Qurator's Photo Friday - Photography Competition #30
Welcome to the 30th Edition of Photo Friday - Hosted by @qurator!
Below you will find some unbelievable images captured by your fellow Qurites from all over the world! See what adventures they have shared with all of us! Don't forget to vote for your favorite and if you'd like to nominate your own image for next week's competition, make sure to comment #nominate below.
Each Friday we will select 5 Qurites and feature their photography in our Daily Qurator post. Each Qurite featured in this post needs to comment with their photo featured in this post. The user with the most upvotes on their comment (not money value) will win a Tier 5 membership for 30 days!. Only comments from Qurator members will count. The votes will be counted when this post reaches payout.
Want to take part in Photo Friday? NOMINATE! After you upvoted your favorite photo!
Want to take part in the next Photo Friday? Sure you can! Simply comment in the comment section with #nominate
We will then consider your account and look over your feed for any Photography related posts for the upcoming Photo Friday
Post links and/or pictures of your most recent posts. We will not choose them. Why? Well, we want the nominees to also benefit from being in the Photo Friday Edition. If you give us a link now and we use it for the next issue of Photo Friday your post has most likely reached payout. That means no extra upvotes... We will select the most recent posts from your feed.
So instead, just include#nominate
in your comment of this post (don't forget to vote for your favorite photo first).
We will take it from there and consider your feed for the next Photo Friday.
We hope this can spark some more interest in the photography community within Qurator. Hopefully to get more users to visit photography related blogs and appreciate your photography. Hopefully there will also be some nice rewards on your comment in this post.
We have made it easy for all participants by providing the links to their photos that they can just copy and paste into the comment section of this post to officially enter the competition!
Let the competition and upvotes begin! Best of luck to all the Qurites participating!
@starjewel | petals |

The Contests Of Petals- Flowers
White Plumeria Flowers visited by a bee. Photo Taken in Maui, Hawaii... Plumeria flower is one of Hawaii's most iconic symbols. These gorgeous flowers are used to make floral garlands.
Plumeria come in a variety of colors: yellow, crimson, white, pink and orange. The yellow Plumeria has the deepest scent while the white Plumeria has a delicate scent and the shortest lifespan
And would you look at that! It seems as though a bumblebee is heading towards the plumeria to gather some nectar. GORGEOUS!
@itasteemit | esteem |

The Beauty Of The White Color On The Enchanting Small Flower
White color always looks attractive to everyone in general. Walaupu uniqueness of this flower is not trrlihat tacky, but this flower looks dazzling because it emanated the white color
This is such a simple and delicate looking flower! I almost want to reach out and touch the soft petals. Wonder what kind of flower it is?
@jpphotography | yourluckyphotos |

Australian Monday: Bridal Veil Falls, New Zealand
The amount of "Bridal Veil" falls in the world are evidence enough that this is probably not the most creative name for a waterfall, but this particular bridal veil fall located in the Waikato area on New Zealands North Island really is something special.
WHAT an incredible waterfall in New Zealand! Can you almost imagine being underneath it as the water splashes off your body!
@derangedvisions | travelfeed |

My Visit To A Lynching Museum
Last month, I had the opportunity to visit The National Memorial for Peace and Justice in Montgomery, Alabama. This was an amazing experience that I was looking forward to on when I found out the route we were taking on our trip
The quote on the wall in the picture says "Thousands of African Americans are unknown victims of racial terror lynchings whose deaths cannot be documented, many whose names will never be known. They are honored here."
I never knew there was such a museum before! This is a very interesting post with some unbelievable images that @derangedvisions took while there. Have a look at the pictures, but also make sure to read about this unusual history.
@ratel | birdwatching |

Ratel's Photos 190- Forest Birds
As I already thought, this woodpecker is not large, medium in size for a woodpecker. From others it is distinguished by the absence of red color in the plumage, the muzzle is "dirty" due to the black color. The male has a yellowish cap of the head, the female has is dirty-white head. And most importantly its difference is the presence of only three toes on the leg, two of which are forward and one – back
This three-toed woodpecker is having a fun-filled day pecking away as @ratel snaps a few pictures. While having a woodpecker creating tons of noise while you may be trying to sleep, they really are beautiful birds.
Good luck to all the entries! May the best photo win!
Congratulations to the winner of the 29th Photo Friday: @txatxy
Prize: Tier 5 upvotes worth around $0.40 for 30 days!

Like the Photo Friday series?
Go check out Tasty Tuesday where we take 5 great food related pictures and host the same kind of competition. Go cast your votes and nominate your friends! Steem on!
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Thanks for the nomination!
good luck
Thanks! :)
Way to go! Good luck!
Thank you! :)
This is such a soothing and tranquil photo! @jpphotography
Thanks :)
Thank you for choosing my image. This monument in this picture is dedicated to all the lives lost due to those tragic events.
I love this capture, good luck
thank you. I appreciate it
Thanks for this, I didn't know about this museum either. I'll definitely check it out.
the museum is amazing. it is well worth the trip
I'll make it a point one of these days.
Incredible photo, and a very worthy way to remember those who lost their lives.
Thank you @c0ff33a. I appreciate your support. It was a truly remarkable memorial.
Good luck
Way too many lives are lost every day...
Hoping you win.
Thanks @qurator...
Wow, this is something great and fun to enjoy
So beautiful.
Good luck.
Waw..... Beautifull @itasteemit
Good job my sister
This flower is very beautiful, I really like it. This flower is also there in my house, my mother who planted it, every day mother watering this flower.
Beuty flower, I like this
Waw amazing picture..
The winner @itasteemit
Wooww, its very wonderful
Wow so beautiful flower
Nice view for beautiful flowers .. Good luck @itasteemit
Beautiful flower
best shot ..
good luck brother @itasteemit
Thanks for nomination! it's very nice for me! :)
Love your capture of the small woodpecker @ratel you got my vote. Bird photography is not easy with them always on the move, then to be able to get a reason shot normally takes a lot of stealth on part of the photographer as well.
oh, thank you!
Are they real or fake??
Please Upvote➜https://steemit.com/christianity/@bible.com/verse-of-the-day-revelation-21-8-niv
Enhorabuena Charo, esta rosa hermosa te ha llevado a la mejor de la posiciones y tu trabajo se lo merece, un abrazo. @txatxy
muchas gracias Oscar, estoy encantada gracias
por tu apoyo y por todo
Sin duda un premio muy merecido, pues como dije entonces, es una gran fotografía, llena de fuerza, de vitalidad y sobre todo de hermosura que sin duda habla por sí misma de la belleza interior de la persona que supo captarla tan bien. Muchas felicidades y a seguir demostrando todo lo que vales.
hola juankar muchas gracias por tus palabras significan mucho para mi
gracias por estar siempre hay
No, amiga: gracias a ti por compartir siempre tu magia.