Before I proceed with my RE-INTRODUCTION I'd like to specially thank @davidjossy who helped me trace my password and continue with life on this distinguished platform after three years and also special thanks to @bhoa who first introduced me to STEEMIT.
I'm Andrew kekii Zinabari from Nigeria residing in port Harcourt and a final year medical student of the university of port Harcourt.
I'm a passionate sports lover,along with music,lifestyle,fashion,business,housing and tourism.
So many things I would have loved to add here now cos so many new things that can change about a person in three years....I know with time so many more new things would be known about me but more importantly so many more new things I'll learn about and from others on the ever magical STEEMIT.
To conclude I'm really happy to be back and I'm not loosing my password again....I've learnt and I've learnt well
One love,thanks