Don't Sweat the Little Things 010

in #redfish6 years ago

Gooood morning my steemian comrades

Thought I would drop by for a post just to make sure all you guys know that I'm still alive ;)
As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm swamped with work/school throughout this summer so spending quality time creating content on steemit has been tough the last few months. I still have a passion to share my ideas/beliefs on here because I do have all the faith in the world that steemit is going to be a common-known name in short upcoming years.

On that note, I thought I would post today on that thought exactly.

Schedule time for your inner work

Scheduling time is a night and day comparison when it comes down to work and play. It's funny how we can carve out 40 hours a week when it comes to our work, but when it comes to our play we hardly have enough energy to invest what little time we have left to the things we share a passion for. It's a sad moral dilemma. In a perfect utopian society, we would be able to invest 100% of our time into what we truly have a passion for, but sadly that is not the case in 95% of people. This is a real shame, because it is almost as if the society we live in now crushes our passions/dreams just to make enough money to live the same monotonous lifestyle year after year.


This image of Ikigai represents perfectly the internal battle we
all face between our work and our passions

Schedule Time for Your Inner Work

Reading up on the field of financial planning, there is a universally accepted principle that it's critical to pay yourself first, before you pay your other bills - to think of yourself as a creditor. the rationale for this financial wisdom is that if you wait to put money into savings until after everybody else is paid, there will be nothing left for you! The result is that you will keep postponing your savings plan until it's too late to do anything about it. But, lo and behold, if you pay yourself first, somehow there will be just enough to pay everyone else too.

The identical principle is critical to implement into your program of spiritual practice. If you wait until all your chores, responsibilities, and everything else is done before you get started, it will never happen. Guaranteed.

I have found that scheduling a little time each day as if it were an actual appointment is the only way to ensure that you will take some time for yourself. You might become an early riser, for example, and schedule one hour that is reserved for reading, praying, reflecting, meditating, yoga, exercise, posting on steemit, or however you want to use the time. How you choose to use the time is up to you. The important thing is that you do schedule the time and that you stick to it.

I have a cousin who actually hired a baby-sitter on a regular basis to ensure that she had the chance to do the things she felt she needed to do. Today, more than a year later, her efforts have paid enormous dividends. She's happier than she ever thought possible. She told me that there was a time that she never would have imagined hiring a baby-sitter to ensure this type of quality time for herself. Now that she has done it, she can't imagine not doing it. If you set you mind to it, you can find the time you need.

Upvote and resteem if you guys enjoyed :)

-As always, stay classy steemians