Why the fuck don't banks already operate on blockchain tech/crypto?

in #rant4 years ago

Today is one of 100th and something days where I run into time and the banks SLOW ass way of handling and processing transactions. I'm over it. I just really wish we lived in a world where this shit was faster man! I funded my Fidelity account on FRIDAY @ 4:30PM, and Fidelity tells me the clearing date should be on August 10, 2020 ... Honey it's August 10, 2020 already and WHERE TF IS MY MONEY.

They're telling me the funds "haven't settled my dear sir", however I initiated the fucking transaction from over THREE DAYS AGO (technically two, but STILL)?! This is so goddamn ghetto, these bankers need to stop fronting and publicly get hip to blockchain tech, we already know (atleast I intuitively feel) that they dibble and zabble into blockchain technologies AND cryptocurrencies, so step out into the fucking light right now and do the damn thing.
