
You continue to suspend reason. There is no historical evidence that your man god existed. jews for Jesus is funded by the Baptist Seminary so that source is invalid due to bias. You make your arguments about prophecy fullfillment citing Paul in Hebrews. I don't have much time to spend on your ignorance today, but lets put it this way.... if I shoot an arrow into a wall and then paint a target around the arrow that doesn't mean I hit a target. You are full of shit when it comes to your handy interpretation of the word almah. Females were commonly married by 13 years in biblical times. Is that a young woman? There's certainly some bending of the rules of grammar going on to make that fit based on your need for a savior. "in the Bible it means one thing but in the rest of the recorded Hebrew history it means something else"....sound logic. That's just it... You are willing to suspend logic to make this story work. The messiah is not a savior. The messiah was to bring about peace in his life time. He was to rebuild the temple, the san heddron willl be reestablished. The leaders of all nations will look to him for guidance. The whole world will worship the God of Israel. He will be a man of this world (a human). Hypostetic union not given. These things must be established in the messiahs lifetime.... evil and tyranny will not be able to stand in his presence, the knowledge of God will fill the world, all Israelites will return to their homeland, death will be swallowed up forever, there will be no more hunger or illness, all of the dead will rise again, the jewish people will experience joy forever, he will be a messenger of peace, " I come not to bring peace but the sword" and to "divide". The people of the world will turn to Isreal for guidance. The weapons of war will be destroyed. The temple will be rebuilt. 70 AD the temple was burned. He will perfect the entire world to serve GOD. He will give you the desires of your heart. He will take the barren land and make it abundant. So if your God is so powerful, why is his son such a fuck up? He didn't get any of this accomplished but you are willing to go out on a limb and suggest that he'll get it done next time? Makes sense to me. I'm sold. This looks like a good business plan. I constantly hire people for my business and from now on I will just accept their incompetence as long as they tell me next time they'll take care of it.
He didn't have be born of a virgin but he was.... He didn't have to die for anyone's sins but he did, and in dying, having fallen short of all of his duties as a messiah (not a savior), he's going to take care of business next time. You drank the Kool-aid and now your just in plain denial. You have complicated a relationship with Yah that is simple, you have created a deity from a man, you have created a prophecy by cherry picking verses then applying to fit your narrative. I drive a 2014 Silverado, a model commonly used by millions of people on earth to travel. Jesus rode an ass. It was the Silverado of his day. That convinces me that he is the savior because he rode an ass and was humble. Do you see any problems with your argument? I don't care if you believe the earth is flat (we'll be going over that later), it's not true. It doesn't make it biblically solid. Jesus said, "Do not believe me unless I do the works of my Father," (John 10:37)... Explicit Authorization from your suicide messiah to question his claims, permission to believe or not believe based on evidence. Read John 10 in it's entirety. Then in Hebrews it says Faith is evidence of things not seen. Which way is it? You can't have it both ways. Is the words from your gods mouth more powerful than that of an apostle? Why would the Jews not believe in Jesus if there was so much evidence of miracles. He raised men from the dead (3 times) and the rabbis didn't believe him and figured him full of shit? It's because no credible sources gave accounts of this actually happening. Think. Think critically. For your own sake. Look, this is a waste of my time because I don't give a fraction of a shit about your beliefs. In turn you need to quit telling me about your suicide messiah thats going to smite me to hell if I don't believe in him. I'm not scared. Stick to apologetics and show me how he fulfilled the prophecies in a manner that are irrefutable. You cling to these pseudo-prophecies and empty promises because you need it to work for you. Carry on, but quit trolling people with your fear based theology. It doesn't lend credibility to your argument for a loving savior..

Notice I ran right past your lame argument using a quote from exodus. It's weak and proves nothing. Are you educated enough to understand the concept of valid syllogisms? Stick to the rules of logic when you engage in apologetics with me lest you expose yourself as the fraud I suspect you to be.

Your probably at church this morning on the false Sabbath established by man. The beast will change times and laws dan 7:2. Never has the first day of the week been established in law as the sabbath. But when you play with the devil you reject Yah's law. The seventh day is the sabbath. Ask your preacher (priest of satan), why you worship on Sunday when the Law specifically says to honor the Sabbath (the seventh day). The word of Yah is the same yesterday today and forever?
Lets go over some more contradictions in the new testament. Why are there conflicting genealogies for Joseph found in Mathew and Luke. Also Joseph is the relation to King David yet Je(zeus) was born of the virgin. Is he from the line of Solomon (Mathew) or Nathan (Luke)? Explain. I'm going to stop here. I want to get this explanation. Coming from you this should be interesting. Theres plenty more where this came from. One bullet at a time. Also, by your own argument, shouldn't Jesus have been named Emmanuel? To quote you "your reasoning is bad all the way around".

Something about liars....they never can keep their stories straight. Liars tend to contradict themselves over time. They change timelines and events. They make their stories more dramatic than they should be. When they get busted contradicting themselves they always come up with flimsy explanations as to why they contradict. They tend to gravitate towards the gullible and naive people because they are the easiest for a liar to dupe. Jesus called his believers sheep. Guess why?