
Thanks for reading, and taking the time to comment. Your classical music content looks fantastic, I'm following now for later reading. Are you currently living in Sweden? If so, (or even if not) I am terribly sorry about what is happening there.

Yes, I'm currently in Sweden and it's truly bad, meanwhile (((Bonnier))) controlled mainstream media does everything it can to downplay the situation, and anyone who is speaking out against it is shut down. In just a few years my hometown of Malmö has climbed up to now be ranked as the second most dangerous town in all of Europe, just after multicultural Marseilles. And just look at the rape statistics in Sweden. Since the early days of multiculturalism in the 80s rape has increased by 1500% and the per capita rates are the fourth highest in the world, just below the notorious rape nation of South Africa. 95% of all aggravated rape cases are carried out by non Europeans. In my hometown ethnic Swedes are a minority in the age groups 0-20. Some schools and areas in my hometown is 90-95% non Swedish. If the same would happen in a non-white nation, say an African or Asian nation: what would it be called?

Where are you from?

Oh, in those nations it would simply be called what it is: Genocide.

I live in the whitest (for now) region of the Northeastern U.S., and still it is hard to convince people of what is happening. Even as they've been upping the "diversity" of our own culture for a few years now, and the effects are starting to be visible, people have no idea what is coming here and don't want to wake up to it.

If you have any suggestions of ways to help, beyond raising awareness, I'm all ears. I have children, and am outraged that they will be part of a people with to no homeland to return to, no place to bask in and learn from their cultural heritage, and certainly no country wherein their rights as a human being are respected. We had once considered moving to Sweden because it seemed an ideal place for them to grow up. But now, in the realest sense, Sweden is no more.

Even typing those words makes my eyes water.

No, moving to Sweden is out of the question for you. It's not like I've given up hope. There will come a tipping point when most people will resist. I've joined a political organization with repatriation on its agenda. It's the only organization in the Nordic nations with such an agenda as far as I know and we're growing by the day. But it will take quite the effort and perhaps even blood. Whatever it takes to survive.

If you can find a job in Eastern Europe, like Poland or Hungary, I suggest going there.

With my bitcoins I will buy me a few estates in Central Europe, West Africa and East Asia. And then the sleople in the EU and the US can go fuck themselves.