Narconon Rainbow Canyon Review

in #rehab4 years ago

Introduction to Scientology Rehab

Years have passed since attending the Narconon Fresh Start Program (Scientology Rehab) in Warner Springs, California. My family trusted that I would be receiving drug rehabilitation.

Instead, I’d been deceitfully recruited to join the cult of Scientology.

After coming home, I witnessed people I’d survived the program with overdose and die. Seeing rest in peace, preceding a tagged name in my Facebook feed, triggered a physical aching in my chest.

Tears often well up in my eyes reliving those moments. One tag, two tags, three tags, four. How many more will post? The following years bring more. Drug addiction hadn’t killed anyone I loved prior.

Each death devastated the survivors and they still do. People died and continue to die. Because the Church of Scientology, (COS) is betraying the entire world with its Scientology rehab scam.

Personal Disclosure
Before entering Narconon, I had never heard of L. Ron Hubbard, (LRH) or his Scientology rehab. With the exception of Tom Cruise jumping on Oprah’s couch, I had zero understanding.

When I began writing my previous Narconon series, I had an audience of Scientology rehab peers actively reading it. Including those who were (are) still working for the cult.

I wanted to include all my friends in the story and was catering to my audience. But I never finished it. After losing several Scientology rehab buddies, I couldn’t continue that story.

Why Now
Because I didn’t fully understand the magnitude of the situation I had survived and escaped. It wasn’t until I began researching Narconon and Scientology, and binging Leah Remini’s show that my mind started processing the evil nature of this deceptive cult.

I got angry and I couldn’t believe what I was witnessing. During my time at Narconon, I was a practicing Scientologist! And I didn’t know it.

Deceived into believing that I owed the program something for saving my life. But my sobriety is not a Narconon success story. I am saved by grace alone.

However, I won’t deny that God placed a lot of angels along my road to recovery. I would not have survived Scientology rehab without them.

And I’m grateful. As angry as I am, I place none of the blame on the victims that I survived the trauma with. I love you all.

Even those I wasn’t capable of loving back then. If you’re reading, please forgive me.

I was an immature drug addict and was literally out of my mind. We survived abuses together and I’ve grown and matured a lot since that time in my life.

Where I’m At Today
My father has Aphasia which is progressing into Alzheimer’s disease. He found out about it right after he and his wife retired and were planning to enjoy their golden years together. Unfair, barely describes their circumstance.

He (and his wife) sacrificed forty-thousand dollars of their retirement for me to receive drug treatment that I never received. As he gets closer to needing hospice care, I am angrier.

And I am resentful. My parents may struggle because the COS stole from them. I don’t know if that’s their future reality. But I worry about it.

My dad is getting worse every day. And I’m not ready. Although, I doubt anyone is ever ready for this.

It’s challenging and I smoke weed daily. I started smoking once I left the comfort of my two-year isolation and reentered the workforce. Sobriety is much easier when you’re always home without outside influence.

Narconon isn’t recovery. It’s Scientology rehab, but without the rehabilitation. They don’t provide you with the education and tools you need to stay sober.

Eventually, you relapse. Almost everyone I attended with has either relapsed, switched their vices, (myself included) or overdosed and died. Only a handful remain clean and sober.

Join Me in Speaking Out
Victims without voices. Drug addicts, our friends, our family, are going home and dying daily. Because they are victims of the COS’s deception.

How dare they prey on these people! They’re still dying. The COS knows that drug addicts are liars. Betting on them, not acknowledged as credible witnesses. Allowing the church to faithfully employ these deceitful tactics.

How many will die before the COS is held accountable? Will you share your story and make our voices heard?

Our message needs sharing to serve as a warning to unsuspecting families desperately seeking help for the addict in their life. Just say no to Narconon.

If you’re a former student, intern or staff and want to bear witness and tell your story, (or add to mine) please email me at [email protected].

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Scientology Rehab Accountability
Narconon has over 50 locations around the world and they’re spreading. Do you realize the power (money) that Narconon’s deception has to have spread globally?

Misrepresenting themselves as drug rehabilitation care while being an indoctrination campus for Scientology is criminal.

Map at MuckRock

Legal ramifications deserve to be executed on a massive scale. Additionally, the COS needs to be held financially liable. Refunding everyone who paid for drug rehabilitation.

Because no portion of their program revolves around recovery. Zip. Zero. Zilch.

It’s a global fraud. Substantial compensation’s warranted. In addition to a refund for the families of the deceased.

What is the restitution for robbing mothers and fathers of holding their children again?

I apologize for not finding the strength to be a voice until now. No one wants to invite the backlash that comes along with speaking out against the COS. But I have several people haunting my head.

It’s been six years and I can’t shake them. These people were big parts of only a small-time, but of a huge circumstance in my life. And I can’t ignore them anymore. I won’t.

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The Fraudulent Websites and Hotline
My family had no idea dialing an internet hotline would engage the first part of Narconon’s scam. While not present for my parent’s conversation, I have insider knowledge of what it sounded like on the other end.

As an intern, I assumed the opportunity to monitor calls when I was training to become the recruiter.

A recruiting position at Narconon known as a registrar, or the reg, deceive unsuspecting victims into writing checks and signing their loved ones up for the indoctrination.

Narconon operates fraudulent websites that perpetuate themselves as legitimate addiction resource sites.

Read the elaborated portion of this part of the story in the previously published article linked below. Or continue scrolling to keep reading.

The Mock Interview and Promised Amenities
Narconon has the audacity to impose a mock interviewing process and each candidate is subject to it to determine eligibility.

Helping preserve the illusion of prestige they’ve created, as being a credible rehab with impeccable success rates. It’s a farce. Eligibility strictly adheres to whether or not your check clears.

Reg Lies During My Mock Interview
The reg (the successful ones) will say anything to get you onto the airplane. My reg promised that I would be able to walk barefoot on the beach every day of my recovery. However, the center is in the desert and it was only one of many lies.

Additional Lies Included:

Private/Double Occupancy Rooms
Flat-screen TV in Every Room
Stocked Minifridges in Every Room
Heated Swimming Pool
Hot Tub for Aching Muscles
Daily Massage With Personal Massage Therapist
Daily One-on-One Counseling With Personal Therapist
75% Recovery Success Rate
Do you have any idea what it felt like showing up to receive these services as part of my detoxing and rehab, and then to have none of it be true? Ultimately, it was traumatic.

Infamous Glendale Reg Lies at Scientology Rehab
All reg’s lie. They wouldn’t successfully recruit people if they told them the truth. Truth is that it’s a rundown facility that continuously runs out of supplies and barely provides even your basic needs.

Infamous Glendale Reg Fables Include:

A Lake With Jet Skis
A Golf Course
Vending Machines
Pool Tables
Indoor Gym
Horseback Riding
Yoga Classes
Mountain Dew
90% Recovery Success Rate
Notably, the vilest untruth was the indication of Narconon’s legal department. My family and I were conned into believing that their legal defense team would communicate with my attorney. In order to settle community service requirements, I had court-mandated at home.

Legal Woes
Being in trouble with the law was foreign to me. I followed my lawyer’s advice and trusted that he knew what was best. In that same sense, I trusted that Narconon’s legal department would handle my circumstances.

Drug addicts are criminal by nature of their title. So legal woes before recovery aren’t uncommon. My family was assured, (and reassured) that a legal department exists at Narconon.

Furthermore, Narconon expressed that my requirements would, (most likely) be waived. As a rehab in lieu of community service situation. Consoled as this being a daily success for their legal team.

First, no legal department existed. Second, neither did a legal defense team. Despite this reality, the office staff assumed the role.

The office staff being drug addicts who had only recently completed their programs. And have no experience in law. Except, of course, breaking them!

Ultimately, I was told that my community service hours were dismissed. Because of my dedication to rehabilitation.

Two-Years After Scientology Rehab
Two-years after I returned home, I applied for a condo and submitted a background check. Rejected and confused, I prodded the renter for more information.

Reluctant at first, she informed me of a warrant out for my arrest! Incurred three years earlier while captive at Narconon!

My heart was beating hysterically in my chest upon hearing this news. My head pounded as fear infiltrated every grit of my existence. For the second time, Narconon fucked me out of my ocean view!

Moment to Reflect on What That Meant at This Stage of My Life
I was two-years sober and putting my life back together with a decent-paying job and a promising future. And very excited to relocate to a condo across the street from the beach.

Unbeknownst to me, I was driving around for two-years with a warrant out for my arrest!

Imagine being pulled over (with my then, six-year-old daughter) in the car. Handcuffed, arrested and impounded. Terrifying for me; traumatizing for her. Furthermore, I’d be thrown into the county jail.

Surrounded by my old drug dealers and heroin heads from the street. What could that experience do to my sobriety?

Narconon would bear no responsibility despite being directly liable. It’s criminal. And I am certain I’m not the only one who went home and experienced this reality.

The Lawyer and the Judge
Immediately, I called my lawyer. Shaken and elated he couldn’t believe it was me. Additionally, he expressed:

It was as if you were being held captive. They refused to let me speak to you directly. I left several messages and never heard anything from you. I worried about you.

Despite my own practice of intercepting incoming messages as an intern and withholding them from new students, I didn’t realize the weight of his words at that time.

He took my case but due to Narconon’s negligence, it costs me a lot more money. Gratefully, the judge acknowledged the dangers of what going to jail or serving community service might have on my sobriety.

Terminating both options with his congratulations. But not without issuing a firm warning to not step foot in his courtroom again. I’ve concurred.

Medical Detox at Scientology Rehab
Promoted heavily with a strict drug-free philosophy, Narconon is willing to accommodate those who demand medical detox prior to committing to rehab.

“Arrowhead Medical Detox McAlester, OK” by Colin Henderson = Me is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
Although, there isn’t medical staff at either location. I stayed at a couple of millions-dollar-mansion in Murrieta. The shower seats many and there are a million different faucets shooting water at you from all directions.

A large jacuzzi tub invites you to soak your sore muscles and let the stress melt away. I’ve never experienced that scale of luxury. But I guarantee you– it’s short-lived.

Withdrawal Specialists of Scientology Rehab
A personal intern is assigned to watch you through the drug-free process. This Scientology rehab scam calls them withdrawal specialists (WS). It’s their job to ensure you don’t run. Essentially, they’re there to cater to you until the check clears.

You are addressed as a student rather than a patient. During this time, you’re treated like royalty. Sleep is on a large bed with oversized pillows. You may have any food or drink you request.

My WS was pleasant but uninformative. She refused to answer any questions about the program or the center I would be staying at. The conversation is always redirected to remaining in the present time.

I understand now that she was instructed to handle me and not to answer questions. As I was coached not to when I was an intern. Avoiding the confrontation of defending the reg’s lies.

Unforgivable Lie
One lie was unforgivable. Before leaving home, I promised my daughter I would call her every day. Despite my tears and pleas about not breaking another promise to her, they refused to allow me to call her for 10 days.

There was no empathy extended for my then, four-year-old daughter’s, fragile condition.

Instead, a WS called my parents and reported my daily progress. My parents were being fed bullshit and had zero clues.

Because they believed they were speaking with a licensed therapist. They didn’t question what they were told. Praying and hopeful for my recovery.

Progressive Medicine of Scientology Rehab
The Institute for Progressive Medicine is the doctor facility. It sells supplements. and L. Ron Hubbard materials. Students transport through the back doors of the building, (emergency exits).

I arrived coming off of heroin and my last shot was around twenty-four hours prior and my body was wrestling dope sick collapse. Every muscle in my body was aching to fall into a slump. Valium and Subutex were prescribed.

Medicine Man
The man in charge of dispensing meds, mostly, hid in his room. His demeanor is abrasive and insensitive. Most of my time at Murrieta and the first parts of Huntington Beach are a blur to me.

The valium dosage prescribed had me in a near comatose state. One day my withdrawal specialist came into my room to wake me.

Concerned because it was four o’clock in the afternoon and I’d turned in at eight o’clock p.m. the night before! I couldn’t wake up!

There was no medical staff monitoring my vital signs or heroin withdrawal during my entire stay at Narconon’s Scientology rehab scam.

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Misinformed Medicine
That was my second day withdrawing from over five years of excessive narcotic use. Death was absolutely a possibility. Despite being told that it was not. Narconon trains its staff to educate the students with inadequate drug information.

Repeatedly informed that people don’t die from heroin withdrawal. Elaborating only alcohol and benzo withdrawal kills. But that is absolutely not true. Additionally, as an intern, I unknowingly helped facilitate that lie.

Criminal negligence is only beginning to scratch the surface of Narconon’s many crimes. Multiple lawsuits have been filed against Narconon due to Scientology, and people dying in their care.

Drug-Free Withdrawal at Scientology Rehab
A ranch, (about a mile from the center) in Warner Springs and the Huntington house is used for the withdrawal at Scientology rehab. The house is a retro-seventies mansion hidden among mansions not far from Sunset beach.

An additional fee is collected to complete drug-free withdrawal in Huntington. Phone, television, and caffeine privileges are revoked. A personal chef will whip up nearly anything you would like to eat.

Students typically spend a week or two, in this first phase of programming.

It’s an introductory stage to drug bombs, light objectives, and assists. Three common practices of Scientology.

Drug Bombs
A drug bomb references a concoction of vitamins mixed into an orange drink. And its required consumption is three to four times, daily. Urination is unpleasant, as it smells precisely as it does, ingesting it.

Cal-Mag is Scientology’s miracle elixir. Aimed to alleviate soreness in your bones and joints. And it’s absolutely repulsive. Essentially, it’s calcium and magnesium with a vinegar base.

Nothing else I have ever put into my body has caused such a frightening visceral urgency to use the bathroom. And the magnitude of the explosive outcome remains unmatched.

Ways to dispose of Cal-Mag includes watering the plants, tossing it quickly over the fence, and taking it into the bathroom with me to dump down the drain.

To learn more about the dangerous amounts of vitamins in the drug bombs and more, Read 9 Reasons Scientology Violates Patient Rights.

Light Objectives
Light objectives are Scientology drills. Run for the purpose of bringing a person into the present time. And they are part of the initial stages of indoctrination.

Five or six different light objectives cycle through relentlessly. These drills run for a minimum of 15-20 minutes each.

Once in the present time, you’re pressured to originate a cognition. Cognition is also known as the end phenomena (EP) in Scientology. It’s meant to be a statement of consciousness.

End Phenomena
Or an, “I realize” statement that proposes you’ve experienced a mental breakthrough. In my case, (and several cases by consensus of my peers) it was a statement of realization.

Manufactured to encompass what I thought they expected me to say. I would say anything so that I could stop doing them.

Until you achieve the EP that is demanded from the objective, it runs relentlessly. However, if you attain the EP immediately, the objective is still performed for its minimum duration. Denouncing the legitimacy of their purpose from the beginning.

Light Objectives Dialogue
Withdrawal Specialist (WS): We are going to practice an exercise to help pull you out of your head by bringing you into the present time. Begin session: Look around here and tell me what is really real to you?

ME: What do you mean? It’s like you are speaking another language sometimes. I’m not in my head. How is this going to help me not stick a needle full of heroin into my arm?

I feel like death. I don’t understand why I can’t rest. I’ve been up for the last three months of my life. This is fucking torture. Why won’t you let me sleep?

WS: I understand that you’re exhausted. I was exactly where you are ninety-days ago. Seriously, I thought the same things that you are thinking right now. Like, what the fuck is this? But this program has saved my life and I am here to help you through this.

I understand you have reservations about these objectives. Let’s run one for fifteen minutes and you’ll gain understanding. Okay. Look around here and tell me what is really real to you?

ME: My reg told me that I could call my daughter every day! I’m letting her down with each day that passes. I want to talk to my daughter. You know what’s not really real to me? Anything that came out of my Reg’s mouth.

Light Objectives Handling
WS: I understand you’re angry. My reg lied to me too. But think about where you are now. Would you have gotten on a plane? Or would you be back home killing yourself with heroin if it wasn’t for the reg?

You have your daughter to think about. Let’s run the objective for fifteen minutes and then take a break. Okay?

ME: My reg didn’t get me on the plane. I begged my family to find me a good rehab. If you would just let me sleep so that I could focus. I’ll do everything you ask of me but I can’t keep my eyes open. I’m still drugged. Don’t I have a choice?

WS: I understand you’re tired! I’m sorry. Let’s see if we can get a nap approved when we get back! But until you complete these objectives and are cleared for the center, you will not be able to talk to your daughter.

You don’t want to disappoint her. Come on, let’s run it. Look around here and tell me what is really real to you?

Light Objectives Compliance
ME: (Eye roll followed by forced compliance) Everything is real! Literally, everything around me is real. Besides maybe those fake tans at five o’clock.

WS: (Laughter) followed by an acknowledgment– Good. Look around here and tell me what is really real to you.

ME: I don’t know. The trees.

WS: Good. Look around here and tell me what is really real to you.

ME: The birds on the fence.

WS: Good. Look around here and tell me what is really real to you.

ME: The blue in the sky.

WS: Good. Look around here and tell me what is really real to you.

ME: Everything is really real to me. For the first time in a long time, I am seeing the world through sober eyes.

WS: Good. End phenomena, (End of Process).

You perform these idiosyncrasies recurrently. For a minimum of 15-20 minutes. Have you witnessed an addict actively in withdrawals grasp? It’s brutally unforgiving. Take a moment to walk through this experience in the shoes of the addict.

A Walk in the Addict’s Shoes
Admitting I have a problem and desperately need help. I’m dying for it. Quite literally with every shot of crystal and dope. Perceiving this is rock bottom and my final chance. I beg my parents for help.

Bruised, beaten, broken, and defeated, and barely escaping the clutches of death. I’ve found the courage and strength to get on an airplane and leave every who and what I knew. Including my four-year-old daughter.

To onlookers, I am visually motionless. But inside, I’m tormented. Imagining myself clawing at my skin and pulling at my hair to break free from my prison. Grinding my teeth until my jaw aches to break free from its clench.

Heroin Withdrawal
Speaking from the experience of heroin withdrawal, it’s a literal hell on earth. Despite indescribable fatigue, I fight my mind to sleep. Experiencing intense cravings that torment it into a frenzy.

Manipulating me into doing anything to satisfy the unbearable hunger of my drug of choice, (DOC) heroin. I’ll commit unspeakable acts to satisfy her insatiable thirst.

My body wrestling violently to keep me awake. Convulsing with spontaneous movements all night long.

Agonizing pain jolting me awake, each time my elbow involuntarily bangs into the wall. Constant tossing and turning are inescapable. Every nerve in my body tickles with tormenting tremors.

It’s similar to the feeling of your limbs tingling when they’re asleep. But it’s all at once and relentlessly constant. Exhausting myself to tears, as I kick and stretch to shake these restless legs off.

By morning my sheets are on the floor and soaked by my cold sweats. Buckets of perspiration are emitting foul chemical smells. Polluting the air with its putrid stench and drenching the mattress beneath me.

Several weeks of these symptoms ensue. And there is zero medical staff monitoring me.

Don’t Miss the Rest of the Story!
Sign-up and say NO to Scientology.

The Bottom Line
Every addict seeking treatment becomes a practicing Scientologist at Narconon’s Scientology rehab. Taught that drug addiction is our condition. The twelve-step model isn’t introduced, and moreover, it’s denounced.

Additionally, drug addiction is taught as a choice and not a disease. Reiterated, it’s your condition that you’ve put yourself in.

Additionally, you swallow a concoction of vitamins and minerals that cause your body to exorcize them quickly. And with brutal force. Sometimes with little to no warning. People shit their pants.

Questions about the programming are never answered. Under the pretense of remaining in the present time. Furthermore, interns have been brainwashed with handling techniques and are adamant in their use.

“File: Anti-Narconon protesters in New York City, 16 August 2008.jpg” by Mknjbhvgcf is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0


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