MOTIVATION TALK..... ISSUE: Submission within the context of marriage.

in #relationship6 years ago

Looking at submission and marriage, it seems clear to me that scripturally women are called to submit to the leadership and direction of their husbands.
God knows human's problems that's why he gave the instruction, men love your wives as Christ love the church, and women be submissive to your husband....

Given the number of scriptures that spell this out so simply in black and white, I find it difficult to see that the scriptures could mean anything other than what they actually say.

Although this area of submission can affect more personal issues (and, yes, be a bit scary), I see submitting to a husband as similar to submitting to any other authority. .....

Trusting that a husband is called and mandated to direct the home is no different than trusting that a pastor/Imam or elder is called and anointed to direct a church/mosque.

Or a scout master to direct a troop, or a teacher to direct the class etc.

None will be perfect, but each person is called to do a particular job and will be enabled by God to do so.


Mindless obedience:

I think this is covered by understanding godly disobedience.

If someone, anyone, asks you to do wrong, respectfully and graciously say, “No.”

You are accountable before God for what you say and do.

Chunking your intellect and individuality in the waste basket:

Submitting to a husband isn’t about giving up your individuality, your personal tastes or your dreams.

It’s not about following your husband around drooling “yes man” phrases.

God created husbands and wives to be a team.

Husbands are the leader, but their input alone is not enough.

The team needs your intelligence, your experience and your perspective also.

Submission is choosing to step into agreement with God’s structure of order and trusting Him to work it for everyone’s good.
FINALLY...... i'm saying
Marriage is a team work. I'll love to hear your view in the comments box,

I'm back fully and better... Follow, upvote and resteem,

because tomorrow I'll be talking about men's part which is to love their women..... I'm committed to building a formidable home.