ReSearch is Our Search to Mine the Gold Here - Metaphorically Speaking
Everything under the Sun has been thought up and conceived before - it's that there are so many golden nuggets here - Nudge, Nudge, Wink...Wink.
Once we COUNT 2 Ones...
1 + 1
A few 'Random' gold nuggets that came up after my 2st phrasing here - fun and funny how Life Works.
saturday is ground hog day - reminder the movie
tuesday - LUNAR DAY
eccentricities - "expect the unexpected"
"bloom where you're planted".... plants on a planet made of plant matter
"punky brewster" - make your own free style
The Above's are small examples of little 'tid bits' or 'nuggets' if you Will that i felt the need to write down based upon conversations I am engaging and maybe i will keep the conversation rolling here - it's somewhat inevitable whether i like it or not - so I am fine tuning my learning - to really like everything of myself here man - it's know the 'challenge of simplicity' and the 'art of sophisitication'
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