batshit, and not sure if it's crazy at all. THEY could have just made that up to fool us...


Sweet...though you beat me, I'm sadly only mental--right now you must be thinking 'no way she's not more batshit than me, showing up on an old comment out of the blue..." lol! He re-posted this, but this time in comes with an invitation, to a place called Tinfoil Town, Discord hee hee. If that sounds like somewhere you might want to visit, come to the new post. I for one think the more mental and batshit the merrier, lol!

Sounds pretty good to me :) Indeed, the crazier the better. Although I never classified myself as a tin foil hat kinda type (it just wouldn't suit me...) but a truth seeker I am :)

Haha! I don't think that would look right on me either-- don't worry, it's meant as a joke, and truth seekers is what it's about ;)

Is the discord channel active yet? because when I clicked on the link I got an empty page. Would love to connect with other batshits and mental crazies....😎

SOS started it, but I think I'm the only one he got around to inviting before being distracted, haha, you'll need to respond on his new post, let him know you want to join and he'll send you an invite ;)

I managed to get in. I clicked it the second time and voila, there I was. Thanks :) Now getting out of the asylum is a different story...oh hold on, it's only discord...