Hello steemit world

Hey everyone i just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. Im new the the steemit wotld and extremely excited to be here.

I truly believe this community will absolutely changed social media for the better.

So.... i decided to get on the front lines and be part of history. You might have seen the hashtag #readyplayerwhat floating around. PAY ATTENTION. this simple hashtag is the key to something that is going to literaly put 10 million dollars on the line.

You want to be here live with us at 9pm eastern standard time and find out what the game is and hiw you can participate.

Go to the link below and be ready.




Hmmmm. Riddle me this then. Why is it that thousands of people have had massive success with tools and techniques provided by @matttrainer ? Because his stuff works. Its just tools like any other tool.... only as good as the one using them. Maybe you need to up your mental game? Just sayin.

I need to up my mental game hahaha. That sounds like an insult.

This @matttrainer already left Steemit in less than 24 hours. That is for sure.
He's a real accomplisher LOL

Not an insult at all. Just a suggestion. If you think that things are scams all the time then there is something deeper going on.
I have seen first hand what @matttrainer is about. He has nothing but love in his heart.
As far as acomplishments.... too many to list but here is one. I watched him make 1.3 million dollars in under 24hrs.
Thats just one of hundreds of things this guy has done.
I can tell you that you have definitely not seen the last of him.

Nope @steemspoker is right on this its clearly a scam.