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RE: Free Pictures With Birds, Anyone?

in #rant8 years ago

Hi Kotturinn, I am late to read your another unique and beautiful post because I was out of city today......I think that you are on the way to Detroit , but its good that you are still here in Crimea...So we can lean and know more about this beautiful city.... from great , beautiful and historical places now you are in the real social life of Crimea .... Which is very interesting .... The story of homes, streets, peoples, beaches, mountains, stones, plants, animal, deers, cows, cats and birds what’s happening over there, you are telling us the real images of the society .... which give us the fragrance of every corner of the Crimea .... and all of these we can only feel through your beautiful Articles....That you write for us....Cute and beautiful photograph of you, kotturinn... The other scenes of your photograph like bird on your wrist, its dangerous claws, its beautiful eyes and nice people in background are amazing addition to your pic ...let me take a sip of hot (instant) coffee , Have a great time kotturinn....


I wish I was on my way to Detroit, I hope I can go back home on time, I may have to stay here longer than I'd like to though.
Yeah the burden was stabbing me with its claws the whole time!

Some times we can't go according to our planning and schedule ... it was a challenging job that you put the bird with big claws on your wrist.... This type of scamming and other shortcuts of making quick money with trapping people is common in all over the world... Just their ways of scamming is different.... Here in my city if we don't ask for fare and rate before we travel on taxi or eating in a restaurant then taxi and restaurant will charge us very high some times in multiples ........... In Detroit our friends Lenorka, foota and Artax will be waiting for you.... Haha ..... because you love them very much...