RE: Random Challenge of the Day #26
I can't pick just one favorite, but I tried and after thinking a little I chose an Olga Tañon's song. I'm latina and since I was a little kid I've been listening to her, she's one of my dad's faves singers so as mine, and I remember that when we go for a long trip he'll always put an Olga's CD for hours, over and over again. This one, "Cuando tú no estás" is a special one for me because is the first song of her that I learned, and ever since I've always love it. I think I was 7 or 8 years old when the song came out and my dad started to put it on for me because he said that I always asked for that one. Now I'm 21 and I still listen to the song as is the first time.
Looking to the comments I notice that all the songs are in english, I really hope you like this one just in case you don't know it yet. Is one of my faves and has so many memories of my childhood.
Tell me @khackett what you thought about the song? 🙂😘
I didn't understand the words, sadly only had 2 years of Spanish in high school and remember very little. But, the great thing about music is you don't really need to understand the lyrics to appreciate it. I thought olga has a beautiful voice! And her energy is magnetic, i could just watch her sing and dance all day. I loved the beat of the song, It made me dance in my seat! Thank you for sharing. 😀
Thank you a lot! That's the amazing thing of music, you just need to feel it and enjoy it.