Here and Now is an Eternity

in #religion6 years ago


How many Christians would be Christians, if they weren’t afraid to go to hell?

How many humans would live like Christ did, if it meant heaven was here and now?

Weigh the hearts- not the minds.


You can find God in any religion- but just because you found religion, it doesn’t mean you found God.

In a sense Heaven is here and now. As believers in Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit we have God within us. God is with us and us with Him. Hell is the absence of God, making Heaven the place we go to be with God. Therefore, Heaven is here with us because the Spirit of God is with us. Many do not know, understand, or accept this amazing gift and therefore have no idea how to us the power provided within the gift to make where we currently are Heaven. What would this world look like if everyone filled with the Spirit of God embraced the idea and allowed the Holy Spirit to work fully through them? Where we are now can either be our physical Heaven or Hell depending on how we react to the gifts given to us.