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RE: Sub-Dimensional Windows! - The Movie... What if I told you that every corner in every room/object was a sub-dimensional Tetrahedron Pyramid that acts like a camera/window for "them" to peer into our world...

in #rant7 years ago

Thank you once again nanocheeze, it is much appreciated. Also, after looking at your blog it appears that we share a lot of the same interests. For example, over the past 5 years I have developed a closed-loop system that replaces solar panels. After the beta testing I found that it was 74% more efficient than solar and produced more energy over a shorter period of time i.e. my device = 4hrs = 17kw versus solar = 12hrs = 20kw (but, this is dependent on many factors - so this is my generous estimate). I did this after studying Tesla and how electricity is best thought of in streams of water...hence, if you can get the pool of water returning back to the source that feeds it you can create a closed-loop - thank you Tesla.

I would say that being consciously aware of reality is based on a very different hierarchy of values, all facilitated, mediated and regulated by preferable experience. Just to let you know, I am also a clinical and research psychologist, Master of Education and a qualified teacher, so this supposition is not just an subjective view point.

I would be honoured if you would read volume II of a series of papers I wrote.

I think it may add to the contextual quantum jigsaw of reality that patterns this particular fabric. Once again, thank you for supporting my Ball Method video's and I will be back to read some more of your blogs...very intriguing!!



I've never heard that word Retrodictive, but I like it, That is exactly what I am saying God's purpose for the universe is, a way to explain his own creation by backing things up to this absurd amount of steps that results in a creator.

I skimmed through it and I will have to do a full read sometime when I'm on the road working.. I get tons of time to read waiting places.

This dynamic equilibrium you are discussing is literally something I just mentioned in a post that this post of mine inspired. I know my videos are rather dry, and I babel on and on but you should watch this video I made today regarding this post. One of my followers sent me that stuff about the Hounds and such and it made me have a revelation of an idea in regards to quantum philosophy and humans use of it as a tool essentially... Essentially a new answer to the Fermi paradox if I work some kinks out of the idea :P hehe

A lot of it is imagination of course (I can separate the two) but a lot of it is very grounded and possible if adjusted a bit here...

Your "The False Core conclusion" stuff could be very useful if tackled correctly with the things involved in the cyberspace area as they aren't much different than esoteric at the level they exist at...

And that is actually where I usually put the brakes on my own little crazy train. When I throw out my little wcky theories, People don't understand always that I don't necessarily mean what I am saying is a theory about the real world, even though it could be, I am referring to hwo these ideas can be built as solutions to unsolvable problems, hence my idea with trapping AI in VR using an amalgam of these esoteric ideas built into VR as a control mechanism, and taking that to the next level simply solves the next problem that you are referring to with the decision making going back through time to build itself as this VR mythos would be capable of becoming the real mythos. etc, but like I say, who knows, I try my best to not go too far with the ideas and partition them to being limited to a VR control mechanism for AI even if they are more :) or could be... haha

That song is so funny, but, so true at the same is like a living meme!!! Brilliant.

I think you should think in terms of the future, but, in terms of 'a present that is about to be'.

Here is some info on Tachyon that give context to 'a present that is about to be'.

A tachyon or tachyonic particle is a hypothetical particle that always moves faster than light. Most physicists believe that faster-than-light particles cannot exist because they are not consistent with the known laws of physics. If such particles did exist, they could be used to build a tachyonic antitelephone and send signals faster than light, which (according to special relativity) would lead to violations of causality.

The possibility of particles moving faster than light was first proposed by O. M. P. Bilaniuk, V. K. Deshpande, and E. C. G. Sudarshan in 1962, although the term they used for it was "meta-particle". In the 1967 paper that coined the term, Gerald Feinberg proposed that tachyonic particles could be quanta of a quantum field with imaginary mass. However, it was soon realized that excitations of such imaginary mass fields do not in fact propagate faster than light, and instead represent an instability known as tachyon condensation. Nevertheless, in modern physics the term "tachyon" often refers to imaginary mass fields rather than to faster-than-light particles. Such fields have come to play a significant role in modern physics.

Do you have your closed loop solar panel thing video on youtube btw? I was not able to watch it, I even tried to pull it directly from the IPFS cloud and there were no sources available....

Thank you once again nanocheeze..I am quite humbled by your support sir. Did you try the vision experiment?

I certainly do sir. But it is not solar, it is an induction system. I am just reluctant to put it up as it could be replicated very easily. And as I do not have a patent yet I would lose out on the marketing and sale. I also have designs for making electric cars self-charging. I tried working with GM ford, but, they tried to steal the design from me, so I must be cautious. I can assure you that it works and I have a prototype near my bathroom which works very efficiently. I did put it up on dtube, but it disappeared after 5 days because it suggested that it was not safe for the network. But, if you do want to see a video of it, and you promise not to copy it or let anyone else see it, I could email it to you.

Wow, it is nice to find another "thinker"...gratitude to you. There are many aspects you could look at. However, if retrodiction is intriguing to you then combine it with the rhizomatic lines of flight (Rhizo-textual analysis). I feel that these combined bring much more flexibility when stepping back. Not to get to esoteric, but as a practitioner of the philosophical Dao (not religious) the Daoist creation theory may help iron out the kinks.

When thinking about the preferences that create a hierarchy that has an adaptive component when it learns something new about the preference i.e. something that was not known before, this perpetuates the dynamic equilibrium in the repository that contains that qubit of information in phase space (Phase space is the area in the brain that retains the memory for a particular preference and becomes observable when one repository interacts with another repository of qubits of preferences that are selected by the recognition of cues in the environment that offer an opportunity to re-experience the preference, hence, activating that area of phase not determinism, but, the twisted quantum web that functions within the whole. BIG JIGSAW PUZZLE :)

If you want, I can explain how the spiritual world is not esoteric at all, but is scientifically measurable e.g. look up exclusion zones and the affect on water and positive and negative ions, and then you will realise why animals drink from the edge of a lake or pond. This can be applied through practice of chi kung and qi-gong. Watch this and you will be amazed. Spirituality being scientifically observed on reliable and proven data gathers and image producers.

I have figured out how these two gents in the vid are doing it and it is all to do with creating exclusion zones positive-to-negative and negative-to-positive....the unity of opposites creating perpetual balance. Hence, the two gents are simultaneously projecting a bio-electromagnetic field to stabilise- and guide - a cymatic wave i.e. the sounds they make (intent).

Intentions and there affect on water...and we are water

On the AI aspect, it may be worth looking in to how to make the initial recognition of the opportunity to re-experience a preference be mediated and facilitated by satiation i.e. how much is there a desire for it e.g. delayed gratification (does it want it immediately, or, can it wait).
