in #r2cornell4 years ago


Author: @r2cornell


I normally plant a nice patch of sunflowers, but this year when I went to plant them I could not find the seeds I had saved from last year. I had some help cleaning my shop and have a feeling they got tossed. This is the only sunflower that came up for the season. I do have hundreds of sunflower photos of various color combinations that I can share in future publications I was very happy to see this bright and cheerful one.

Normalmente planto un bonito parche de girasoles, pero este año cuando fui a plantarlos no pude encontrar las semillas que había guardado del año pasado. Tuve algo de ayuda para limpiar mi taller de carpintería y tengo la sensación de que las tiraron a la basura. Este es el único girasol que salió para la temporada. Tengo cientos de fotos de girasoles de varias combinaciones de colores que puedo compartir en futuras publicaciones. Me alegró mucho ver este brillante y alegre.

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This next photo is of a lily I planted last year. I had forgot I had planted it and was surprised when it bloomed this year.

La siguiente foto es de un lirio que planté el año pasado. Había olvidado que lo había plantado y me sorprendió cuando floreció este año.


Sometimes what we call weeds are some of the prettiest flowers. This next flower is one of those. I found it growing in the field behind the barn. I was amazed at how pretty it is.

A veces lo que llamamos maleza son algunas de las flores más bonitas. La siguiente flor es una de esas. La encontré creciendo en el campo detrás del granero. Me sorprendió lo bonita que es.


Where would I be without sharing a rose in one of my publications? I hope you enjoy this beauty.

¿Dónde estaría yo sin compartir una rosa en una de mis publicaciones? Espero que disfrutes de esta belleza.


I cannot recall the name of this next flower. I just enjoy its beauty.

No puedo recordar el nombre de la siguiente flor. Sólo disfruto de su belleza.


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I am using a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for most photographs, except where noted. I do have an older PowerShot Canon camera that I use from time to time. Wildlife is usually taken by a stationary trail camera that takes photos based on motion.

Estoy usando una Canon EOS Rebel T5 para la mayoría de las fotografías, excepto donde se indique. Tengo una vieja cámara PowerShot Canon que uso de vez en cuando. La vida silvestre es generalmente tomada por una cámara estacionaria de senderos que toma fotos basadas en el movimiento.

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This brings us to the end of this publication. I trust you will find something in it that you enjoy. I am not going to set a schedule for publishing content. There are times I just cannot get to putting together a publication. But, I do hope to continue to publish here on Blurt as it evolves. Thank you.

Esto nos lleva al final de esta publicación. Confío en que encontrarán algo en ella que disfruten. No voy a establecer un calendario para la publicación de contenidos. Hay veces que no puedo llegar a armar una publicación. Pero espero continuar publicando aquí en Blurt a medida que evolucione. Gracias.



I really enjoy your blog, thank you for your support

Thank you and your welcome.

Beautiful pictures of flowers!
Is this sunflower ornamental or edible?
It's a shame the seeds are lost..

Most sunflowers seeds are edible. Those that are primarily used for bouquets can also be eaten

Thanks for the answer, I didn't know that.
It is interesting :-)

Muchas gracias por las bellas fotografías, estimado amigo @r2cornell. Por compartir su colorida y refrescante publicación.
Feliz día

Hola. Muchas gracias.

very vivid the colours pop right out

Hello dear . Wonderful photography. Every click is very nice and attractive. I also love flowers but rose flowers the most But the sunflowers are also the real beauty of nature .

The flowers that you shared with us i cann't believe such a wounderful photography , Thanks for your sharing at steemit. @r2cornell.

Thank you very much.

All the photographs are great, especially this one

Everything looks so amazing.
So pretty.

It is great that you're sharing your publication in the Steemit chamber (noise).

I'm really impressed with the wonderful images that you presented in this post.

Have a nce day!

Thank you. is a great way to earn a little more paid in BCH

I enjoyed extraordinary beauty of the flowers❀ for your photography. Thanks!😊