Intuition & Second Sight - Is This a Legitimate Phenomena?

in #religion8 years ago

I was raised to believe that anything that had to do with psychics was evil and wrong.  However, as I went through my teen's I noticed a 'ability' spring up, if you will, that allowed me to 'know' when something just wasn't right.  I was heavily bullied in school, I would be walking down the hallway and would just get a strange feeling and what I discovered was when I'd go around a corner I'd see one of the jerks that harassed me all the time.  As I began to pay more attention to these things, they got more clear and I'd duck into a class room and wait for the nasty guys to pass.  

I remember a particular time when I was 17, I lived in Southern Virginia in the Appalachian Mountains.  There were a lot of woods around our house and there was a trail that went down deep into the woods that I would walk on from time to time, it went down to an old cemetery dating back to the civil war.  I began to walk down the trail and I got this really strange feeling, my hair began to raise up on my head and then I got chills and I just knew.. not to go into the woods that day. I  turned back and went home.  The next day I got on my ATV and headed down the trail, a few hundred feet from where I had been the day before.. I saw fresh bear tracks and there were bear cub tracks mixed in.  I remember just sitting there, with my mouth hanging open.  What if I had ventured into the woods the day before??!  I would have come face to face with a black mamma bear and two cubs! Yikes!  I was so happy that I paid attention to the feeling.  

Fast forward into my 30's, the feelings or vibes continued through my 20's and got stronger as we I went into my 30's.  I found out that it was't just me that experienced this, my maternal grandfather had something similar and my Mom and sisters did as well, but for them it comes as dreams from time to time.  

For some reason this past year has been filled with quite a bit of activity for me in regards to this.  Sometimes I'll just know when something bad is about to happen or what a person is feeling.  Some people I find are easier to read, sometimes they'll be talking and I'll have the image of what they are explaining pop into my head and it's exactly as they are explaining.  I was chatting with one of my real estate clients and she was getting ready to tell me about a new house she was listing and an image popped into my head and I asked her "Does it have X, Y, Z?".  She asked how I knew .. and when I told her she freaked out.. lol  

Now mind you.. it doesn't happen all the time.. nor do I try to initiate it.  In fact, it's been months since this has occurred for me. 

About a year ago I was leaving work to go meet with a former spiritual director who lived an hour away from me, as I was driving out of town, a very strong thought popped into my head "Go by the Church rectory, Father M. has something to give Fr. T."  I was like.. wth..  so I turned around immediately and headed back into town.  I stopped by the Church and knocked on the rectory door (House that Priests live in).  Fr. M. answered and I told him that I was going down to see Fr. T.  He responded "Oh hey Mike.. I got an envelope for Fr. T, can you hold on a sec while I go grab it?".  I was flabbergasted!  

A few months later I was preparing for bed and was just crawling into bed when a very powerful thought struck me, "Mrs T is dying right now, pray for her soul, she needs your prayers as she passes from this world into the next".  Then immediately following that was "Mrs. H. is on the verge of death, pray for her".  I wasn't too sure what to think, but I got down on my knees and prayed.  I crawled into bed and the following morning I loaded up facebook to shockingly see a message from Mrs. T's daughter announcing with great sadness the death of her mother the night before, she had been in hospice care for some time suffering from brain cancer.  I also saw another message from the husband of Mrs. H, he was taking her to the hospital suffering from complications with her cancer battle, by the time she arrived at the hospital, she was coding and thankfully they were able to resuscitate her.  She sadly passed away 6 months later, but was given that extra time to spend with her 9 children and loving husband.  

What do you think this is?  Is this intuition?  Is this some psychic ability?  Should I seek out ways to make this clearer or just let it be and when it comes and it comes?


To me I just understand this as Spirit, God, The Divine, your Higher Self talking to you giving you insight into life. I'm happy calling it intuition. But I'm at the point where I no longer question it or try to define it. I just go with it and make use of it for the better.

Awesome, that is a great perspective. Do you think there are certain triggers that make this more often?

This is interesting to me because I have been writing on Steemit individual stories of vaccine injury. I have been listening to almost 100 stories to choose which to highlight AND a common part of many stories is how the person just KNEW that they shouldn't get the vaccine and ignored that feeling because of the intense pressure. Most had never heard before that a vaccine could injure and they trusted their doctor. Some called it intuition or a strong feeling or the Holy Spirit. But they all regretted ignoring that feeling.

That is interesting, I am going to have to check out those posts that you are referring to. I despise vaccine's and avoid them like the plague if I can. In some things.. vaccines are good.. or have a purpose I think. But I think, in many ways, vaccine's may be behind autism and other things like that. What are your finding's so far?

Each vaccine comes with a package insert from the manufacturer that is supposed to be discussed with the doctor and a portion ripped off and given to the patient. The insert lists contraindications like allergies to ingredients and pre-existing conditions like any auto-immune conditions. Then each vial's package insert gives a huge list of possible adverse reactions to be aware of like eczema, rash, encephalitis (brain swelling) and even death.
The reality is that doctors will never give you the insert, will not pre-screen you for contra-indications, and when you have an adverse reaction they deny the vaccine could be responsible. They will insist you keep on vaccinating after a previous bad reaction. They will vaccinate when you are already ill with a cold or flu even though the CDC and insert says never to do so. They will tell you to take Tylenol before and after the vaccine even though Tylenol suppresses the liver from making Glutathione which enables detoxification of the toxins like aluminum that are in the vaccine.
They don't pre-screen for the MTHFR gene mutation which inhibits proper detoxification and which 98% of autistic people have. Sudden onset autism starts out with encephalitis (brain swelling) which is listed on every Vaccine Insert.
Watch the movie "VaxXed: From Coverup to Catastrophe" to see how the CDC had committed fraud on the MMR/Autism study and that it actually proved a strong link between the MMR vaccine and autism.

@digitalhound Can you for-see me getting the 'One Ringsss' back? Eh, Precioussss?

HAHA! No.. I don't see this happening in your future Smeagol. Perhaps none of this would have happened had you not killed Deagol for the ring in the first place!

I think it is a legitimate phenomenon :) . Nice image of Albert in between the text.

Thanks! =D I was looking for a good image.. and was happy to see that one.

i think that some experience with a practice such as tai chi would help you elucidate and ground much of what you are experiencing in the real world. our awareness is much larger than most people think but, it is not mystical or magical. our awareness can be trained and used as a great tool for understanding. the phrase psychic ability includes the awareness of things most people don't normally experience. unfortunately, many construe this to include magical thinking. things like walking down the street blindfolded can be accomplished. thing like transforming an apple into an orange, with the power of your mind, cannot. we can accomplish amazing things but, we must learn to avoid wasting our time on things we cannot. learning the difference is the difficult bit.

I had similar situations when I was young but you can.t second guess everything.

Did these stop for you as you got older or just become less frequent?

No but again, I have dyslexia which has good and bad points, I am able to work out motives and actions and consequences quickly because of the brain firing on both sides, I tend to see exchanges in pictorial view. pity it's not a skill that pays, but it is essential in politics , from being outflanked. I still get dreams where it's like a predictive reality and does become reality a bit like deja vu but more real as i know after it has happened I known that I have dreamed that. I don't put down to any religious sentiment of any kind. I have studied many religions. But anything I say I can do is not provable Einstein is right but he was also wrong when he could not handle quantum, there is hell of lot we have yet to discover if only we could stop killing each other and after we are gone nature time and space will carry on.