Saturday Scrap Runs for Extra Cash!

in #recycle6 years ago

*Edit: Some of the pics are upside down again! This was a quick attempt, did not work😥 can anyone help? I want to start blogging again!!

Saturday scrap run. Actually, we drive around looking for scrap during the week on garbage nights and turn it in on the weekends. It puts a little extra cash in our pockets, sometimes we find such cool stuff that we keep it! Scrapyard is always good pics too!

the can pile

There are other scrappers on the road, it's a bit competitive actually. It can be tricky timing when people put their trash out and also beating other scrappers to the trash! We have been doing this for years, we went the last few without a trailer or truck, so have just started again this summer. It is best to drive around just before and after dusk I find. Make sure you wear work gloves and have ratchet straps and you are good to go! We cruise the neighborhoods on their garbage-night-eve, with a focus on the more well-to-do neighborhoods. Truly, they seem to toss the most valuable stuff. It can also pay off to do a run on weekend nights to search for the stuff left out from garage sales that are headed for the trash.


This scrap yard is the best around. They put massive effort into proper separation of the different metals that come in and keep their grounds debris free, so it is safe for your vehicle.

You drive onto a scale with your full load, then get weighed again after unloading all the scrap


It pays to separate your scrap and turn it in clean, you get more money for it. We have an aluminum pile at home right now we are always adding to. We save it for when we've accumulated enough to turn it in as it goes for a lot of cash. Copper is a good one too, lucky if you find discarded copper wire from renos!


So far this summer we have kept a hydraulic jack, a cool metal shelving unit for the living room, a sick little weight bar for curls that my husband loves, a gazebo frame that was turned into a safe run for the chickens, a few chairs and a metal garden cart that is in great shape!! It is crazy what people throw out!!

We stopped at the quarry afterwards, but it was almost empty. We used the pump to rinse the trailer out while we were there😉


Clean trailer!!

Do you scrap run? What was your best find? If you never have, try it out!

Thanks for reading! Take care of you and yours ❤


I know scrapping on Craigslist is very competitive. A friend tried to do it - monitor the free stuff section and any time an appliance or reno materials are put out, to go get them. They were hoping to at least cover the gas for their truck from scrapping. Nope. So many people need the cash, even if they left as soon as they saw the listing, it was inevitably gone by the time they got there. It's crazy!
I donated to her scrap pile when I had a broken shopping cart and a broken metal lamp, but I absconded with my awesome metal Radio Flyer wagon from her pile. I was like, "YOU'RE NOT RECYCLING THAT, ARE YOU??" She was like, "Why, do you want it?" Hell yes I want a vintage Radio Flyer, before they turned to plastic. LOL
Someone on my Next Door posted about a homeless man who goes around looking for aluminum cans, so a bunch of neighbors were listing that they would leave theirs separate for him to come get at various addresses, which was good!

That is a sweet thing to do for the homeless man! I would do the same, totally. I don't check the paper but that is a good idea!! We just drive around our "routes" and hopefully beat the other guys to the good stuff haha. There is a lot to go around, I is crazy what people toss! Crazy score on the Radio Flyer! Right on!!!

When I still lived in my college town, it was a free for all dumpster diving season in May, when all the rich college kids threw out THE MOST AMAZING SHIT moving out of the dorms. Stereos, TVs, even a computer was found by a coworker!! And this was in the 90s, when computers were more rare. Definitely, definitely worth it to go around near college campuses in May. Holy cow.

They have a free weekend in the fancy part of town here in June and it is epic too. You can potentially get actual furniture and stuff! I love free stuff haha!

From what I can tell with the photos, whenever you take a photo with the camera turned to the side (so it makes a tall photo) it loads up sideways or upside down in Steemit. (I also really hope they fix this soon).

If you edit the photo in any way, by cropping, by changing the colour, save that, and then upload it, it will load correctly.

Huh. That might be it! Blew my mind hahaha!! I will try that with the next blog pics, I have lots of cool bee and tornado ones I want to be right! Thanks lynds <3

Or what I do, I take a screenshot of the photo. And then upload the screenshot. Just remembered that.

I think I will try that with the next ones to make sure. I wish my phone had morr storage hahaha!!