@r2cornell Returning to Blogging/@r2cornell Volviendo a bloguear

in #r2cornelllast year


Author: @r2cornell

@r2cornell Returning to Blogging/@r2cornell Volviendo a bloguear

It has been approximately two weeks since I published the post about the passing of my wife of 36 years. I want to take this opportunity to thank all for the kind and supportive comments and support from the writing of that post. It has been almost three months, and I am gradually adjusting.

Han pasado aproximadamente dos semanas desde que publiqué el post sobre el fallecimiento de mi esposa de 36 años. Quiero aprovechar esta oportunidad para dar las gracias a todos por los amables y solidarios comentarios y el apoyo recibido al escribir ese post. Han pasado casi tres meses y poco a poco me voy adaptando.

I had taken over my wife's in-home care of disabled ladies in 2018, so I could care for her when she came home from a 3-week hospital stay. I could continue blogging for a while but slowly reduced that until it stopped altogether. That was due to my workload and the slow deterioration of my wife's health. My work keeps me busy, and I have yet to have the time or energy to do much more. I plan to retire by this year's end or early 2024. I have recently decided to take steps to semi-retire as early as this summer. This will free up time to begin blogging regularly.

Me había hecho cargo del negocio de cuidados a domicilio de mi mujer, cuidando a señoras discapacitadas en 2018, para poder cuidar de ella cuando volviera a casa tras una estancia de 3 semanas en el hospital. Pude seguir blogueando durante un tiempo, pero poco a poco lo reduje hasta que se detuvo por completo. Eso se debió a mi carga de trabajo y al lento deterioro de la salud de mi esposa. Mi trabajo me mantiene ocupado y no he tenido tiempo ni energía para hacer mucho más. Tenía previsto jubilarme a finales de este año o a principios de 2024. Recientemente he decidido tomar medidas para semijubilarme este mismo verano. Esto me dejará tiempo libre para empezar a bloguear con regularidad.

I plan to have the Curation projects continue on all platforms, but I may have to withdraw some of my profits to supplement my retirement. I plan on moving out one of the ladies I care for, but I will continue to care for the other lady for the foreseeable future. This will allow me to adjust my income for retirement and not have to drain my savings too quickly. Approaching things in this matter i should free up my time to do things I have not been able to do, which includes blogging.

Tengo previsto que los proyectos de Curation continúen en todas las plataformas, pero es posible que tenga que retirar parte de mis beneficios para complementar mi jubilación. Tengo previsto trasladar a una de las señoras a las que cuido, pero seguiré cuidando de la otra en un futuro previsible. Esto me permitirá ajustar mis ingresos para la jubilación y no tener que agotar mis ahorros demasiado rápido. Enfocando las cosas de esta manera debería liberar mi tiempo para hacer cosas que no he podido hacer, lo que incluye bloguear.

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My cover photo above was taken of some flowers I received after my wife passed away. I only vaguely remember taking some photos of the rose. I wish I could say that the special effect was my planning, but that is not the case. When I moved photos from my camera to my PC the series of the rose took my breath away. I can only hope you enjoy it half as much as I do.

La foto de portada de arriba es de unas flores que recibí tras el fallecimiento de mi mujer. Sólo recuerdo vagamente haber hecho algunas fotos de la rosa. Me gustaría poder decir que el efecto especial fue obra mía, pero no es así. Cuando pasé las fotos de mi cámara al PC, la serie de la rosa me dejó sin aliento. Espero que os guste la mitad que a mí.

This next photograph is an Amaryllis. I tried to have it bloom for Christmas, but it did not open until my wife went into intensive care at the hospital. It was a pleasure to come home and see it after a long day at the hospital.

La siguiente fotografía es una Amaryllis. Intenté que floreciera para Navidad, pero no se abrió hasta que mi mujer ingresó en cuidados intensivos en el hospital. Fue un placer llegar a casa y verla después de un largo día en el hospital.


This next photograph is of my wife and daughter when we were on our cruise to Mexico in 2017.

Esta siguiente fotografía es de mi esposa y mi hija cuando estábamos en nuestro crucero a México en 2017.


This final photograph is of a viola/pansy. My wife loved to see them come up each spring, and frequently she would buy more plants for me to put in the flower garden.

Esta última fotografía es de una viola/pansy. A mi mujer le encantaba verlas brotar cada primavera, y a menudo me compraba más plantas para ponerlas en el jardín de flores.

2018-05-05 03.58.57-SBS.jpg

I am using a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for most photographs, except where noted. I do have an older PowerShot Canon camera that I use from time to time. I have been using my phone camera for photos of plants in the plant room at times. Wildlife is usually taken by a stationary trail camera that takes photos based on motion.

Estoy usando una Canon EOS Rebel T5 para la mayoría de las fotografías, excepto donde se indique. Tengo una vieja cámara PowerShot Canon que uso de vez en cuando. He estado usando la cámara de mi teléfono para fotos de plantas en la sala de plantas a veces. La vida silvestre es generalmente tomada por una cámara estacionaria de senderos que toma fotos basadas en el movimiento.

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This brings us to the end of this publication. I trust you will find something in it that you enjoy. I am not going to set a schedule for publishing content. I will try to update you as I move toward my semi-retirement, which will lead to more blogging.

Con esto llegamos al final de esta publicación. Confío en que encuentren en ella algo que les guste. No voy a establecer un calendario de publicación de contenidos. Intentaré ponerles al día a medida que avance hacia mi semiretiro, lo que me llevará a escribir más en el blog.

I will try to return to publishing in both English and Spanish. This is in view of a large Spanish speaking following on some of the platforms. At one time this demographic was much larger than those with other languages as their primary language. Hope to see you here soon.

Intentaré volver a publicar tanto en inglés como en español. Esto se debe al gran número de hispanohablantes que siguen algunas de las plataformas. En su día, este grupo demográfico era mucho mayor que el de los que tienen otros idiomas como lengua principal. Espero verte pronto por aquí.

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I enjoy seeing you here again, Robert. I hope you'll find again the right way to pass this situation and start again on the best path the life reserve you.

The pain of losing your wife dear man may God give you patience, hope and bless you stay well stay healthy stay beautiful keep working on the blog. God bless you!

Thank you very much

Hola amigo, me alegra mucho que vuelvas a escribir, eso te ayudará emocionalmente.
Me encantó la flor de la portada, esta bellisima la rosa.
Saludos amigo, te deseo mucha paz y salud.

Muchas gracias. Me siento bien al empezar a escribir de nuevo. Ya he empezado a hacer fotos. Las flores silvestres están empezando a crecer y florecer.

Todas las fotografías son preciosas, usted logro captar la hermosura de cada flores, he incluso la de su familia, abrazos desde Venezuela.

Muchas gracias.

I know what it means losing someone dear to your heart, I knew is not that easy but thank God you are gradually getting over it, I wish you more Grace to do what you were not able to do such as blogging

Thank you!

Hello dear,

First of all I will say that you have to be very patient because it is not possible for anyone to bear the death of a loved one.

However, you have to be patient and remember that humans are only mortal. You have worked hard to advance the Steemit platform. And it has brought you to a place of success. We always want to see you with us.

It's great to see that you're still doing your job with so much to deal with. Some amazing photography done, really charming.

I wish you all the best and wish you a healthy body. Stay well always. Thank you


Thank you very much. I am grateful my wife is out of the pain she was in, and that helps me to handle it. I still grieve, but knowing she is free of the pain she has been in for years eases my pain. there was physical pain but also emotional pain. She was above average intelligence, and her cognitive abilities deteriorated over these past 15 years, worsening as these last five years progressed. I could not have held up to all she had to. I knew she was a strong woman when I met her and fell in love, but I found that out even more as time passed.

I love photography and writing, as well as interacting with others so it will be great getting back to blogging.

Thank you very much sir, for taking out your valuable time to give me such a nice replay🥰good luck.

I can sense your love for your wife, and it's a genuinely heartfelt tribute to your wife. At this age, many memories fade out, but you love & still be able to recollect those memories, and articulating them in a blog will bring tears to true lovers and couples. I wish you good health.

The purple and yellow combination flower towards the end of the post is simply amazing.

Thank you for your kind comment.

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We are the hope!

I am very happy to you again come back to blogging sir... Of course I know that you were in the pain that you were in but there was no hobby to get out of the pain that you were in. Still God's writing never changed him. Anyway you are back to our platform again. Best wishes for this

Thank you very much.

happy to visit your article.
Keep going ✨

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Also thank for your contribution 🙏🎉