7 Tips to escape seduction from girls

in #relationship8 years ago

From time to time, handsome or rich guys do have to face temptation from girls. It might be worse when you are both rich and handsome, you will be chased by girls on every side and they will try all they can do to make you theirs or get a taste of your money.

Now, these girls can come using various styles but the most commonly used style is exposing their body parts and putting them on display for you to see. This could happen in your office, house, room and anywhere else they know you can fall for their tricks and sleep with them without being afraid of getting caught.

For some men, you may not want to give in to their tricks but as far as you are living, you have blood running inside your veins, your hormones are working and your manhood is effective, it may be difficult to keep yourself from falling into their trap. Some may ask why there is need to escape something the ladies are giving you freely because they don't see anything bad in sleeping with different ladies, it is bad but I can't really address it in this post. There are however many others who wouldn't like to give into the temptation maybe because of their commitment to their partners, high moral standards or commitment to keeping their body holy. Stated below are tips on how to escape seduction from girls.

Admit that you can fall.

This is the first step in helping yourself escape from the trap of girls. Don't deceive yourself and say that no matter what any girl tries, you cannot fall for her tricks. Tell yourself the truth and make the decision to avoid any situation that'll make you fall.

Don't put yourself in a tight situation.

This is a big mistake most guys make. Knowing that a girl really wants to get down with you, you should try everything to avoid her. But instead some guys may still invite her on dates or special outings. So what happens when you invite her on a date and she puts on a cleavage revealing dress and tight miniskirt? Your organ will just start reacting to what your eyes are seeing.

Try not to be alone with her.

This is very important. Do not give her any opportunity to be alone with you, she might start making moves the you wouldn't be able to resist.

Avoid physical contact with her.

You don't want to fall for a girl who is trying to seduce you but you still hug her always, hold her hands, peck her or allow her sit on your laps? You must be joking. All these will encourage her and allow you have or increase the urge to sleep with her and before you know she would have broken through your defence.

Avoid looking at her exposed parts.

This may be difficult but it is possible if you are determined. Like I said earlier, one way a girl acts if she wants to seduce you is exposing her body parts for you to see, this you may not be able to prevent because you do not have control or a say on what she puts on if you are not her boss. But you can try as much as possible not to feed your eyes with the food she's giving it. Try to fix your gaze on her face whenever you have to talk to her instead on gazing at her chest. Also avoid looking at her legs or any exposed body parts that can turn you on.

Talk to her about it loud and strong.

Imagine a situation when you're alone in the room with a girl and she's caressing you and then you're saying "Please stop it, I don't like it" in a very calm and soft voice. Your words would only sound encouraging to her and before you know, she might dip her hand into your trousers and you may not be able to do anything again. When you want her to stop, tell her in a loud and strong tone and let her see it in your facial expression that you're dead serious about not wanting her.

Maintain your glow in God.

This is the best method. Once you are aglow with God, you wouldn't have time for pornographic materials that will reduce your inability to resist the temptation. And even if you're someone who is just learning how to keep his body under subjection, you could get a divine intervention from God at that point she's trying to lure you.

This is what I have for you today, kindly state your opinions and ask your questions.BPp8gwQg5QF.jpg


ide have sex with any hot girl coming my way, why would God give a fuck , peace