The One Question To Ask Before Getting Into A Relationship


Relationships are such a hard topic to cover, but it's such an important topic to cover. More often than not, we have a tendency to lose ourselves in our relationship which can be both good and bad. We get so busy trying to meet the standards of the other person that we lose the essence of who we are. Then we get stuck repeating the same mistake over and over again.

As I battled with this from time to time, I have come to the one question I will ask every person that I will potential get into a relationship.

What are your values?

This is not the same as what are your interests. Interests and values are completely different from each other. You can have completely different interests, but have the same values. What do you put first? Do you put family first? What about your job? Do you put your job first? Where do you invest your money in the most.

Your core values are what make you unique. They affect your decisions in marriage, life and career.

I used to date a guy who had all the same interests as me. We both loved hiking and traveling, but we never got along when it came to making the right decisions. I realized that the reason why it didn't work out was because though we shared common interests, our thoughts of how we wanted to plan our future completely conflicted.


Sangat bagus, tapi dalam setiap hubungan cobalah saling memahami dan berusaha mengalah...

yes! I actually wrote a post on why values are a lot more important than goals. This pretty much summarizes it haha. I can relate to this situation completely. it's a bummer is when you invest so much time in a person only to realize your values aren't aligned :/