Rastafarian Anthems - Dope Hits to Light Up the Party
Sometimes when I'm listening to reggae music I can't help but start dancing. Cannabis has been a huge part of my life for almost 20 years. Cannabis has done beautiful things for me and my friends. Relieving pain, lifting the wintertime blues and preventing many diseases in the process. When I listen to music about the drug war I get goose bumps. I have called a hundred politicians and influencial figures lobbying to legalize cannabis. I still grow my crops. I am a patriot, a freedom fighter, an herbalist. But no, Haile Selassie is not the Christ. Jesus is the Christ. Here is some of my favorite tracks from the Reggae/Herbalist genre!
Upvoted and Resteemed nice post way too go!!!
Nice selection. If you have time feel free to add some of this to #steemradio-reggae or #steemradio-cannabis or why not to #steemradio-gethigh :)