Five Ways To Mess Up Your Relationship!

in #relationship7 years ago (edited)

If your relationship is in turmoil, then this article is not for you as you must already be doing your due diligence. You must have been through all the ways mentioned in the article, so there is no need to revise everything again.

And if you belong to the other category, then please do not read carefully to join the majority.

Note: From here onwards, please read his/her/himself/herself as per your convenience.

Let’s don’t waste time and utilize this precious time to learn five quick ways to mess up your relationship

Consistent criticism is the key


Never miss a single opportunity to pinpoint the irritating habit of your partner. Any bad habit needs to get addressed immediately. Who knows ‘Kal Ho Na Ho’(Famous Indian saying which means ‘May Not Be There Tomorrow’).We only have this short life to make our partner perfect in everything.

Give frequent feedbacks even when the partner is not ready to receive


Your feedback on everything is most important to your partner. Being a better half, it’s your responsibility to upgrade your partner on regular basis, just like a software app. So, even If the other one asks for some space; give her a quick feedback in return.

Attack when the partner is weak


When the partner is upset or broken, that is the best time to make her realize all the previous mistakes. That is the time to show your superiority. Your partner’s vulnerable condition won’t let her defend herself.

Be busy with your work

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Remember, you married to your work first and then your partner. Unlike the time spent with your partner, every hour spent with your work would give you more money. Having money might help you buy a new partner itself.

You may get someday when you don’t have enough work to get busy for; on those special days get immersed yourself in your cell phone or something else so that your partner doesn’t get any chance to disturb you.

Never say Thank you


Being grateful for your partner means to loosen up your grip. Don’t lose your dominance over the relationship. Whatever your partner is doing; it’s her responsibility to do so. She is not doing something extra, so there is no need to be grateful to her.

You must have got the irony by now. This is a ‘Not To Do List’. So, please for God’s sake; stop doing all these bullshits.

After messing up your relationship, It’s my responsibility to repair the damage done by these five bonus tips

Start your day with a warm Hug

Just before you get out of the bed, have a tight hug to your partner and feel the compassion. This positive start would set your mood up for the entire day.

Have some mini-games in your house

I generally prefer to play games like Ludo, Snakes and Ladder, Carrom etc at least for half an hour every day with my Partner. Small acts like these will keep the child inside both of you alive.

Switch off the digital life

Get yourself immersed in physical life(you know what I mean) at least once a day by switching off your digital life. Having few intimate moments every day is vital to a healthy relationship.

Discuss the fun moments

Before bedtime, try to bring the fun side of whatever happened during the day. It would keep your relationship interesting. Avoid problematic discussions and serious talks just before sleeping.

Have a gratitude sleep

When you are ready to sleep, just after closing your eyes; count at least three reasons to spend rest of life with your partner. At the end of each reason; try to feel as grateful as you can. This last minute gratefulness will massively affect your subconscious mind and would bring more convincing reasons to be with each other.

The best way to flourish a relationship is to give the significant one a chance to be more human; to do more mistakes. The more you try to pull the strings; higher the chances are of breaking it. Threads of the relationships are always meant to be flexible.

Article originally published in Bliss Curator:

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So, How did to stop messing up your relationship? Please do let me know in the comment section.