Thinking of Returning to Steemit.

in #re-introcuction3 years ago

My fear from before is that Steemit would become centralized. It seems you are all still here, so obviously it has not done that. I did watch hive but did not invest there. I am looking at Steemit now as an investment.

In case some of you do not know, my name is the backwards spelling of smooth. You might call me the antismooth. I started because I was watching people who posted for years with nothing to show for it except $0.00 and a lot of hope. When they finally started seeing dollar values at the bottom of their posts, the above mentioned whale started removing money from the active posts.

I watched so many people, even famous creators with hundreds of thousands of followers, get frustrated and demeaned by smooth-type-whales. Then I became a whale to combat that one whale.

What does that have to do with anything?

Well, I am thinking about coming back here, now that many of the control freaks are gone, and I would bring some voting power with me. I have looked at both platforms and discovered that there is severe, industrialized, success squashing on Hive.


The platform stifles accounts that bring their cultures and customs with them. One must conform to the American way of doing things and people of other languages must use translators to deal with unending blacklisting. Many are added to blacklists for posting original content. Few are able to get off the lists. I need your comments related to this issue, if it exists, here on Steemit.

Migrating to Steemit

A big question for me would be, "Is there any good content out there to vote on, and where is the price going?" I have been gone for a couple years now, but I have been watching the Steem price. A hundred thousand invested here, could easily go to three hundred thousand when bitcoin bounces back.

Tell me your opinions. I want to hear about any unjust flagging that may be happening. I want to know what's hot and what's not. How does the Tron integration work? Success stories?



As much as I wish that STEEM was a good investment, I have some concerns but also a little encouragement. There are still some accounts that have a large proportion of Steem. On the plus side, some communities flourish and add value to the participants' lives. The threshold for financial success is lower in countries (Venezuela, Kazakhstan, Philippines, Nigeria) with very robust communities. I have no idea what they are doing in the Korean communities, but they are doing well, whatever it is.

In my opinion, the best thing I have seen is found outside of Steemit. That is Steem Mart owned by @milakz. If a chain of stores accepted it as a currency, Steem would have the stability that other cryptocurrencies do not have.

Many businesses use customer loyalty points (Air Miles). Steem has the potential to fill that niche in underdeveloped countries.

I'm really not too sure about Steemit anymore. Most of the time, I see posts in languages I can't even begin to comprehend, so I feel Hive is the place to be if you are mainly able to read in English. You might find some good/readable communities here and there still on Steemit, so if you do want to come back here, I'd suggest you look for a few of those to pass around your votes.

For me, Hive is the new Steemit and most of my long-lost friends from 'back in the day', I have found to still be active there. So for me, it feels more comfortable. Ofcourse, I try to stay away from 'the politics', so I can't help you in that department. Either way, good luck with whichever path you choose and I'm sure people will be happy with your votes in either place. Good authors aren't platform dependant.

Give a try too…

Right! I've claimed my account there, but am still wondering if I should keep yet another one active. For now, I've delegated my power there, so hopefully something good comes out of it until I'm ready to start for myself.

Well … I was finally able to get all my family and friends blogging on Blurt. Some tried hive and found it awful with all the downvote wars. So they are much happier on Blurt.

I see! Does Blurt not have downvotes?

Welcome antismooth :) You seem like one of the popular accounts around here years ago when I took a look at your profile. This is pretty cool :))
There are many communities in various fields, which makes it easy for us to find posts that may be of interest to us. Therefore, I think you can find content that will interest you :) For example, I am interested in art. Painting, photography, knitting, art news... I can find many posts enjoyed reading them. I made friends from different countries with my common interests. I usually read articles in English, but there is also very good Spanish or other language content. I can also read them thanks to google translate :D There are my friends that we have no common language. Language is not an obstacle for us here.
I feel happy that I can share my paintings, thoughts and comment with people on this platform. I hope it meets your expectations too :)

Yay welcome back I hope Steemit will get more active again now :)

Hive is terrible this place is free and

Yes. I post on all 3 and do much better on

I post on all 3 platforms… Steemit, and Hive… I seem to make the most on Blurt. Over $50,000 USD in one year. If you had a Steemit blog in May 2020 you also have a Blurt blog with blurt airdrop. See you there …. Https://

Here is your with 3200 Blurt …

Good to hear from you @htooms after a long time
success on your return

I see you're looking for good content to vote on... Everything I write, comes from my own Wild imagination... I'm into writing about what I see as the coming Monetary Correction... Feel free to stop by, question and comment...
March 5, 2022... 5.2 Hollywood Time...

We can rebuild STEEM right now, lets do it!

I think we can rebuild STEEM and Steemit pretty much any way that we want at this point. Like you mentioned, the control freaks are gone and now it can be whatever we want it to be...

There are a handful of really interesting defi projects that have popped up on here that offer very nice returns for investors that I am excited about, specifically upvu, nutbox, robiniaswap, tipu among others.

All have solid development teams and want to grow steem from an investor standpoint.

Beyond that, there are all sorts of opportunities for communities and other social possibilities.

STEEM and are pretty much a blank canvas at this point, how should we build it going forward? It's exciting because we can build it any way that we want at this point... what's your vision?