20 Things Women Do When They’re Cheating In Their Relationship

Whether you want to admit it or not, for most humans, monogamy is hard. Something like 30-60% of all married people will have at least one affair over the course of their relationship. And that’s just the people that own up to it. The best thing to do, when faced with the possibility of infidelity (either on you or your partners part), is to talk about it. If you’d prefer to work yourself into a vortex of anxiety instead, though, here are some signs that women display when they’re cheating.
Is she nagging you non-stop? Now. Before you answer this; ask yourself… is she nagging you because you aren’t taking responsibility for yourself/your household duties, or is she looking for things to nitpick you about? Often men and women’s definitions of “nagging” are different. If she’s just grasping at straws looking for faults, she might be digging for a reason to end things.

Hanging with Someone New

Does your partner have a new friend? That’s totally normal. LOL. Policing who your partner can and cannot be friends with is not healthy. That being said, if she seems reluctant to discuss this person or share details of their relationship, that might be a sign that there is something to be suspicious of. If you are unsure, why don’t you ask?

A Sudden Interest in Your Schedule

Again. This is a totally normal thing that couples do. “How was your day?” or “What do you have going on today?” is a nice thing humans do to show they care. But if she seems nervous, or like she’s keeping tabs on you, then maybe you should start worrying. Once again, a simple hey, what’s up with you? could fix all this suspicion.


Do you notice a sudden lack of presence on her part when you’re hanging out? Does she no longer listen to you when you speak? Are you boring? Or is she cheating? Or is she just going through something at the moment? Maybe ask her! See if she needs your support, a listening ear, or if she’s schtuping someone else.