Violet salad with baked chicken breasts and beetroot
- 500 g of baked chicken breasts
- 400g of pickled beets
- 1 red onion
- 400g of sour cream
- salt and pepper
Cut all the ingredients in small pieces, and combine it with a sour cream. Add salt and pepper, according to your taste.
The color of this salad is very decorative. Purple and green are perfectly compliant, so you can put a finely chopped parsley over the salad.
I hope you like this simple and very tasty recipe.
Enjoy! :)
Сочно и једноставно, @ladysnowhite, мора да се испроба :)
Hvala @lighteye! :) Inače obožavam ovog kuvara iz Mapeta, genijalan je :D
ne znam da l cu lupiti al sam cula da je francuska salata kada se u rusku stavi valjda cvekla pa bude isto ovako rozikasta.
Iskreno, ne znam @divisionbell. Cveklu obožavam, pa je možda stavim i u rusku salatu, ne verujem da će škoditi :)
Vrlo ukusno, provereno!
Znam da je obožavaš :)