RED TENT ~ Women take time out together: rest rejuvenate review renew.. reap the rich rewards

in #redtent7 years ago

Red Tent Red Rose phonto.jpg

RED Tent: Saturdays closest to New Moon

At Full Moon Family Wellness and Birth Center in Santa Cruz, CA {Mission @ Chrystal}
Santa Cruz Red Tent for March
"The red tent is a place for women to gather and join together in order to celebrate what it means to be a woman. Our sisters, mothers, daughters, grandmothers, aunts, friends are all welcome. The group is led in a discussion on a relevant topic each month"

Sisters "This is the sound of all of us...."

One Voice, Wailin' Jennys

RED Love

'RED': Red Riding Hood changes the storyline, Martha Tilston

Mothers & Daughters

Noble Maiden Fair, Pixar BRAVE movie

Weaving the Red Web

Drawing from the inspiration of the late Tamara Slayton and the Menstrual Health Foundation

footnote: Red Tent initiating impetus: Anita Diamant published 'The Red Tent' in 1997 ~An historical fiction based on the Genesis Biblical character Dinah daughter of Jacob and Leah. Diamant's work inspired a generation of women worldwide to a renewed honoring of their moon time/menses, claiming it as a perfect sister time, tuned to the lunar cycles, a time for Pause, reflection and renewal, the deep and precious sharing of our lives.