13 Simple Ways To Find Out If A Girl Is Crazy For You Secretly.

in #relationship2 years ago

What if you were more than just her friend? Reading a girl's mind is quite difficult. Do you like her? Is that all she sees in you—a friend? Does she even recognize you? Not to worry! We'll assist you in interpreting her words and deeds. Here are all the clues and insider information you need to know about her true feelings for you.


  1. She tries to catch your eye, fiddles with her hair, etc.
    Her nonverbal cues would soon reveal her hidden agenda. A girl who likes you won't act the same way around you as she does with her friends. She will either be intensely attentive to you or a little tense and agitated. Here are a few indications that she may like you.
    She either holds your attention or looks away right away.
    She gives you several grins.
    While speaking with you, she plays with her hair.
    When she looks at you, she licks her lips.
    In your company, she fidgets apprehensively.
    She flushes in your presence.
    She seems to be quite self-conscious about how she looks.
    She turns to face you.
    At you, she waggles her toes.

  2. She sends a lot of text messages with emoji.
    Emojis are popular among girls. With boys they like, they use them more. See if you can see any frequent small pictures as you go through your text messages. If so, it could be that she has a soft spot for you. It might also imply that she enjoys emojis. So if you still hesitate to ask her out, seek other indications.
    Some emojis are more geared toward seduction than others. It's likely that she likes you if she sends you a heart, heart-eyes, or winking smiley face.

  3. She enjoys your humor.
    Try telling her a crude joke to see if she will laugh. The next time you visit her, prepare a few lighthearted jokes to tell her. Here are some jokes to try. You might also SMS her your jokes and see whether she replies with an emoji, a GIF, or a comment like "so funny!"
    A pea in an elevator is small, spherical, green, and moves up and down.
    An old cotton candy is referred to as "Grandpa's cotton candy."
    The baguette is the magicians' preferred type of bread.
    "A squeezed lemon runs very quickly and is yellow."

  4. She admits she's single to you.
    In order to ask you out, she will want to know this. So that you can catch her mentioning her romantic state, pay close attention to what she says to you. Here are a few phrases she might use to address you.
    I'm single.
    "I'm single and all my pals are in relationships."
    I wonder if I'll ever meet someone.
    "I haven't gone out with someone in such a long time."
    "I still don't have a date for Saturday night," you said.

She is hiding how much she cares for you here.>>> http://bitly.ws/upnI

  1. She imitates what you do.
    She will imitate your facial expressions and hand motions if she likes you. See if she imitates your modest gesture. If so, it could be a sign that she likes you. Here are a few ideas.
    Give a head nod.
    Legs crossed.
    Put your fingers together.
    Elevate your brows.

  2. She appreciates your compliments.
    Try complimenting her and observing her response. You may send a text or do it in person. Express your admiration for her outfit choice for the day or a particular act she performed. She might be feeling something for you if she reacts to your comment with intense joy or if she pays you a compliment.
    Tell them something funny like, "You are the funniest person I know!" or "That dress looks terrific on you!"

  3. She carries on the chat.
    Solicit her curiosity by starting a discussion. Ask her questions about herself, her interests, or current events to start a conversation in person or by text. If a girl likes you, she will want to talk to you more and inquire about your plans. Check out these questions.
    What Netflix film should I see, and why?
    What do you like best about this city, exactly?
    Do you possess any hidden talents?
    What are your suggestions for a good book to read?
    "Which superhero is your favorite?"
    "What is your ideal position?
    "How far along is your project?
    What were your thoughts on the movie you watched the day before?

  4. She enjoys touching you.
    Examine her response when you touch her. Don't even think of touching a girl you hardly know. But if the moment seems perfect, try stroking her arm or leaning in. Try giving her a hug if you are friends or even just acquaintances to see if she will accept it. She likes you if she gives you a hug back or rubs your back.
    Start out by making a very small move, like brushing up against her or sitting next to her, and see whether or not she withdraws.
    You might even request a hug from her. Say, "Good to meet you! How about a hug? "

  5. She recalls specifics about you.
    She will remember what you say if she likes you. Keep in mind everything you discussed with her. Then bring up subjects you've already discussed. She likes you if she recalls what you said, which is an indication.
    For example, suppose you enjoy superhero movies a lot and a new Marvel film has just been released. You can say, "I can't wait to see what movie I'm going to watch this weekend at the cinema."
    Or perhaps you mentioned your dog's irritating tendency to run away to her. When that happens, you may email him a picture of your pet standing outside the door along with the question, "Guess what he's attempting to do?"

She is hiding how much she cares for you here.>>> http://bitly.ws/upnI

  1. She desires to learn every detail about you and to share every detail about herself.
    See if she responds by being open to you. You don't have to divulge your most sinister secrets to her, but please share something about yourself that not everyone is aware of. Talk to her about your ambitions and interests while sharing some personal anecdotes. Encourage her to talk to you about her ideas as well.
    For instance, share with her your childhood aspiration of being an astronaut or a close call with drowning.
    Try to get them to open up after you've told them a story. "That's why I'm so obsessed with space." You could say, "What did you want to be when you were a kid?"

  2. She talks about you to her friends.
    Does she continue to mention you? That she likes you is a wonderful thing. That implies that her pals will be familiar with your name and a lot of details about you. See what they have to say by speaking with her pals. Here are several indicators that she is totally into you!
    Even though it's your first time meeting them, they all recognize you by name.
    They are aware of information about you that you have never divulged.
    They inform you about her.
    They enquire as to your opinion of her.

  3. She doesn't seem content to be merely your friend.
    Inform her that you want to be more than just her friend. Then consider her response. Being so blunt is quite unsettling, but it will prevent you from entering the terrible friend zone. Either she won't engage and will withdraw herself, or she will confess her admiration for you. If you truly want to be more than simply her friend, just do this.
    You may add, "I want you to know that I'm not only interested in you as a friend. You're such a fascinating girl. I adore spending time with you. "
    Or, "I want to know you as more than just a buddy. You're pretty cool. I was hoping we might spend some time together this weekend."

  4. She consents to dating you.
    Go ahead and send a date request to her. Although terrifying, doing this will guarantee that she likes you. If you're really anxious, text her to ask her out. She might decline, but you can concentrate your efforts on a potential match.
    Say something like, "Hi, I'd love to get to know you better. Are you available for coffee on Thursday afternoon?" or "I feel like I always get close to you on group dates. Would you like to go out to dinner sometime, just the two of us?"
    If you want to join me for dinner this Friday, text her something like, "That new Italian restaurant just opened. Do you want to go to dinner this Thursday? " or "My cousin's hosting a birthday party this weekend. Would you like to go with me? "

She is hiding how much she cares for you here.>>> http://bitly.ws/upnI

Don't be content with just one of these indicators. To be absolutely certain that you like her, look for more than one.
It's better to express your feelings in a direct and unambiguous manner. If not, she'll assume you two are just pals.