Armed Leftists call for 'violent strike' upon Kavanaugh confirmation.

It's getting real out there, dear reader, all those kids that we raised telling them that they will comply or have violence used on them are now all growed up and wanting to use violence to control us.

It's a sad state of the union, and nobody's fault but our own.


Thread from @EmilyGorcenski’s Twitter account

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In this thread, Emily asks her 32K Twitter followers if the confirmation of Kavanaugh would finally be enough for them to organize a “violent general strike”, not just a “general strike” but a violent one.

Emily is an outspoken proponent of antifa and their often violent tactics.
She claims to be an anarchist but also appears to be at least somewhat sympathetic to authoritarian ideologies like Communism.

She also appears to be supportive of the violent antifa group that confronted and threatened Senator Ted Cruz and his family, Smash Racism DC.

Heaven help me, but I would marry that girl just because she pushes back.
I couldn't imagine a more volatile union.


To bad Kavanaugh is a nothing burger.
Why don't they get upset about the supreme court assurping the people's right to decide which laws where fair and just?
The supreme court was never set up to be arbiter of laws.

Why don't they get upset about the FED? Steeling 6% from every dollar every year. Compounded interest destroys lives. Why aren't these people looking at storming the FED?

Row vs Wade... it was not passed so that women could have control of their body. Women have always had control of their body.

If women would just remember some of the old wives tales about certain herbs and certain bushes, they would have abortion and fertility control in their hands... instead of the horrible hormone therapy that is today's birth control.

Row vs Wade was about getting rid of all of those "poor" children, or useless eaters. It was also about doctors who were fed up with performing abortions. Now, the doctors do not have to... if you want it, go bother an "abortion specialist".

Row vs Wade will not be overturned. The elite put it in place. And they aren't about to let it come up for a vote again.

They arent storming the fed because their mindcontrol handlers arent telling them to.
When the flashylight box tells them to break the paradigm, they will.
Whoever controls the programming controls the future, imo.

If we dont want to be steemrolled by the marching morons we have to get our message out to them, and we are.
In fact, we are winning.
Far more anarchists in the conversations than when i signed up in '85.
All hail the interwebz!

Whoa, optimism.. Very rare to to see these days, and I love you for it <3

Hope, and wanting to be right, are last to die.

I'm down with killing the corporatist, just a matter of time before the next historic revolution happens. If they want to live, they can walk away before we take control.

Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.

If the new boss is little different from the old boss, what have we gained?
Better to kill the parts in each of us that bow down to authority.

On any given Tuesday the workers can short circuit this bankster dystopia by simply continuing to work while refusing to pay for anything.
As long as the work gets done, life goes on with a very different compensation package.
But, good luck convincing one, they have to be reached in mass.
That day is coming.