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RE: Why it doesn't matter if God exists or not

in #religion8 years ago

I only know what God has revealed about Himself.

As soon as we start exploring what humans imagine Him to be, we are adrift in the endless realms of human speculation and can learn nothing. That's where most people are lost, because there are so many concepts that humans have made up. Just about as many religions as there are Hollywood movies.

Science stipulates that it can know nothing about things which are not observable and repeatable. Therefore, it has recused itself from this discussion. That leaves us with a choice of what people simply make up out of their own imaginations or what people claim has been revealed to them.

If you tell me you "just made it up as a plausible theory" you have all the credibility of Hollywood.

I'm only interested in looking at cases where credible people claim to have had direct revelation from God.
Then we need to assess the credibility of each story until we get down to the best of the credible, if any.

That's where I find the Bible to be.

If you have another source of direct revelation that is anywhere near that credible, I'm all ears.