
in #quotes7 years ago (edited)


My Sister @itsjana asked me a very interesting question and i want to share it with you:

"Why are bad things so easy to obtain and good things so hard? Why is it hard to make money but easy to spend, why is it easy to gain weight but so so hard to loose, why is it easier to eat fast food but hard to eat healthy or why is it hard to lead a relationship but easy to break up?"

My answer was:
"Just like for this question there is no right or wrong answer the concept of good and bad or hard and easy exists in the individual perspective of a person. A relationship thats hard to lead could be a sign that something is wrong and so a breakup is easy but it could also be otherwise a relationship that is easy to lead could be a sign of harmony and a break up would be hard. If we look at gaining and loosing weight both is equal to each other but it has a lot to do with the human psychic if we get used to eat healthy it will be easy for us to keep it that way the same is it with unhealthy food. Also its always easier to give the power of decision to someone else because than you dont to participate actively but just follow orders. For example to employe people is harder than being an employee , to cook at home is harder than going to a restaurant, to decide witch movie to watch is harder than turning on the tv. The nature of a human is a lazy one thats why we have cars, washing-machines or elevators all inventions of lazy people.Also fear plays a big role. I dont quit the job i hate because im afraid i wont find a new job, I dont open my own business because im afraid i will fail, i dont end this horrible relationship because im afraid I will stay alone. Most people sadly dont know that fear is something good fear leads the way we should follow and is under no circumstances a barrier. Like Jing & Jang Love cant exist without hate, happiness cant exist without sadness or in other words we wouldn't enjoy sunny weather if it wouldn't rain some times. We create our own reality because life it self is always in perfect balance its about how we live it."

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Wise words @xemurai, this is a very important aspect of life and you explained so well. Congratulation mate, this is the kind of content i really enjoy to discuss. Life depends from the way you look at things and from how you perceive things. It all starts in your mind, your thoughts create your own reality. There is not easy or hard , there is only you, your mindset and the attitude you have towards life events. Life is already in balance and you have to go through the bad in order to understand what good is and the bad comes in your life to make you grow. That's why it is important how you look at things and how you think about it. Have a great day mate, thanks for sharing this amazing post. Ciao

I agree , Its way easy to say it but its a different story to put it into practice. great words

you right, it requires a lot of training but it is worth it.

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Interesting thinking @xemurai! You have described these life aspects quite clearly. Sometimes it takes more efforts to put things right, though there might be a lot of willingness by the people. There is a saying in my country "From the statement to the action there is a whole sea in between", that is to say, you have to struggle a lot to put your words into action.

All true what you said, can't be light without darkness

@xemurai I agree with all your words .

Well spoken Xemurai.i love your post.Life on it's on is complicated,but then no matter how complicated it is,we still have a choice,either to make it worth a while or see the negative aspect of it.It's for us to decide which has the best savour. When life gives us lemon,we should make a lemonade out of it.

So cute 😊

Awwww cute

Отличная статья. Мне очень понравилось. Удачи Вам и Любви
Excellent article. I really liked it. Good luck to you and Love.

Spasibo Bolshoje, Ja ponemaju porusski :)

Some questions in this world cannot be answered, so we should keep moving ahead in life .

@xemurai, very interesting story I like it. I sure resteem it

a very wise answer, that means that everything in life has a why? I think it is a balance for things to happen there are good and bad risks is something that one does not stop thinking, if everything in life costs to get them because we do the wrong thing to lose them? what annoying ...