My kinda crazy "Epistle on Fasting" (written after an extended fast last year)

in #religion8 years ago (edited)

"And when you fast, do not whine, bitch, or moan about the fact that you are fasting, 

just to show off your alleged spirituality, and to gain sympathies and praise from men for simply doing the basics. This is the Ahab Spirit, which seeks approval and affirmation from Man rather than from God, and which many bouts of prayer and fasting may or may not eventually free you from for periods of time. 


"But be ye very very warned, this spirit is cunning and patient, and likewise a devourer; he will return to tempt you again. And again. And again. When THAT spirit does finally abate and leave you alone for good, know that the next spirit you will encounter is the Angel of Death.

"Not that Ahab fears Death of course. Ahab actually courts Death's favor sometimes… Just for the sake of the story being really good once he's gone. (That was free. Anyways…)

"But rather, when you fast, anoint your head with oil, and be glad that God's grace is upon you to deny your flesh for this briefest of times. This too shall pass, but this time is so that the longing of your hearts to experience what you read in the Book of Acts (and elsewhere. Everyelsewhere that is!) may be satisfied, and so that you may begin peeking into the realms where the dunamis power of the Holy Spirit becomes the new normal for you.

"And when asked, DO NOT LIE about your fasting, or in any way dodge out on telling people what God is accomplishing right before their very eyes! This is but false humility, the leaven of The Pharisee that liveth within ye still. He - by the way - is possible to banish. Difficult, but possible. Problem is tho, there's millions more who will volunteer to take his place, just to eff with you, if for no other reason. You probably remember them from high school, do ye not?

"Have you not read that those things taught you in the secret places must eventually be shouted from the rooftops? I say that, and also that even those things God has worked IN you from your time in the secret place will soon be shared by you as well. You know better than to hide a lit candle, as the Word says...

"Yet the spirit of false humility causes everyone of us to disobey that teaching, most of the time.

"But to my friends, and to my many younger and older brethren likewise born from amongst the living dead, I say this: if The Living God truly empowers ye for a long-term fast, people WILL NOTICE as the pounds melt away, and that Hi-Pro Glow gleefully resteth upon you.

"You are not boasting in flesh by answering honestly, for flesh is not accomplishing such a feat. In that moment you shall very organically find yourself testifying that the power of God is yet a very present help even today - and readily present to any who will knock, ask, and seek with a heart likened to our now famous "persistent widow" sister who would not be denied or even shut up, until the righteous judge gave her all that she asked. 

(That one is a parable, yes, however it was a parable "inspired by actual events". Also free.)

"To those who have not yet experienced this particular grace, I say unto you DO NOT be like the mealy-mouthed, who know not of what they speak, yet delight in telling people "you're not supposed to tell people when you're fasting…". 

"I do love you, but those words are only spoken by those who have never fasted long-term. Your carnal interpretation of God's holy Word ministers only death to your family member whom God is likewise still perfecting, and those who shall one day be known as "those who DO know their God, and are out there doing some major exploits" - just as our willfully wretched father Daniel promised to us all - also while under then obeying the Spirit's leading, and then seeing His power.

"But be not like those who rebuked The Master for healing on the Sabbath!!! 

"The blind see, the deaf rejoice with tears and moaning laughter... And our absolute most dearest weirdo-in-residence of them all readily embraces now his final punishment for living godly in Christ Jesus, knowing full well that he HAD seen The Christ, whom he was sent to prepare the way for. 

"And so had countless clanging symbols on two feet, and they darn well knew it. Yet they still "ministered" in the square without ears to hear the Shepherd, nor eyes to see the obvious, quoting scriptures left and right, trying to shut the whole circus down before things get out of their control. (Or, just out of their limited understanding, being charitable, as we must strive to be.) Yet verily I must still say unto you, these ones may know the word, but The Word may not know many of them.

"Do not fear the Pharisee nor the Saducee however, except the one that lives within of course. For among the rest are many lost sheep still, and yes I hate to break it to you, but Scripture commands you to say "yes, I am my brother's keeper". 

"And wake up my friends and beloved ones, for next thing you know, Nicodemus will be at your window by night. Do you know what you will say to him or her? Are you so low on oil right now to think that you'll be able to get by when this occurs? Do ye claim the Spirit will just put things in remembrance of your mind when that moment comes? No. That is not the type of situation where you can count on that factor. We are told to be ready to give an answer to those who ask.

"Well all I'm saying, is People Get Ready, because verily, that train has already left the station, and it's coming soon to a town near you.

"Finally friends, just as "There is no EYE in plank" .. There is neither an IF in "WHEN you fast". There is no IF in "WHEN you pray". Indeed, there are no qualifiers (such as "called", "gifted that way", "special", "weirdos only" or "unique") that letteth one off the hook, when it cometh to prayer AND fasting. These things are the old normal, ancient paths stuff actually, and should've been taught to you from the very beginning of your journey.

"To answer Papa Paul's rhetoricals, NO, not all are Evangelists. Not with a capital E that is, but all do evangelize - one way or another. Even if it's just to tell someone how excited you were at the movie you saw last night, and why they should drop everything and go see it today. Or in turning on those whom you love to that great little breakfast nook which you know about. When you want to talk about those things, the power is there, is it not? 

"Not all are Teachers either, but all teach. So before I belabor the point not all are P prayers either, nor are all F fasters. But… You can unfriend me all you want, But the fact that all fast and pray and evangelize and give and serve and minister really is the plain teaching of the Bible.

"So thinkest thou me weird if you want, but not for that! I'm just doing my best to live the normal Christian life, and I'm just saying that if you try it also, sooner or later The Helper WILL run this race alongside you, and teach you things you never dreamed were possible."

Yours because His,

Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to read Luke 24:45 now. And if your spirit witnesses similarly to mine when you see what is there, may you only ever open a Bible again by first asking God to do for you what you see Him doing there, for a couple of our elder brothers.

Extra credit? Then while you're there read Luke 24:16, and openly tell God which side you want to be on from here on out.


Thanks very much ;) It means a lot to me, I've been sitting on it since August 2015, almost afraid to publish.

I love the posts that you have done, you mention things I would not have thought of. I really like your alien posts too! :)) Cheers!

Thanks again! I am also @ibringawareness if you want more of that goodness ;)

Thank you kindly, I am already following you @ibringawareness ~ I follow all of the winners :))

Very interesting. I get like that when I don't eat as well. lol

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