RE: "Due to the difficult situation in the country..."
Very positive post, as always when you write about your country, I really admire you and thought I would not chime in with facts from the "valley of destruction without war", this time. But I'll be brief. 😅
Lightcapture wrote a post very recently about the corruption in Bulgaria and its extent we can only guess, in fact, no one is quite aware of exactly what is happening at all levels, but the result is in front of our eyes and it is obvious, a consequence of constant diversion of funds to personal accounts. Inefficient management or simply a lack of desire for efficiency at all.
You may find it funny that I constantly complain about the situation here, but I am glad that you mention Venezuela, because lately on the news of our national television they show things from the life of Venezuela, as if to calm us down - in another country people are having a hard time. If it's harder for them, so much the better for us. For example - there was no electricity in Caracas. Well, in our country, 600 villages are without water. Which country is worse then? Who can say that? 😂
I marvel at your trust in local municipal administrations. I would be glad if you really had a reason for this, and you obviously do. Here, even in the hospitals, when they made them independent commercial companies that manage themselves, terrible frauds began to happen, draining the health fund at all levels, as well as robbing the population. I mean, fraud happens at all levels of the system - local and state, even at the level of individual businesses...
Oh, sorry, I wasn't short again! But I wanted to express just one admiration. You share really wonderful news from your country!
Perhaps my post was too optimistic. I should have noted that the level of corruption in Ukraine still remains unacceptable. However, I emphasized only what was done positively. If I start about the negative, then I will have topics for posts for the rest of my life.
Corruption at the state level and corruption at the local level are two different things. At the state level, abuses can reach fabulously terrible scales. If we talk about a city with a population of 65,000, then we are talking about much smaller funds. Theft on smaller financial flows is easier to detect and publicize, provided that there are enough active people to detect it.
And yet at my level, at the level of an ordinary citizen, I see positive changes. They are not enough, very few, but they are there. Personally, I now rarely have to face corruption than it was 20 years ago. The only exception is the Military Committees, since the current situation for them is a real jackpot.
Да вы совершенно правы. В Украине все решается взятками, но блогадаря этому в течении одной недели сделали ребенку операцию. А вот в Польше она была заплонирована через 2 года 😔 Очень жаль что мы не знаем как это.. Жизнь без корупции.
Моя знакомая, которая перехала в Польшу, как-то попиталась дать взятку🤦♀️ в итоге 2 года условно🤷♀️
Чем больше я живу в Европе, тем больше хочеться вернуться в Украину(
Тепер вже не все так просто, як раніше. Зараз "вирішити" питання значно складніше. Багато хто боїться брати хабарі через підвищення рівня контролю. Але безперечно для тих, хто має гроші, відкривається значно більше дверей.
Ну може щось змінилося, ми були в Україні рік тому. Звісно що кошти не такі великі як за кордоном, але в нас в Україні найкращі лікарі, яких ти віддячуєш коштами, що називається хабар. Взагалі люди самі не готові відмовитись від швидко вирішених питань, то і є корупція.
Так, кумася, я теж чула що з лікарями в Польщі туго, у тому плані що поки попадеш на прийом .. мала ж розповідає. Запис на роки вперед і не особливо квапляться коли людина хворіє
Так вчора дзвонила в лікарню, місто Люблін, найближча консультація після Нового року, а операція на 2026.. Якось так. Мабуть поїду я в Україну знову
О, жах. Я як почитаю авторів, та бачу що скрізь ця корупція, крадіжка та недоліки, в кожній країні, нажаль (.
Yes, this is the most unfortunate thing : we differ in so many things - history, location, mentality and all, but one thing so many peoples have in common, and that is the unfortunate way of governing. It is as if the government officials were reading the same book, which is distributed to all corners of the world. This is a common feature of all "poor" countries. And the most absurd thing is, as O1eh accurately points out, the poorest countries are actually the richest.
There is no logic and justice in this world. 😕
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