These Parents Chose Prayer Over Saving Their Newborn Babys Life!! (What would you do?)

I read a News article today that really got me thinking and I'm actually quite bothered by it. I want to give my opinion and hear others opinions in comments.
Here is the link below:
I grew up in a very religious household. I wouldn't say to a super high extent like this though. My parents have always been very committed to their religion. When ever a member of the family, friend or a neighbor is having a hard time at all my parents will fast, pray or even put our names in the temple to have others pray for us too. Whether it be we are sick, going to take an important test, or even having emotional struggles.
When reading things like this it makes me very grateful they think this way.

In every situation where i have needed emergency medical attention, My parents were the ones to Help me when i was helpless. In these times of need did they pray? Most likely! Is that all they relied on? ABSOLUTELY NOT!! It was always, act as calmly as possible and get her straight to the hospital. Any parent would do the same for their child, i think...well i thought!
I have to clarify, I am not bashing religious beliefs at all. I am just astounded that these parents only relied on the power of prayer to save their brand new baby. Some people I'm sure have been healed through prayer but this is usually once they've been to see doctors and been in and out of hospitals. It's gods grace that saved their life because there was no more anyone on the earth could do for them.

These parents not only watched their baby die, but watched their baby die for 9 hours!!! What in the world! That is where i say, BRAINWASHED!!! These parents look pretty devastated that their prayers didn't help, but are probably even more devastated to have lost their baby and know it was their fault. People need to have more common sense when it comes to religious beliefs. Don't just do what someone on this earth has told you what god wants you to do. Follow your heart!! "Shannon Hickman said that she had no choice but to do as her husband said because of church rules." She knew in her heart what she needed to do. This is so sad to me, that she couldn't have done what she needed to do as a mother because of her religion.
This whole "religious exemption" thing for being part of a "faith healing church" is bull shit! It's like having religious beliefs to sacrifice people and eventually get charges for numerous counts of manslaughter and walking away with a year in prison. No way! Makes no sense to me. All sexual offenses are charged the same way whether you rape someone or accidentally brush up against a kid at the store! Murder is murder.. 18 months in prison is a shameful sentence. That's how i see it.
I agree that they should be charged for it.. It's fine to pray when you get your child in the hospital but to leave them to die?
So sick!
I Agree.
It would be a problem with the religious, but Should help.
They are going the wrong way. So they should get punished.
Religion has a real power.
Aint that the truth!