My journey to find the real face of Jesus – a stunning miracle changed my life

in #religion7 years ago

My journey to find the real face of Jesus – a stunning miracle changed my life.

Since I was born in a Coptic orthodox Christian family, a was surrounded by a lot of saints pictures such as St. George, Archangel Michael, ….. however …. I wanted to have a big clear picture of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I started to search for a nice picture, but I wanted first to know from when the artistes got the source of information about Jesus face before painting it. I found out a very important source that almost all Christian artists use as a reference and here is what I found:

Letter of Lentulus
The Letter of Lentulus is an epistle supposedly written by Publius Lentulus to the Roman Senate, giving a physical and personal description of Jesus.

The purported letter reads, in translation:

Lentulus, the Governor of the Jerusalemites to the Roman Senate and People, greetings. There has appeared in our times, and there still lives, a man of great power (virtue), called Jesus Christ. The people call him prophet of truth; his disciples, son of God. He raises the dead, and heals infirmities. He is a man of medium size (statura procerus, mediocris et spectabilis); he has a venerable aspect, and his beholders can both fear and love him. His hair is of the colour of the ripe hazel-nut, straight down to the ears, but below the ears wavy and curled, with a bluish and bright reflection, flowing over his shoulders. It is parted in two on the top of the head, after the pattern of the Nazarenes. His brow is smooth and very cheerful with a face without wrinkle or spot, embellished by a slightly reddish complexion. His nose and mouth are faultless. His beard is abundant, of the colour of his hair, not long, but divided at the chin. His aspect is simple and mature, his eyes are changeable and bright. He is terrible in his reprimands, sweet and amiable in his admonitions, cheerful without loss of gravity. He was never known to laugh, but often to weep. His stature is straight, his hands and arms beautiful to behold. His conversation is grave, infrequent, and modest. He is the most beautiful among the children of men.

Visions and dreams
Another source are visions and dreams. One of the most artists that received visions from the lord called Akiane Kramarik.

Akiane Kramarik (born on July 9, 1994) is an American poet and artist. She became known as a child prodigy after her artwork of Jesus Christ, as well as other pieces, gained international attention. She began drawing at the age of four. Kramarik's best-known painting is Prince of Peace, which was completed at the age of eight.

In her very first encounter with the supernatural, four and a half year-old Akiane Kramarik is said to have mysteriously vanished for a period of time, in which she is claimed to have transcended time and space and entered temporarily into a higher spiritual realm.

“Undetectable, I remember splitting into a myriad fragments, hundreds upon hundreds of eyes that could see in all directions and participate in many imperative planetary and extra-planetary proceedings all at the same time. Then, after many long hours, I reappeared in the midst of numerous eye-witnesses, right by the windows in the crescent shaped corridor of our house. Neither my family, nor the officers, nor I could comprehend what had really happened, nor did we discuss it any more as it carried rather distressing and inexplicable association.”

She also states regarding this event that, "This voice was following me, guiding me through these galaxies; and then I asked him, 'Do you know, Who are you?' And then I started calling him God."

In another incident, which is recorded in the book, Akiane: Her Life, Her Art, Her Poetry, recounts the report made by young Akiane (then age four) of her first encounter with the "Light", which she retold to her mother as follows:

"Today I met God," Akiane whispered to me one morning. "What is God?" I was surprised to hear this. To me, God's name always sounded absurd and primitive. "God is light-warm and good. It knows everything and talks with me. It is my parent." "Tell me more about your dream." "It was not a dream. It was real!" I looked at her slightly puffed eyes, and in complete disbelief I kept on asking her questions. "So who is your God?" "I cannot tell you." Akiane lowered her head. "Me? You cannot tell your own mom?" "The Light told me not to." She was firm.

The representation of Jesus Christ depicted in her painting, Prince of Peace: The Resurrection, featured in the book, Heaven Is for Real is said by Akiane to have been first revealed to her by God in a vision at age eight.


Jesus 1.png

Another Vision Picture

I know a person who see’s a lot of visions from the lord since more than 40 years ago and still and the lord gives him a lot of holy spirit gifts…. He says many times that the following picture is very close to what the lord looks like…. Not 100% but close

…. Here is the picture :


The miracle that happened to me by finding THE PICTURE

Ofcource there are a lot of picture to the lord that anyone can find online but I can tell you right now…. Almost all the pictures are not in high quality resolution plus you can’t print it without the painter’s permission.

I started to pray about it ….. I started to ask the lord, please lord…. I want a picture of you in my house … not a small one… I want a big one …. I want it …

I will be honest with you … I didn’t pray that much for this matter …. Actually, I forgot about it after a week or so ….

Couple of months later, I was shopping at Goodwill store in my neighborhood …. And I found this picture is for sale for $12. The picture is copyrighted and in a great condition……


I can’t describe how happy I was when I saw it …. The lord is awesome … The lord is indeed good ALL THE TIME ….

Pray for me …


Pictures Sources:*OjfYICNX8KQYQNJdnombiBunMRk/


Jesus was Jewish. He would have had short hair and a long beard. He wouldn't have had a European face or blue or green eyes.

It doesn't matter what Jesus looked like. What matters is that you accept what he did on the cross as payment for your sins and that you accept Him as your Lord.

King David took Bathsheba, & she's from the part of Ethiopia. She is a black lady. Solomon loved the Queen of Sheba because she is from her mothers country. Thus Christ is mixed with Jews & Pagans that He can save all races.
Yes barncat, you said wisely. "It doesn't matter what he looked like. What matters is that you accept" & follow HIM to the end

yes indeed .... What matters is that you accept" & follow HIM to the end

I agree with you .... Thank you so much ... God bless you

Thank you so much, God bless you

This is very interesting, but it really doesn't matter what He looks like, although I am curious, I will love Him no matter His form, and He has always told me that He loves me and that I am beautiful, for He believes that all of His children are beautiful!

Totally agree.... Thank you so much for your time to read it ... be blessed in Jesus name

Thank You and God Bless You!

That's interesting. I never heard of Lentulus or his letter. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you for reading ... be blessed


Yes, indeed,,,,,
Thank you so much, God bless you

That is really a great journey. May God be with you.

Thank you so much my brother , God bless you in Jesus name

When i was a kid, about 3 or 4 years old. I was in nusery school, our teacher then gave us an assignment to construct a boat with a sheet of paper. I took my assignment home, met my Mum and Dad. Unfortunately, they didnt know how to make a boat from a sheet of paper. The assignment had to be submitted the following day and i was worried. I had always taken first, second or third position in my class then and always returned home with gifts from school for my performance. If my Mum and Dad didnt know how to make a boat, who else could teach me at such late hour. Our school used to close by 5pm, so before i get home, bath, eat and bring out my assingnment to do, it must have clocked 8 or 9pm. I was worried and i didnt know when i slept off. In my sleep, someone woke me up and asked me to go get my school bag and i did. He brought out my 20 leaf writing book, pulled out the center page and practically folded the paper into a boat. I woke up in excitement in the middle of the night, rushed to my school bag, brought out my writing book, tore out the centre leaf and constructed my paper boat exactly as i was taught! As a child, that was my Almighty! It was my first, spiritual encounter. It was the birth of my relationship with God.

OMG.... your story touched my heart and made my day.... please share any other experience with the lord ...