Recovering Scammed Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, Cryptocurrencies Guaranteed

in #recover2 years ago continues to help victims of crypto scam from U.S.A., United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore, South-East Asia, Europe and all over the world to recover scammed and/or stolen cryptocurrencies. Crypto investors who fall victims of crypto investment scam or any other form of crypto scam now stand a good chance to recover their money from the fraudsters. Sometimes a successful SEC enforcement action results in recovered funds being distributed to victims.

Processes used in helping crypto scam victims recover money include: fair funds and disgorgement funds; receiverships; brokerage account customer protections; corporate bankruptcy proceedings; and private class action lawsuits. Although, not all victims are able to recover their money. But you stand a 94% chance of recovering your scammed crypto when you file a report to

Process of Recovering Scammed Crypto - Cryptocurrencies and Digital Asset Recovery Process - The ways that are used to initiate an asset recovery process may have strategic effects on the case or outcome, making it necessary for practitioners to develop a working case strategy. The underlying process may vary in form, but the content remains almost the same.

Victims who are able to recover money usually receive the exact amount that they have lost, and the process of returning the money to the victim (owner) is usually very fast. continues to help victims of cryptocurrency scam to recover their scammed bitcoin, ethereum, USDT and other lost cryptocurrencies.

How Crypto Scam Victims are Recovering Their Scammed Crypto - recognizes the serious problem of crypto fraud and the need for improved mechanisms to combat its devastating impact and facilitate the recovery of scammed cryptocurrency. The international community introduced a new framework developed. The fifth chapter of the convention provides this framework for the return of stolen crypto assets, requiring state parties to take measures to restrain, seize, confiscate, and return them to the victims.

Use of Intelligence Gathering to Trace Scammed Crypto Assets

Collecting evidence and intelligence is conducted by law enforcement officers under the supervision of prosecutors or judges, or by private investigators to build subject and financial profiles. In some instances, special authorization is required from a judge, prosecutor or law enforcement officer to access government agency databases or conduct electronic surveillance.

In other cases, investigations can be conducted through open source intelligence (OSINT), where data is publicly available. A robust profile would include information on the assets held by targets, their families and associates, and associated businesses. The financial data may include all assets and liabilities, income and expenses of the targets and their businesses.

Beneficial and Ownership Transparency

One of the key obstacles to tracing and recovering illicit gains from corruption is a lack of corporate transparency: during corruption investigations, investigators often must first uncover who actually benefits from the ownership of an asset. For example, a company or real estate that is involved in a corrupt scheme.

Since the beneficial owner may be hidden behind multiple layers of shell companies or behind a nominee company director. Implementing an effective beneficial ownership disclosure poses significant challenges, and most countries are struggling to implement FATF Standards on beneficial ownership transparency.

Collaborating With International Organizations

As asset recovery moves forward, international cooperation becomes an essential avenue for the successful return of assets that have been transferred to or hidden in foreign jurisdictions. It supports gathering of evidence and intelligence, implementation of provisional measures, and the eventual confiscation of the proceeds of corruption, and for their return.

International cooperation includes “informal assistance,” mutual legal assistance (MLA) requests, and extradition. An MLA request is normally a written request used to gather provisional measures, and seek enforcement of domestic orders in a foreign jurisdiction.

Local Coordination

In parallel to the investigative and legal work conducted by practitioners, and the different types of international cooperation between jurisdictions which assist in propelling the asset recovery process forward, an often-overlooked area of consideration remains domestic coordination.

This relates to a clear system for domestic cooperation, ensuring there is a lead agency, and that all those with relevant information on the national level can share that with each other. Domestic coordination could take on the form of an ad-hoc task force, or a more permanent committee to support cohesion and sharing of information.

Legal Proceedings and Enforcement

Depending on the jurisdictions involved in the asset recovery case, and the practitioners/law enforcement agencies tasked with recovering stolen assets, there are a number of legal avenues available to countries to determine how best to proceed with the case. Proceedings may involve criminal or civil actions (or both) and will achieve the recovery of assets through orders of confiscation, compensation, damages, or fines.

Countries have to establish standard of proof in both cases and in the case of criminal proceedings; a link between the asset and the offense which can be difficult to prove. However, once a court orders seizure or confiscation of assets, appropriate steps need to be taken to enforce that order and facilitate the return of assets to the requesting country.

Returning Recovered Cryptocurrencies to Victims

When a confiscation order is enforced in the requested jurisdiction and no legal or political hurdles impede progress, recovery crypto assets are often transferred to the general treasury or confiscation fund of the requested country, and not directly to the requesting jurisdiction. As a result, another mechanism will be needed to arrange for the return of the assets.

Depending on the agreements/policies between the jurisdictions involved, the assets may be shared or partially returned, whilst the remainder are kept by the requested jurisdiction to cover the costs of restraining, maintaining, and disposing of the recovered assets. Recovered crypto assets can also be returned directly to victims through direct deposit to the victim's wallet.

Cryptocurrency Asset Management

A number of policy issues are likely to arise during any efforts to recover assets in corruption cases. Requested jurisdictions may be concerned that the funds will be siphoned off again through continued or renewed corruption in the requesting jurisdictions. Moreover, requesting jurisdictions may object to a requested country’s attempts to impose conditions and other views on how the confiscated assets should be used.

In some cases, international organizations such as the World Bank and civil society organizations like have been used to facilitate the return and monitoring of recovered funds.

Victims of These Companies Recover Their Scammed Crypto With continues to help thousands of crypto scam victims to recover their scammed cryptocurrency. Victims who were defrauded by the following companies have been able to recover their funds by simply filing a report with;

Pas Capital






Mine Digital









Work on these guidelines have been going on for some years. makes use of a “funds recovery process,” which has since convened a series of international expert seminars with participants from around 30 different jurisdictions and international organizations (“Lausanne Seminars”). uses a process which allows jurisdictions to discuss challenges in asset recovery and how to overcome them, working in close cooperation with the International Centre for Asset Recovery (ICAR) of the Basel Institute on Governance and with the support of the Stolen Asset Recovery (StAR) Initiative.

The guidelines provide a detailed guide and a key-items checklist for developing and managing an asset recovery case. They focus on establishing and using contacts; developing a communication strategy enabling discussions on the legal requirements, timing, and requirements of mutual legal assistance (MLA) requests; and accordingly formulating a case strategy that factors in restraint of assets, investigations, and initiation of parallel investigations.

Are you a victim of bitcoin, ethereum, USDT or any other crypto scam? Have you lost your crypto assets to cryptocurrency scam? We have amazing news for you; You can recover scammed bitcoin. Recover scammed ethereum. Recover scammed USDT. Recover scammed cryptocurrencies and lost crypto assets by making a report to