Coffee Shop Review #1: Mini Coffee Shop in Lampahan

in #realityhubs5 years ago (edited)


Gayo Highland is a heaven for coffee lovers in Aceh, Indonesia. It is at a wider area of three Districts in Aceh province including Aceh Tengah, Bener Meriah, and Aceh Tenggara. Almost all of the area is planted with coffee so that one of the largest plateaus in Indonesia. Gayo becomes the main coffee bean producer in Aceh Province and Gayo Arabica Coffee Beans are well known worldwide. It has been exported to some countries in Asia, USA, and Europe.


Most of the people who stay in three districts keep planting coffee as their main mean of support and they are the Coffee Farmers. Gayo has been agro-economy districts in Aceh and the people who stay in this area are abounder to people of other districts in Aceh. It is because of the economic-balanced of coffee.

Plantations in Gayo are on average between 1,000 and 1,200 meters above the sea level. The location is around the city of Takengon and close to the Lake Tawar. The majority of people who live in this area are people of Gayo. The plantations in this area are farmed by individuals and their cultivation is carried out in shade-grown coffee. That is Gayo Arabica Coffee Beans which is suitable to be planted in Gayo Highland.

Having a coffee with friends is a culture

Many men in Aceh Province love visiting the coffee shop to have some coffee. You can meet many people at the coffee shop because having coffee together has been a culture in Aceh. You must enjoy your times at the coffee shop because most of them have been designed as a modern cafe in big cities. They are fancy. Now it is easy for you to some of the modern coffee shops in Gayo highland.


In my first review on Coffee, I will share with you Budi Coffee Shop. It is a mini coffee shop in Lampahan, a small city in Bener Meriah. I visited the coffee shop with my friends.

The taste of coffee at Budi Coffee Shop

The main character of Gayo coffee flavor is a strong aroma. Low acidity with a bit of spice. The strong aroma but the taste is not bitter. That is why Gayo Arabica Coffee become very popular, especially in the United States and Europe. The clean character makes it sellable as a mixture of house blend.

I love having a cup of Roasting Black Arabica at Budi Coffee Shop. The strong aroma of the coffee made me happier and I enjoy it very much. It was really a stellar quality of Arabica. I guarantee that you can find it in Gayo Highland only.

Budi Coffee Shop provides some various types of Coffee Beans that you can drink and you also can buy the coffee beans and its powder that has been roasted directly at the Cafe.

Arabica and Robusta are two types of coffee that are sold here. They are the type of coffee beans that has been selected as superior coffee.

Interior Design

Budi Coffee Shop is a well-formed concept and having a good interior as well. I think the owner of this coffee shop was able to see the target market. An attractive and comfortable interior is I love it very much and it was needed for a coffee shop.

There have been some classic ornaments from tables, chairs, minibars, and rooms that were designed with a natural feel.

The interior of Budi Coffee Shop has suited to the coffee shop concept. The interior used can make you comfortable and feel at home for a long time enjoying your beverage. The selection of tables and chairs, lighting, and also the color of the room really make me happy to be here.

You can visit Gayo Highland and come to Lampahan to enjoy a cup of arabica or robusta coffee. You will feel relieved to continue your journey.

The address

Budi Coffee Gayo, Jl. Raya Bireuen-Takengon KM 72, Kecamatan Timang Gajah, Kabupaten Bener Meriah, Aceh Province.

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What a great variety of coffee.

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