You are the elder of your brothers? || Never they finish your responsibilities || Hello, am miguel.

in #qurator4 years ago (edited)

Hello Fellow steemians, want today speak them of a subject something unusual or at least little spoken here. I want to speak them about the responsibility that carries to be the greater brother of the family, do you put to think in this? Or some time do looked the weight that touches you carry for life?. But today 30 April 2020 here they are the 9 and 25 of the morning, have put me to think if really to was worthwhile to sacrifice part of my childhood helping to breed to my brothers, and that believe, learnt more than what believed to know about them, do not look for enaltecerme with this, but but well help those that like me also touch them this blessing to be the greater brother.

You are a model to be followed.


Of boys accustom to litigate with our brothers and when happening the while already were playing again, when arriving the adolescence the problems aggravate even the reconciliation attains many times through our parents, already of adults many fall in the error to cut communication between them which sincerely is an error.

I grew in a family of 7 people, my father, my mother, my 4 brothers and I. I am the elder of the 5 and during my childhood my parents many times by not wanting to, put me to cook for them and my brothers, sometimes bathe to the smallest and help with the task to another, really this was not happiness, since it left to enjoy part of my childhood and this never repeats . In that then only said ?I do not understand why my dad and my mum leave me this to me that am a boy of hardly 8 years?. Sometimes it felt that they did it to rid of this responsibility and with the step of the time was going back me a good brother were growing and the external expression of the feelings between us went saving, maybe by penalty or because we saw it like immaturity the point is that of all what step arose something well and is what want that they learn or at least give account that no all was in vain.

With frequency bother us when any of our brothers commits an error, say things as for example I do not know what is what thinks he or she?, and we think that with this are doing to know that we do not agree with they, however, is your protective instinct that active because you know that a part of you this being prejudiced by a bad act or a bad decision.


When you are the greater brother touches you fulfil several roles, the one of brother, fellow of your brothers, father of your brothers since you have to watch because they are well even if they are married and have children, always will have the need to know if they are well, as as it says the song: ?In spite of the problems, family is family?.

Ones of my brothers said me something that did me cry of joy, memory with clarity that said: ?I am proud of you and wanted to be as you, have my wife my children and a house for them, brother have all what does you fault to be happy, know that you helped to breed us and that splits of your infancy devoted them to us to us, want to follow your example and never but never leave to teach us things?, in this moment cried of the emotion when knowing that what did of boy, of some form caused an impact in his lives, the lower brothers are a pedacito of you, never forget to say them that the masters, your responsibility like greater brother to the equal that the one of a father never finishes.

When you are the elder, know completely to your brothers.

Be the greater brother have his advantages, one of them is that, hardly can deceive you since you are the first in developing all your emotional and physical attitudes and is not them easy mentirte since well basically, already crossed the way that they hardly are undertaking.

Never you forget to say him to your brothers the a lot of that matter you.

I want to present you to each one of my brothers and some of his qualities.

Cristian Anyelo Salas Baldallo


He and his girlfriend

He is, the second of my brothers in few words "the one who follows me", of all we the most reserved, is quite introvertido in fact, is musician, touches piano, guitar, low, four and is technical of sound, recently graduated of electrical engineer, this exerting his profession in the same company in which work, and while I write this give me account that really knows a lot of things, in his childhood remember that it was the more "tremendo", is 23 years old.

José Miguel Salas Baldallo


The day of his graduation of police

It is the third of us, and as it is the amargado, a quite serious boy and very gruñon, at present is civil servant of the body of policemen of the state Lara-Barquisimeto, is 22 years old, and in spite of his seriousness is of the people that approaches to advise if it thinks that need help emotionally.

Anderson Salas Baldallo


It explains the legend that takes a photo each 1000 years

It is the fourth brother and quite polifacético, is amargado, risueño, sarcástico and stop to explain, studies administration of companies, is quite good with the numbers and stingy by the way, is 22 years old and cursa the 5to semester of the above-mentioned career.
Of boy bothered it a lot because it does not have second name, today already married adult and with son, follow bothering it

Fernando Javier Salas Baldallo


He is the tranquility in person

It is the ultimo is 19 years old studies computer, in fact doing courses, already is technical of computers, is quite become attached to my although it denies it sometimes.

I want already to finalise say them that, jamas allow that the age or the occupations remove them this responsibility that have all those that are greater brothers, and if they already are big, gather you with them, talks, laughs, takes some beers with them and always do them know that they can explain with you. I expect that this of some form help you, thank you and a strong embrace.


This photo was edited by one of my brothers