The Peaceful Times Are Over

in #rant4 years ago

End Of The Peace


It used to really upset me, but now I just feel sorry for them. There is this block of flats across from me, in which seems to live at least two couples, a child, and one of their adult relatives. The block consists of only one and two-bed flats, so unless the adult relative sleeps in the same room as one of the couples, he sleeps in the living room.

Every day, all day, the men would come down, open and slam their car doors several times, switch the engines on and off, rev the engines, drive around the estate, toot their horns, stand around smoking and talking loudly, and then retreat into their flat. It used to really annoy me, but now that I've put a bit of thought into it, I just feel sorry for them. They've got nothing else to do -the car charade is all they've got.


There is one thing I don't really miss - that is the sound of revving car engines. Before the COVID-19 lockdown, my day was full of revving engines from cars and motorcycles alike. Vrooom vrrrrrrrm! For no apparent reason.

I have this neighbour in particular with the high-powered super car. It was a nightmare. His car sounds like a helicopter with a leaking exhaust pipe. I often fantasised about going at his car with a baseball bat. That would be so satisfying I tell you.

The peace and quite is coming to an end sadly. I've noticed more activity on my road now. Today, having been nice and sunny, has seen a few people driving their cars around - apparently for no reason. Petrol is relatively cheap right now I guess. The revving cars are coming back.

I honestly dread the schools re-opening for this reason. There is an institute nearby which seems to be set up to educate badly behaved young adults. I don't know if they arrive there already behaving badly, or the school creates that behaviour in them. On another note, if this is the standard behaviour for this age group - 17-21 years of age, then the future of this country is bleak indeed.

Those young men, and it's always the men, treat our small roads like their own personal Formula 1 track. They also treat them as their own personal garbage dump. They're supposed to be students, but only bring misery to our neighbourhood. I've been on the institute's website, which goes on about what a great institution it is. Yes, I'm sure they have one or two students here and there carrying the rest of them, but I can't honestly imagine anything "great" coming out of these nincompoops. I doubt any one of them is going to find a cure for a major disease, or invent the next great thing while smoking weed and openly urinating into our hedges.

Like I said, it's always the men, never the women. Where are the females in this institute and what are they up to? They must either be really great students, or have their own delinquent activity that I'm unaware of. I hope it's the former.

Peace & Love,


Bad neighbours are a nightmare, but we have been lucky. Lad across the road lives with his parents and likes his cars. Luckily he and his friends don't rev them much there. Near work there's a college where they do car stuff. Often lads revving in the car park. Some of those cars make alarming bangs. Ah well, in a few years those cars will be illegal as we all go electric.

Ah well, in a few years those cars will be illegal as we all go electric.

Can the future hurry up please!? haha.

So you're not eve safe from this stuff in your peaceful part of the country? OMG haha.

Lads in the country have more incentive to get a car. My son is driving now, but he's just using a cheap car we bought and not looking to spend money on it.