Having a glass of coffee in the morning at Apahoi Coffee Shop while listening to the songs of God Bless / Ngopi Pagi di Warkop Apahoi Sambil Dengerin Lagu-lagu God Bless

in #realityhubs5 years ago (edited)


I always start my day in early morning by having breakfast at Apahoi Coffee Shop. It is close to my house in Lhok Awe Teungoh, Bireuen, Aceh. I found a pure social atmosphere here because I can taste the traditional coffee with some people of the village.

The coffee prepared at Apahoi Coffee Shop is Coffee Powder that is processed of Robusta Gayo Coffee beans. This is one of the characteristics such as coffee that is easy to find at any Coffee Shops in other villages too.


Saya selalu memulai hari saya di pagi hari dengan sarapan di Warung Kopi (Warkop) Apahoi. Itu dekat dengan rumah saya di Lhok Awe Teungoh, Bireuen, Aceh. Saya menemukan suasana sosial murni di sini karena saya dapat mencicipi kopi tradisional dengan beberapa orang di desa.

Kopi yang digunakan Warkop Apahoi adalah Bubuk Kopi hasil olahan biji Kopi Robusta Gayo. Inilah salah satu ciri khas seperti kopi yang diminum di Warung Kopi di Desa lainnya juga.

Having a glas of traditional robusta coffee while listening to some classic songs of Gob Bless is really amazing moment to start your day.

God Bless is a famoust band with rocks music in Indonesia. People who live from 1970s to 1990s must know this band. The unique and hard voice Ahmad Albar make you imagine how your life in the future is.

Minum segelas kopi tradisional robusta sambil mendengarkan beberapa lagu klasik Gob Bless adalah momen yang luar biasa untuk memulai hari Anda.

God Bless adalah band terkenal dengan musik rocknya di Indonesia. Orang yang hidup dari tahun 1970an hingga 1990an harus tahu band ini. Suara unik dan keras Ahmad Albar membuat Anda membayangkan bagaimana hidup Anda di masa depan.

You must tey to have some coffee at Apahoi Coffee Shop if you want to taste the traditional robusta coffee blend. Anda harus ingin minum kopi di Apahoi Coffee Shop jika Anda ingin mencicipi campuran kopi robusta tradisional.

The place, its coffee and cakes is amazing atmosphere of traditional sensation.
You will visit this coffee again, I am sure.
Tempat, kopi dan kue-kue adalah suasana yang luar biasa dari sensasi tradisional.
Andwa pasti balik lagi kemari, saya jamin itu.

I love coffee very much. Saya sangat suka kopi.

A glass of coffee in the morning will make you ready to face the hardest day of your life. You know Coffee is a good motivation for some people. Segelas kopi di pagi hari akan membuat Anda siap menghadapi hari tersulit dalam hidup Anda. Anda tahu kopi adalah motivasi yang baik untuk sebagian orang.

Bonus for you

Have a nice day / Semoga hari Anda indah.

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The best start for a good day!

Oppo lon kupi. Leukat that. Lagee kupi awak jak meu laot. Teugleng jantong teuh sang. Nyan nyoe lon hian aju reubah sajan pulot

Hello, @bahagia-arbi. Thank you for using the realityhubs tag. People start their day with a cup of coffee. However, I do it the other way round. I start my night with a cup of coffee and more. That said, the content of your post was a mixed bag for me. Was not really sure if you were reviewing a coffee shop or music. I want to suggest that you have a specific subject topic when reviewing. This will be very helpful to your reviewers. Also, providing more information, and recommendations would be very cool.

I look forward to your next review.


RealityHubs Mod

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very good life !

Ngeri Apa Hoi euhhh,.....

Seipp van Kiralajue nahh

Looks great !COFFEEA for you ;)