Crush or Love?

in #relationships7 years ago

Crush or Love? 

I'd like to differentiate the two feelings using the character and personality of the person you are crushing on or loving. Before I do that, I will like to define character and personality. 

The character of a person are deep seated values that are usually not know by watching the person on TV or having occasional meets. They are things that requires a reasonable amount of time to be unseated and dug out. Character are things like thoughtfulness, loving nature, greed, frugality, giving nature, honesty, rigidity etc

The personality of a person on the other hand are things you can readily see. Examples includes the way a person walks, the dressing style, the smile, the voice and the way of talking, gestures etc.

Now to crush or love… You will most likely crush over the personality of a person. If after a while, when it is believer you must have learnt a little about the characters of a person, and you are still comfortable with that person, chances are that you have crossed the line of crushing into loving. 

So the delimiting factor is TIME. Time will tell whether your crush will grow into love or not. Most of the time, the people we crush on don't just fit when we discover who they really are and all of a sudden, we stop finding them interesting. So if you want to find out if it'd crush or love, give it time. Time will always tell. 

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Is It A Crush or Love? | Relationships & Family