are you in search of best life and world? Follow me not but Jesus Christ. king of universe. bow before and worship him.

in #religion8 years ago

Hey, friends,
if you come to English grammar, the degrees of comparison is good, better, best.
many of the ancestors did a wonderful survey from good to better. still the people are trying to discover the better world. whatever the knowledge we posses today is the very reaction for the past action. any man from any part of the world, his original sinful nature is same. with the human wisdom, we can not reach the truth or God unless it is revealed in his passion. our human efforts are filthy rags before the Holy God. He is the source of the knowledge gave many resources to know him and reach him.

  1. creation, divine Law is written on nature, psalms 19:1.
  2. divine Law is written on your own conscience, Rom 2:15
  3. divine Law is written on the Tablets of the stone , Exodus 24:12
    4)divine Law is Jesus Chris the Living word of God. John1:14.
    5)divine Law is written on the entire scriptures, Rom 15:4.
  4. divine Law is written on the heart , Heb 8:10
  5. divine Law is written , are the Christians as the Living Epistles,
    people who gave the testimony and experience of the GOD.
    these are the God's way of revealing to mankind by which we can believe and be balanced. in any nation or family. Jesus said, if you work and walk as per my word is the one who is wise , built his......... upon my rock. his house or life or nation will not be defeated, because I defeated the whole world. so if you keep him as your leader and a model, then your life is not in vain or vague.

Cant worship a Messenger of God I can only follow his way of life!

sorry for the late reply.
Do you want to worship the God Almighty or messenger? which is the best?
Do you wish to follow the man or God? any man in this world, can not be our model, who is a unique personality. He must be acceptable to God and men. many people who came from earth and of their own way. but the Lord Jesus Christ is not from the earth, He came from heaven to earth to be the way. the one who has not come from heaven how can he take to that very place, heaven?
All human beings are born with a great purpose of God.His plan,purpose, will are not understood by men.
why we have to chose the path of righteous? we live in a world of unrighteous and unlawful. do not misunderstand this law. this law is for the lawless people, which i mean there are many who do not carefully obey, they talk and do many things of law but the very politicians, bureaucratizes,judges, all officials does the crime.
"The one who makes the Law the very person breaks the Law" then he is not the right person and cannot be model to others.
for this very reason, this Jesus is the unique person, He made the law and followed and obeyed the Law
that is why he is our model personality.
another unique reason for his birth of virgin, Mary ."The Holy God required the Holy sacrifice, the Lamb of God, to be sacrificed on the cross, for the remission of sins of mankind" is this not a great mystery for the "virgin born" Jesus Christ"?
we took our birth is of the human affections, with emotions. with the sinful nature we are born in this world. that is why to go to the Holy heaven, we need to "be born again" born of word, born of spirit, born of water.
if any one wants get escaped from the judgement of God and Hell, come to this people rejected path of righteousness, it is the path of narrow, and path of light,truth and life. choose the best and the only way , Jesus Christ, there is no other way to escape the wrath.

It is morally wrong for any human being to worship another human being, as a deity.

I regard Jesus as human; not a deity.

thank you , we are here to share our views and feelings or thinking. anybody may regard anyway.
you have said half the right and half unknown.
you are right in this part, "no man should worship the other human".
you are not willing to worship him as deity. that is your wish.
Then I will ask who is the deity? what are the characters or attributes that deity should have?
what is worship? how the worship should be done? what are the types of worships the Deity accepts? by which , what are the benefits of worship? ok sir, reply me.


It is not simpler instead of you trying to be who you are not, you simply be yourself, as long as it does not harm anyone with it?

Thanks for the good suggestions.
I do not have much knowledge and vocabulary of words to express my feelings and burden.
"the simplest man ever lived upon this Earth is "Lord Jesus Christ". I want to be like his personality, and not only me but all the human being.
truth is always bitter and pricks in heart. mostly people win by their shouts, but the wise win by their quietness. many think that, their shouts and majority of people think that they won the battle, keeping quite is foolishness before the men is the defeat of the man, they think.
Many thinking has gone with wind. the end is death and destruction or left in distressed condition.
"the wise man is this, who builds his life upon the word of Christ, the Rock.
My words have not harmed any one during my past 50 years of my life. My words have comforted many, and encouraged many. people have considered the Christianity is a Religion but , that is not a religion with do's and don'ts. religions bind the people not go other places of worship, or religion, some kind of rituals, and traditions.
but the "Chrsitianity is not a RELIGION". THIS IS THE WAY TO FATHER, AND HEAVEN. THROUGH Jesus we go to the father. that is why, we Do not wish to follow the man but the God?
any man in this world, can not be our model, who is a unique personality. He must be acceptable to God and men. many people who came from earth and of their own way. Jesus said whoever has come before me are the thieves. but the Lord Jesus Christ is not from the earth, He came from heaven to earth to be the way.
The one who has not come from heaven how can he take to that very place, heaven?
All human beings are born with a great purpose of God.His plan,purpose, will are not understood by men.
why we have to chose the path of righteous? we live in a world of unrighteous and unlawful. do not misunderstand this law. this law is for the lawless people, which i mean there are many who do not carefully obey, they talk and do many things of law but the very politicians, bureaucratizes,judges, all officials does the crime.
"The one who makes the Law the very person breaks the Law" then he is not the right person and cannot be model to others.
for this very reason, this Jesus is the unique person, He made the law and followed and obeyed the Law
that is why he is our model personality.
another unique reason for his birth of virgin, Mary ."The Holy God required the Holy sacrifice, the Lamb of God, to be sacrificed on the cross, for the remission of sins of mankind" is this not a great mystery for the "virgin born" Jesus Christ"?
we took our birth is of the human affections, with emotions. with the sinful nature we are born in this world. that is why to go to the Holy heaven, we need to "be born again" born of word, born of spirit, born of water.
if any one wants get escaped from the judgement of God and Hell, come to this people rejected path of righteousness, it is the path of narrow, and path of light,truth and life. choose the best and the only way , Jesus Christ, there is no other way to escape the wrath.
"once I was in dark, heard of jesus word, that all who are under the influence of the dark, like dark, doings in dark, they will not come to me, and to the light,,
The God of this age has blinded the minds of the people not believe Jesus, and his gospel.
coolly think once,

Ok, I see no problem if someone looks for righteousness and morality, but I have serious objections when you attach morality to personal faith in god and etc. One thing is independent of the other. Morality has to do with rationality, empathy, not subjective faith in dogmas.

good , you said well but we need to take the other versions. you said man's version. I tell you the God's version.: " what is seen or visible are uncertain but what is unseen or invisible are certain. in the ancient days there were only the oral teachings, but now the moral teachings have come up. according to the time and situation the messages were changed.
" Faith is the substance of the things hoped for, and it is an evidence of the things unseen."
Faith and trust in/ on the person of Jesus, will give you the success and also over come the world. " the whole world is going very fast in the wrong direction" I hope many even you don't like to lie or cheat and also live morally but we are failed to what we believe." what we don't like we are keep doing, living in it, it is our nature . this nature is called sinful.
many claim that the God is their father and guide, they are also lie and fell guilty. Men like to be good and holy and pure. this desire made the men to search for the truth and God.
at last why we all come to this platform? it is better than the other social media. it is free to share our feeling and views which will empower the people across the world. why we choose to work with this ? to earn cryptocurrency and we get the reward for the content. so finally you get on to the righteousness of God which different from this world.
If any one desires, this corrupted world must be changed, then one has to come to the platform of truth, honesty, and integrity.
"if you do not get the recognition or reward for the work you have done, then you will leave those people. like wise what God has done for the mankind, they did not respond to his word, they did not recognize HIM not even they thank him.
that is why, the God left them to be reprobate minds.
so all the human being must come in humiliation before the God, in realizing and repenting for their sinful nature and seek his grace and mercy to save them from the Hell. that is what we preach the gospel'. the lost people lost the paradise and lost the fellowship of God. now the people, if they desire to be good and holy, be the child of God through faith in the Jesus Christ. now gain the Paradise. i hope you have understood and followed me. thank you for the patience.