Jesus was a Levite...Not a Jew

in #religion6 years ago (edited)


The Father of Mary was Heli a Levite, making Jesus a Levite.
It also makes Jesus of the blood of David and Levi.....why does that matter?

Because it makes Jesus both a Priest and King....just like Melchizedek.

In Revelations 7, we do see the Tribe of Levi included in the 144k witnesses.
This can only happen if the Priest class no longer existed.....also the tribe of Dan is missing, as they are the judges.

This proves that you can be a Jew and omitted from the 144k...and that you can be a Levite and included.
Why are Levites not Jews?......Because they were left out in "Numbers 1"

"47 The ancestral tribe of the Levites, however, was not counted along with the others. 48 The Lord had said to Moses: 49 “You must not count the tribe of Levi or include them in the census of the other Israelites. 50 Instead, appoint the Levites to be in charge of the tabernacle of the covenant law"

Thank you
Yours Truly, -J1